Remember when Fatshark promised a new class every quarter?



Class Overhaul.


Yes. And it was fulfilled by the tree update.

Does it mean we will get more branches ? No not that we know of.

Does this stem only from people not understanding what archetype and classes meant ? Yes, I blame DnD on that one


Oh yes, Fatshark bad. An eye opening post.


IMHO, the talent tree rework not only met the equivalent goal of “new class every quarter” but the result is IMHO so much better than the more limited careers of VT2. I’d much rather have this big skill tree and the ability to hybridize across the tracks and experiment with different things.


I mean I’m glad we got we talent tree rework, but I’m not happy with it as an end result. Between “itemization” and “builds”, builds are only just behind in terms of reasons I regularly get sick of the game.

The number of times I’ll think “hey maybe I’ll make a stealth sharpshooter”, or whatever, but then sure enough, halfway through the build I realise that I’m wasting my time because the tree will find a way to ruin the idea. Less ammo, no additional damage on range, can’t grab the rending or something (if you know, you know).

I think part of the reason the Veteran tree is so bad, from my experience, is the person designing it clearly had no idea the weight/value of each node. So you have things like +50% aura range being valued equally with 25% reload speed, as an example. Or choosing between frags or kraks or smoke, and their relative locations on the tree. It feels poorly designed, to me.

While I don’t care about these old promises, if you could even call them that, I’d still like to see the classes get an overhaul again. Eventually.


not saying options are a bad thing but this comes far to often from people jumping ship when getting bored, no matter how many of them are provided.

if the core gameplay doesnt motivate you going on, i doubt doing the same maps/enemies with different “classes” will change that.

somehow it’s those i picture when i see low 30+characters getting auric maelstrom stomped in droves after rush rush rush nooooo content-ing the game and not even grasping the basics of the character they play.

i really prefer the master of 1 than the jack of no trades in my team.


I want more freedom in build paths. I’ve gotten thousands of hours outa the game just going pew pew lasgun, I think my purchase was well worth it.

But I’d like more builds freedom. :slight_smile: (and better talents)

ehhhh, thats kinda on FS for not giving them a clear progression of skills. There should be a nice steady incline in difficulty and complexity as the players gain experience. Not keep things flat until they reach level thirty and then suddenly booom drop them on us auric goons with zero prep.


like i said, nothing wrong with that.

but the way op is going with “alles ist scheisse” attitude, its giving off that vibe of not being pleased no matter the amount of classes.

if people pursue their favorite path to proficiency, great.

but getting served the latest fail-flavor of the month(every 3 months) from people just gobbling up “content”, i wager we’d see even less capable people in higher diffs.


Yeah can’t disagree there. This isn’t a MOBA or some Genshin clone where the flavour of the month class is gonna come with new toys!

Yeah, from that perspective, I completely agree lol

people spout this bad faith BS then we wonder why FS or devs in general dont want to communicate.

  1. no promeise was ever made read your own quote. “we aim to”

  2. the class system has been entirely scrapped how can they release a class now ?

  3. you pounce on “we aim to” and miss represent it as a cast iron promise even though the game changed but there’s no balance , they go on as you would say “promise” to make us pay for each class , but if memory serves we got the entire revamp for what was it again? oh yeah it was free . but no mention of them going back on that?

Fat shark screwed the pooch with DT not even they deny it was a huge fumble heck they are still putting core systems right nocking on 2 years in, there’s tons of constructive things that can be said to point out where improvements can be made. and that’s useful

but what is the point of this post? going back to cherry pick only what fits a narrative out of a pre release dev chat about what they want to bring in the future to try and paint it like there’s some big betrayal ?

making a game like life is a fluid changing set of hopes aims and possibilities and going back this far to this hard to be offended is just silly.


Well, sadly, they didn’t promise anything, they basically said:
“We want to release one class every quarter”
Which they probably did, but we do not know how much of the “want” each of the employee had

Corporate talk, pretty useful I will say, but kind of a jerk move everytime it’s applied.

Also, it was pretty long ago, before the Class Overhaul, which introduced Archetypes, so this statement does not apply now

I really want to know how much of this was BS meant to generate the illusion of forward momentum while they worked on the ‘actual’ system (because, again, they sold us on classes/archetypes being unique and new and launched with basically VT2 careers as a placeholder, then dropped the class ‘overhaul’ that seems to have been the system they were actually talking about) and how much was someone trying to get the team to salvage the bad rather than starting over with the talent trees.

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These types of people will never be pleased. They crave things to be angry about. They cannot reason. They thrive off of negativity. They love pointing out the flaws of others, or, in this case, developers, while never taking a look in the mirror, or giving credit when due. A billion dollars could magically appear in their bank account, and they would still complain because it wasnt a billion and 1 dollars.


Those are some heavy accusations you’re throwing at the OP, my dude.

If anything this felt like more of a sh*tpost, laced with some light ridicule. Sure there are some folks on here that have a more negative look at certain aspects of the game, but your assumptions seem pretty extreme.

Yeah, because the original post was just laced with reason. You post something absurd, you get an absurd response

Tbh are the 8 new “classes” enough or not ? Cause they did in theory exceed what they promised.

Like some people will argue that they have to release more of them as time goes on, but they are under no obligation to do so, they didn’t give a number of classes (or branches) they wanted to do

Would I love more branches, yes, but they are under no oath to that


Ehhhh, no. I’m not here saying Fatshark promised us loads of classes, seems to me they said “we aim to”, which means they were still working out details.

Did the talent tree rework “exceed” my expectations? hellllllll no. Its been awful! And we have no idea if its ever getting changed.

The talent tree rework was not them meeting their initial plans, it was them compromising and focusing on more important issues. Which is totally cool btw, just think we should be honest here.

Nuance, your expectations.

If we go with 1 branch is 1 class, then they’ve added 8 classes at the 11 month mark (god thank to the google doc that some one sent me).

When they would have supposedly released 3 (3.75) classes at that date, and at this current point they would have to have released 7.

This leave us till the 30/11/2024 + 4 month where we would be at the 8 classes.

With the possible question of would there be more, but there isn’t a fixed number of classes promised, so they could have called quite at 4, or at 8, heck even at 7 or 9 if they wanted, it’d be strange yes, but it doesn’t break any promise.

But, talent trees aren’t classes to me. At all.

They are, for example, the veteran base class divided into three very poorly designed paths. Just a bunch of what we already had stuck together with some half baked ideas. No time when into designing it, its not a class. It was some talents made over the course of a few months hurriedly.

I think people may have preferred something more like:

Grunt (basic class talents)

then into either

Sharpshooter (advanced tree)
Shocktrooper (advanced tree)
Engineer (advanced tree)

As an example.

Buuuut, as I said, I don’t think they promised anything, they said they had aims. And they compromised and slapdashed some talent trees together before jumping into the real issues instead.

I really don’t think putting some jpegs at the top of three vague tree branches counts as three classes at all. I think they know it too.