Hello all, I made this post on the Darktide subreddit, and one of the mods said I should post it here as well, so I’m just going to copy and paste it.
First off, want to say thank you to Fatshark. I loved VT and VT 2, and Darktide has been a joy(if a bit infuriating at times with ranged enemies and people who have never played a co-op horde shooter). Love the game, and I’m so happy to see the improvements. Personally, I chocked the rough launch up to y’all being a relatively new dev team, and just being ambitious, but the corrections made and seeing you communicate with the community has shown that you’re willing to fix things.
Now, on to the topic.
I am BEGGING for a tech-priest class. I was talking with some friends about it, and wanted to gather some thoughts here and see what everyone else thinks. Tech-priest, Skitarii, whichever, but my own thoughts on it were a support/damage class, think of like a Bard in D&D. Being able to buff allies’ damage, cause enemy weapons to malfunction, that sort of thing.
In thinking with the blitz, I thought of something like throwing down oil, making enemies liable to fall, or being able to be ignited for some area denial like the Zealot’s grenade, or having another option be to give him a bottomless clip, or something similar.
As for his combat ability, it seems perfect to give him a servitor he can send out to revive allies, automark enemies(and mark more than one at a time), or buff a specific ally or himself woth better damage and handling.
To keep with lore, it could be done as the priest(or Skitarii, however its implemented) was being transferred to Mars when the ship was attacked, and so was entrusted to Hadron, or was sent their to help her. We’ve already bent lore a bit with the Psyker being imprisoned and not just immediately being executed.
I want to hear some thoughts from the community, but between the aesthetics and build possibilities, I think a tech-priest would be a PHENOMENAL addition and could carve out a new and powerful niche.
Side note, myself and some friends have talked about this as well, does anyone else dislike the Psyker’s lightning appearance? It just seems like simple static rather than warp lightning. The ability is great, I just don’t like the look of it.