Veteran Barely Reworked in "Unlocked & Loaded"

The update was surprising yet really good that we are fixing things. Yet with all the posts across all 3 platforms (Reddit,Discord,FS Fourms), Veteran issues were barely resolved, from keystones, weak nodes etc.

Community been asking for rework from patch 13 (October 2023)-> To this day almost a year, and yet veteran got his scavenger nerfed at best updates ago.


Call me nuts, but vet feels fine imo


Yeah I can’t relate to the original poster at all. I play it without Power Sword more often than not and stomp pubs regularly. Maybe there’s a little jank in his nodes but nothing that gets in the way of meaningfully contributing to the team.


I dunno about the state of Vet as a whole, but that 25% weapon swap node just gave me more options on its own.

I will say the tree does feel too bloated on live though, shouldn’t take so many talent points to get to the end of each branch.


They said they’ll do it 1 at a time, and it was now psyker’s time which is fine. Vet’s mid and right side tree is mostly fine, only bad one that is in dire need of rework is left side.

Apart from that the only thing I think really need rebalancing is onslaught (should be removed/reworked) and Shredder nade investment nodes need a buff so we can play a proper granadier build that doesn’t suck.

On a side note I hope they’ll buff the newly added swap speed node from +25% to something like 50%, although 20% increase might be impactful enough to feel good.

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I’m with Mr Nuts here. These small changes are nice and smooth out what is otherwise a fine talent tree. The Veteran did not need to be up-ended and remade, I think, although perhaps the left tree needs a bit more tinkering, but those few changes are likely to be good.


OP hiding behind “community has been asking-” like this isn’t the same community that’s been demanding to play as space marines since launch when he’s just salty he can’t use scavenger to cover their terrible fire control is what i’d expect for this forum…

vet’s skilltree is honestly pretty well done with only some minor issues at the very bottom which are totally optional
EDIT: if anything, i expect vet to get a nerf in their skills as too many of them are honestly unfairly powerful.

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I don’t think there’s an issue with Vet’s raw power level, nor do I think anything significant with Veteran talents has been talked about being changed in dev blogs recently up until this morning. That said, the vet trees and talents are…wonky.

The 2.0 tree was largely created last minute, after initially releasing without keystones. The keystones Vet did get with the 3.0 tree felt…off, where every other class they’re largely they’re just sort of “on”, or trigger on stuff you’re doing anyway, the Vet keystones felt awkwardly…tabletop. Switching weapons for its own sake to trigger a buff or needing to stay stationary or spam-tagging targets are things that feel like they’re crimped from turn based tabletop RPGs not live action fast paced shooters. The Vet keystones take conscious thought to activate and use in ways most of the other keystones for other classes do not require, and many builds work without needing Keystones at all (again, not something we see with other classes really). Then the tree needed a 4.0 version because each of the Vet keystones initially needed an extra 3-4 talent points to reach than other classes needed.

So while I don’t think the vet is underpowered, the talent tree itself feels awkward.


I kinda find the opposite issue. Left has a good keystone but dead ish support nodes. Right is absolutely one of the least impactful keystones in the game, with a terrible maintenance condition and extra nodes. But great stuff around WS. Amazing they didn’t roll reload on WS activation into the default as well, that’s another damn near mandatory tax node to get any use on that gimmick at all…


You aren’t wrong on this one.

Left Side has horrendous support nodes, but MF is very impactful on fast shooting weapons (I still think it should be reworked tho, and hate it with passion). Edit: Also Executioner’s stance is basically the worst ability in the game that probably needs a rework. I’m not sure if getting relentless folded in will be enough to make it a good (enough).

Right Side Keystone is only useful for 2 reasons: Guaranteed Crit on Ranged attack boosting plasma/revolver breakpoints and the auto reload support node. It’s basically a good node, but a bad and unwieldy keystone.

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Vet feela fine to play. Living the small changes made.

Are you inferring that from the patch notes? I don’t think that is what that means: Unlocked and Loaded - Weapon, Blessing and Class Changes Balancing Patch Notes - Pt.2

But yeah overall I agree that Vet doesn’t really need the same level of overhaul.


Man, I totally misread that, my bad.

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Vet IMO doesn’t need a full overhaul, he just needs less wonky applications of stuff. When your sharpshooter tree incentivizes spray-and-pray into hordes you have a problem.

Change the ‘no enemy within 8 meters’ abilities to something that isn’t permanently turned off in Damnation, make the keystones less game-y and more direct buffs, and I think you’ve got a pretty good setup. Current vet doesn’t feel like it can snipe well.


Ha I did the same until I went back and checked again.

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i’m sorry but this is the craziest thing i’ve read on this forum. if your team is remotely comptent about maintaining coheasion and you have better aim than the average fortnite preteen it’s a massive force multiplier that lets you spot threats at a huge distance and aids in target aquisition.

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At damnation+ you rarely have time to just sit there and shoot for extended periods of time except in very specific spots on certain maps. Also players at that level don’t really struggle with figuring out which targets to take down. Compared to any other ability on any other class it’s certainly in the top 2 weakest and I don’t think it’s #2. But I don’t think every ability/build has to be viable at every difficulty so idc if they change it.

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Executioner’s Stance issue is, to my mind, twofold.

First, VC’s clutch potential is often just way more useful. Keeping yourself and the team up or recover from something going wrong has more value in more cases than being able to pew-pew better in my experience.

Second, ES just took too many nodes and requires too much investment. Relentless never should have been a separately purchased node (that is one of the huge red flags that this tree wasn’t terribly well thought out or tested), it’s too integral to the ability and the fact that it’s now being removed and folded into the base ability is a huge step forward. I’d still strongly argue that it could due to have one of the remaining three also still folded in.


Vet is fine.

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having a vet enjoying his class puts a smile on my face, yet i dont feel the class is enjoyable anymore, been here from Beta, the class now is least enjoyable i prefer “patch 13 veteran over the mess right now” especially with the “bug nerfs” introduced.

The post is not about power sword , its about the Class/Nodes.

Yet…Pretty much Knife as Vet a meta especially with

you can deal with multiple crushers at once.