What are your current thoughts on the game that you want Devs to know?

Mine: Psyker is not fun to play, too much peril gained by brain burst for how long it takes to use and quell. Seems least balanced… everyone else can dispatch elites faster and more efficiently without putting themselves at risk of auto dying because of a high peril stat. Not going to keep playing this game until a LOT of big updates release. The combat is very fun for the most part (exception being psyker combat) but I don’t want to get burned out before they release more content. Raising level cap with more missions would be nice. Releasing a Ratling class with a sniper rifle/dagger specialization would be lit.

Ive spent a bit of real money on aesthetics for Preacher and Veteran, won’t spend a dime for my psyker until they fix it. Have no desire to play an Ogryn at this time because like I said, I don’t want to be burned out with every class at 30 with nothing to do with my time. I am forcing myself to be on pause while I wait for more content. I hate early access-like behavior for this reason.

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I honestly think I find Psyker the most fun to play after trying every class (only Vet not max level cause I kind of lost interest half way through leveling that one). DS/Chainsword + Trauma is my jam.

The main thing I’d want to communicate to them currently is implement blessing crafting ASAP. If they now have plans to revamp it and that’s delaying it just release it now then tweak later. Having 0 way to manipulate blessings currently can only be vastly worse than having a mediocre/tedious way to do so. So much stuff I’d be keen to try out if I could slap even a single blessing of my choice on it.


I understand that. I’m near the 500hrs mark and Play less, but also because i have less time now and some music stuff running in real life.

I love Psyker and Zealot, but recently a voice in my head screams Marksman too. Havent played him for weeks, maybe should spend some time with him.


“What went wrong during development?”

“Why is it that you nailed the hard stuff that most games fail at, but tripped on the easy stuff?”

“Why wasn’t the game delayed when it could have really done with it?”

“This game needs a soft relaunch, how are you going to pull that off?”


Core combat loop is good. General feeling of going from melee to ranged and back with use of abilities in grenades feel good and feels great with the options so far but some systems around the game give me a headache. Gear score for example drastically effecting move speed makes team cohesion extremely difficult.

Art style and art direction is solid, everything looks and feels fitting for 40k and the level design is extremely pretty and true to the world.

The crafting system feels like it’s mostly there right now to fix the problems caused by the gear score system. The gear score system feels like it’s entirely in place to frustrate the player by sticking a good trait roll on a bad weapon and vice versa.

It sucks that what is currently sone of their best content (mission mutators, the missions themselves) are locked behind an rng driven random clock while level variation itself is somewhat lacking.

Challenges in Sire Malks shop overall don’t feel worth the effort and it seems insane that some limited time items can take 2+ weeks if challenges to get. The random rewards are also super worthlessness.

While the hub is impressive it feels very lifeless and the things you can do between mission feel super limited. I feel like taking a lesson from Deep Rock Galactic as far as out of game activities, all the things you can spend credits on like crafting materials, how they handle weekly rewards, cosmetic rewards, and random drops should be something you examine since it was specifically mentioned in your beta survey and they have a lot of great ideas that elevate their game world.

While the game has a lot of potential you really need to work on bringing out the things that make your game great (attention to detail, making the world feel like 40k, the good gameplay loop) and improving on the things that seem to exist just to frustrate people (gear silliness, lack of point to credits / weekly rewards, the world outside the levels feeling lifeless)

Yeah, pretty much this.

I doubt they will answer these questions as they would have to disclose their financial situation and/or throw some partner under the bus.

Long story short: I’m really disappointed!
Fatshark studio exist for a decade and you are acting like spoiled child for some reason?

Deep explanation:
Lack of communication, gutless and cunning response from CEO and most important - broken promisses.

So first of all i need declare my full respect to honest workers of Fatshark company, there are many, but i can for sure commend: Community managers, artists, 3d-artists, level designers, sound designers, composers, visual creators, etc… All of them and many others done well core part of gameplay.

