Suggestion: New Class - Tech Adept

Aware FS has probably zero time for this, and probably mentioned somewhat before… but it’s on my mind so I feel like mentioning it for what it’s worth XD

At “some” point, surely we’ll be considering a new class instead of skins, right? (…right?)


My thought was a twist (like other 40K titles do well) is to added in a playable rogue/fallen Tech Adept.

Why? I can only imagine the dry lingua-technis banter between Hadron and fellow rejects – lore fitting, and plenty of paths to take down:
Combat focus tree - Skitarii
Support focus - Tech Priest ?
Utility focus - ???

A heavy emphasis on ‘support’ seems appropriate, and while first instinct might be around summons (like Inquisitor Martyr) … which could kinda work possibly (Necromancer VT2 mechanics?), I was envisioning something more akin to Cyberpunk 2077 (quick)Hacking.

Something like “Converge with one’s machine spirit (enemy and ally alike)” and queuing up consecutive ‘quick hacks’, each with upload times/delays of sorts for things like:
Offensive/Machine Spirit Curses:

  • Weapon jamming/malfunctioning
  • bio implant malfunction (slow/stun/root in place)
  • DOT (burning, shocking, etc.)

Defensive/Machine Spirit Blessings: (targeting allies)

  • increase weapon ROF (or reduce overheat generation)
  • temporarily shield/invulnerability (like VT2 priest shield)
  • increase movement speed

Targeting mechanics could be very much like Psyker brainburst (easier to implement if it already exists in-game I figure) and perhaps allow to select 1-3 targets at a time (or less/more based on skill tree mods, etc.) picked sequentially based on mouse drag – priority on elites/specials & allies of course [class in general would be focused on CC, elite/special control but weak with hordes…maybe have a shockwave stun/knockback or leave that to weapons].

On top of this, I’d also love to see some inspiration brought in from Mechanicus where Tech Adepts can have several “arms” for various weapons/support gear …not sure how to play this into Darktide well without too much invention but something like:

  • Grenade slot will either:
  • “sting” with Mechadendrite(s) if perked, which can have various modifiers like DOT, slow, armor reduction/vulnerability or extra knockback/damage (a drill like chain weapon maybe would be fun?) [could also make melee bashes proc this instead to free up another ability?]
  • “fire” a tertiary ranged weapon, such as a Phosphor Blast pistol (or other based on Perks) – sort of filling in that “niche” Witch Hunter had in VT2 with rapier+pistol ‘special’ attack to stun/interrupt enemies on the fly between attacks/regardless of wielded weapon

Gear-wise: We’d need the Omnissian Axe / Power Axe, of course … plasmaguns, bolt pistol, laspistol etc and such can all cross over I think little is needed on that front.

Summons… Meh, like maybe be able to call in a Skittarii support would be neat, but probably more work than it’s worth (the AI bots in this game are bad enough, I feel we’ll have nothign but complaints if we rely on those… “mechanics” of AI support, for now at least XD)

My vote is sort of like a “hacker”/“support/utility” class (and options, like veteran & psyker even, to go very ranged/melee focused buffing with additional tertiary gear, maybe 2x Mechadendrite and/or 2x Phosphor blasters when triggered and buff toughness regen on melee hits and such, etc etc. the usual) … filling a unique role somewhere in between Psyker Playstyle and Veteran/Preacher, but an emphasis on CC & elite manipulation (and allied buffing)

The “Skill gap” needed is in timing, as buff could/should be very short, but very powerful making timing/reaction time, key to succeeding in the role.

VT2 already does most of this between: Sister of the Thorn, Warrior Priest, Witch Hunter & Necromancer … mash all these great things that are already there into something unique and I think it’d be awesome!

Anyways, if you made it this farm feel free to comment, suggest what you like/don’t like – more chatter the more likely someone important is gunna read it XD

PS: Need clicky spider legs… yes clicky skitter steps plz

~ Glory to the Omnissiah ~

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not to rain on your parade, but a tech adept has been suggested a dozen times over,
its the most requested by far.

if they aren’t totally numb they surely have to do it at some point.

anyway, I would love him to have faulty glitchy gear all over speaking with many errors and constantly fail to finish conversations and lose his train of thought or be unable to formulate himself in low gothic. Maybe have a companion servo skull that observes his actions and if deemed ineffective assumes exterior command of his body due to excessive glitching.
we could even extend this further and explain all this is due to having interfaces ancient tech that corrupted is data bank, but he is then trying to convey the wisdom, he has witnessed only to be censored and mind-scrubed mid-sentence due to tech heresy (not sure if that would be lore friendly)


Have a hard time deciding if it would be extremely hilarious or extremely irritating.
Its an interesting idea that shouldn’t be mandatory, so maybe the glitchy one could be added as 1 of 3 other more functioning personas.

If he can unleash drones of some kind then :ok_hand:

Or inject an enemy with a remote control that makes them turn against their own and then kill themselves.

Not sure if any of that is lore but would be cool.

I’d still like to see a Ratling but why not both at same time to really spice things up :smiling_face:

Absolutely true, and I was about to join you in raining on the parade, but then I thought hey, might as well keep banging the drum!


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