The Skitarii / admech request archive

Tbh I don’t think it was meant to be the Pladma yes, but I don’t think it’s Radium.

The one I’m thinking it could have been meant to be would be Phosphor weaponry.

But if the video was correct it would be a Grim day, as it would tacitly confirm that Admech archetype wouldn’t happen, as the weapon would be on the Vet.

Phosphor would just burn and light you up, skipping the headache part and I don’t think there are pills that work on chemical burns.

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‘whoa did you see that go up, see them burn, what are these things’

‘I don’t know, toys, lovely adeptus mechanicus toys, I just point mine and shoot’

‘it’s old, reall old, mine too’

Either there are multiple different Adeptus Mechanicus toys, or it’s not Radium ones, cause why would it burn otherwise.

Since we know that those have been made quite in advance it’s technically possible that it was from a time where they weren’t planning future archetypes, and thus were planning on having Admech weaponry on the current sets, where now it’s not the case anymore.

To be fair, exposure to enough gamma radiation to instantly kill you would probably leave you with some pretty severe burns.

Rad burn do leave similarly looking burn wounds, but it doesn’t look like they are burning.

I went back and listened to the Vox, and I think you may have a point when it comes to the two Rejects wielding different Mechanicus Weapons. The male Reject is likely to be wielding a Phosphor Weapon and the female Reject is likely to be wielding a Radium Weapon, which would explain those irregularities.


Adding Remember when Fatshark promised a new class every quarter?

under HM.

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Is that thread technically calling for an Admech archetype though ?

Ehhh, they let FS stretch the lore enough to make Kruber a Grail Knight. Never know.


Can people stop with GK ? It make no issues. Just learn actual Bretonnian lore.

If you want to point to a career that does have problem lorewise look at Necro

I mean baseline Slayer already didn’t make sense, they even referenced it in Lohner’s chronicles.

Made up a whole Tzeentch C plot years after release just to make the classes make sense in hindsight.


Basically from the end of VT1 you start to have switches.

So even Slayer, IB or OC has been before a Ranger (With the story of him being an IB before becoming a Ranger).

Then you start to have the switch, which are the Tzeentch stuff (messing with Nurgle again)

Then you end up with their final careers.


No, which is why I added an honorable mention section. … which in retrospect I shouldn’t have abbreviated.

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LMAO people here are arguing that Skitarii wouldn’t “fit the plot” when in the another game from this developer we had a commoner from Ostland becoing a Bretonnian Knight, a Wood Elf that chould change between Wood, High and Dark heritages and a bloody Necromancer that wasn’t killed on sight by the team.


I think Skitarii is too specific. It will be a general Adeptus Mechanicus themed class that will allow you to use the talent tree and cosmetics to theme it after whatever you’d like.


Those are good points. Personally it seems to me that an inquisitor can pretty much draft anything they want, and while admech might be a slight stretch, it’s not that big of one, and if you realllllly needed it, it could be Hadron who puts in the requestion.

We want it, they can call GW and get approval, and then write any story they like as to how they ended up in the warbard. I provided a decent enough story for it, but could be anything.

Maybe, but I wouldn’t think it’s more so then guard vet. The Skitarii are the admech equivalent of the guard. Low enough to be disposable, specific enough to be interesting.

Just one small correction:
Kruber is a Reiklander and was only stationed in Ostland for the duration of his military service. If anyone in the Empire is to be of Bretonnian descent, they would most likely be a Reiklander.

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That’s a different game with a different lore angle.

It’s also something people complained about in that game.

The Inquisition can take whoever they want, that’s not really the issue. The game presents the Rejects/players as prisoners, already in custody and being transported, who are then recruited under a suspended death sentence to be used as cannon fodder.

While the Inquisition absolutely can requisition Skitarii into a warband, finding a Skitarii in a prison cell (who somehow hasn’t been disassembled of their augmentations and isn’t for some reason being “handled” by the AdMech), and then using such an augmented combatant in disposable meat-teams, feels painfully hamfisted.

There is even less “lore angle” in 40k since even people who are not into the lore know that Inquisitors have an absolute authority, especially in the situation we’re in on Tersium.

The whole “player is the lowly prisoner” never mattered or made any sense, Rannick officialy welcomes you to the Inquisition after you reach level 30, not to mention you are armed with high-grade gear such as power weapons, Thunder Hammers (relics even among Space Marines), Psyker weapons, Plasma, Bolters, etc…

Fatshark can just make an opening cinematic where operatives recover a batch of to be repaired Skitarii from a damaged AdMech ship and that it, if it bothers you too much.

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Complaint that for the most part were getting shut down by other people of the community (with the exception of the Moonfire bow and Necromancer)

That is in theory the crux of the problem, they don’t really get sent to Prison, but a Tech Adept could, as they are somewhat still separate from the Cult and while able to learn to use and care for Admech weaponry aren’t privy to secrets that the Admech would want to keep in its midst.

Basically ‘naming’ it Skitarii or Tech priest would lead to it being a hassle, while using the Tech Adept let them introduce 99% of the things that the 2 other could without the problem of either.

(The 0.1% being certain specific weapons, that are in any case to expensive)

Most SM stuff are relics cause they are much higher quality grades, and aren’t able to be produced on a big enough scale.

Same for every weapon.