As main issue, community declared stability and perfomance, which for sure caused by limited quality assurance resources: money, team and time. Some one decided to deploy as is for quick profits, probably cos of annual financial report.
Another factor is lack of decent / good /awesome games of WH40k IP. That makes two.
And ofcourse i’m sure shareholders are always hungry for money, so managers decided to aplease those.

As we can see, release date delay was really smart move from early 2022 to november 2022. But to be honest, fans could understand even further delay. Released in november 22 as is - wasn’t complete disaster, but one thing stated in open later was a mistake. Humans all over the world hate mostly - lies. Declaring promisses you cannot fulflill, on the internet (internet remember everything) - thats your key mistake.

Please, stop it. Try to be honest. Fans understand, how much efforts you put into development, you need time to finish this product - it’s okey.

Another bad move - turning off MTX shop. That was stable source of $$$, but some one decide to cut off new models. Worst thing of MTX was clipping… QoL is bad aswel, no preview on current character make skins less attractive / desirable. Also light source in current preview is subject to discuss.

And the last open letter from CEO was bad move aswel. Make it right next time: Show your current process of fixing stuff, roadmap, something, not excuses or cunning insufficient words. Make vid report maybe: We are working on X, we are planning to Y after X in Z period of time.

Best of luck!

I think they feared delaying it more again, like it got 3 delay in total, and a few month before release there was a bug on steam that change the date by a few day and a lot of people were really angry about it

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It’s still not finished.


Please give us better control over graphics settings we should not have to edit a config file to control something that’s ruining our fps. With a bit of work ive got the game running smoothly and looking alright but most of the things I had to change where not even in the video settings menu in game and where only accessible from the config file.

Crafting please or at least some idea what to expect and when.

Good news though I have not crashed to desktop in ages thank you. I do still see errors sometimes in game like failing to join but stopped crashing a while ago. I can live with the janky npc movement and flying dogs although I did get thrown through a wall and out the world the other day. I’m assuming your working on that sort of thing lol.

Thanks for the patch’s and updates :slight_smile:

Please let us have proper crafting so we can work towards perfect items slowly as we play or something like that. Getting a bricked item because one roll went wrong feels really bad.



Communication; Why does Fatshark seem so averse to talking to the Darktide players as humans? Why not share your current plans for development, and discuss them with us? Treat your players like humans, instead of consumers.

We don’t need to know estimated times, just talk to your players, share things you’re excited about, bounce ideas off us. It’ll be better that way.


Summary: I love the gameplay.
However the game needs to get improved stability (servers, connection, RTX, crashes etc.).

Here the list of what I would want to see…


  • The crafting system described on this forum
  • Solving the RNG problem for casual players


  • Procedural missions creation. A system where the game creates a random map and add random conditions and a random objective. This can be done by exploiting lifts and intermediate rooms (with doors that close behind players)
  • Better team composition by the game. When I click quickplay, i want the game affecting me to any mission where there is a bot. I don’t care of rhe progression the team has made… I want to jump in a mission. So, if i have a team with a bot, i want that this bot is replaced as soon as someone choose quickplay
  • If I choose to start a mission from the start, I want the game to try to select players by their class. This is terrible to play with 3 ogryns or 3 zealots or 3 veterans etc… The game doesn’t know that it hasn’t to pick same class?

New contents

  • New conditions (that could be applied on part of the random maps generated for procedural missions) like acid rain, corruption growing, only scab, only dregs, etc. I did a post about that.
  • New psyker staff

DLC ideas

  • Tyranids
  • Orks

Psyker overall doesn’t have enough mechanical depth in any of his primary weapons. Brain Burst is an auto target with a static cast time, no aim, no estimating damage based on cast time nothing, there’s absolutely nothing interesting going on when using it and it really brings it’s potential down.

Most of the staves are the same way, no aim required, huge area of effect, partial casts don’t feel impactful enough, left click attacks are not accurate enough to feel like you can get good with them, special attacks are a useless third arm hanging off the staff. Fatshark can do a lot better with these.

I think these mechanics more than anything else really don’t help Psyker and make his gameplay less interesting than it could be.

well it was, 3 times infact. thats gonna cut into budget, and looking at how much the relised game doesn’t line up with the initial vision, its easy to assume that they had to redo a bunch of progress.

Nothing forces you from using Peril over 98%, and/or saving your ability to save you from blowing up. Psyker’s a good class as it stands, but I imagine you’re unwilling to work through the problems you can solve in order to see things this way.


Greenskins (In either of GW’s setting) deserve a full fledged game rather than an awkward cohabitation.

If they add a new enemy roster they should bring other Chaos Cults, there is enough stuff to make each of them work and be different enough to be nice

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They already know it. There’s dozens of threads with the same questions, comments, gripes or observations. And there has been since before Nov 30, 2022. And yet here we are. They won’t listen, they won’t engage, and they don’t care. I have no hope of this game ever being finished. My current thoughts are, “What else can I play?”


Some of these have been said by people and or are from other topics I’m 100% not taking credit for all of those as it’s a community/personal combined ideas of what some of us think let me know what you guys think about some of these ideas, would love and appreciate feedback =)

  1. Crafting needs to be finished asap.
  2. Revolvers/las pistols should be a secondary for all classes. (Besides ogryns too small weapons give them a blunder buss with small amounts of ammo or a big revolver)
  3. Psyker brainburst damage tweaked for higher difficulties.
  4. Veterans - Make all braced guns ADS, brace is useless crouch firing is more optimal and better to do.
  5. Penance tweaks for some of the heresy ones
  6. Mourningstar Hotkey to shout “THE EMPEROR PROTECTS”
  7. 100%-character customization in barber shop so no need to make multiple classes to try different voice interactions.
    7.1. Remove character limit just be able to have 1 of each class with 100% customization at all times but cost more money to do name/gender/height and background changes.
  8. Dodge tweaked a bit seems a little delayed (could just be me not sure how everyone else feels)
  9. EXP after 30, have exp poll for say every 10,000 exp your guarantee to get emperors gift instead of the RNG we have now.
  10. Opportunity to earn even 100 aquillas a week doing the weekly challenges or something along the line.
  11. Use the weekly currency to buy cosmetics as well as premium shop items but at a steep cost.
  12. I think we can all agree here that Grim’s need to be reworked, the way they were in vermintide 2 was great, there was no need for the DoT effect here in darktide.
  13. Bad Luck.
  14. Gun attachments - let any class that uses guns be able to customize and choose to put on Flashlight/Holo-sight or Melee & bayonet.
  15. Body flashlights (all classes) for No lights event instead of relying on the veterans Torch/Flashlights and Zealots Flamethrower.
  16. Solo bot mod like a lot of people have been asking for.
  17. Bit obvious but STABILITY, I’m currently one of the people who has to set his Worker threads in the settings to 1 as if I change it to anything 2,4,6,8,10 or 12 etc. my game crashes in game/lobby and or during a match at 1 I have no issues but it’s a big performance loss sadly but at least I can play with all you guys =).
  18. No class ability stacking as it pushes for the more 4 players 4 different classes instead of getting into lobbies with 3 vets, 4 ogryns etc where their class ability’s will stack.

Edit. Big one I forgot - Ghost hits (you hit them on your screen, there’s blood and maybe a flinch by the enemy but they don’t take damage or get staggered)

Getting exhausted with writing some of these bullets but anyways we could all go on for days with some changes these are just some of the few big ones I and some other people think need looking at tell me what you guys think about them.


My only consistent thought is that FatShark must not give 2 craps about their consumer base and community that carried their butts through vermintide 1 and 2.

They just don’t care. That is my honest opinion.

Also F*ck FatShark. You had allll the ability and opportunity to make a great game but you butchered it for a short term gain. Gross. I hope yall go under and the Mgmt is fired and the devs get rehired somewhere where their skills aren’t spent on Cash Shop UX.

Eat a nergle d*ck FatShark.


I disagree and you also are making assumptions