How many of you would PAY for a Skitarii DLC?

We’ve been buying DLC classes in Vermintide 2. I think we should offer it for the Skitarii class.

Now, I understand Games Workshop licenses specific segments of w40k, and Fat Shark might need to buy a license for admech stuff beyond a few tech priests standing around.

And maybe if they don’t have that license yet, a demonstration of willingness to buy said DLC might be an indicator of it’s profitability.

  • I would pay 10 dollars for Skitarii.
  • I would pay 15 dollars for Skitarii
  • 20 dollars for Skitarii
  • I won’t pay a dime because other issues have me angry.
  • I don’t want to pay, should get it free.
  • Just show results.
0 voters
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Seeing as they could sell new cosmetics for that one too…

Also Skitarii is restricting it, make it Tech Adept and you can sell both Skitarii, Servitor and Tech Priest skins and possibly feature weapons/personalities/abilities that aren’t really Skitarii like (Eg: Servitor Squad)


Technically, I have no issue paying - it’s all from the ‘this doesn’t impact my actual budget’ fund and I so rarely buy new games.

Practically, I don’t want to give Fatshark any more money. I’ve only done so after the Class Overhaul, and I look at that as a mistake.

If the RNG grindfest is fixed and they resolve their versioning issues, I’d consider paying money. Otherwise, nope.


The problem there is the HOW. Because I love the idea, but it doesn’t fit. Skitarii are not rejects. Infact the don’t disobey period to have themselves put into such a situation as we are. I think a wayward tech adept would be much more lore fitting.

That said, I’d pay 20$ in a heartbeat… But I don’t see it happening.

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We’ve had a few threads on how to justify it, the one I favor is "these skitarii are malfunctioning/broken/considered ‘dead’ but not quite all the way dead, and the Inquisitor pulls strings to get them mostly fixed instead of cut up for parts which was what was going to happen.

Wouldn’t start in a jail cell, but that’s okay by me. That said, it’s a problem you can find logical ways to fix if they decide that doesn’t work. I just want a skitarii, and I think the above works well enough. Tech preists would be too high ranking, lower ranging admechs not weird/cool enough, skitarfii super weird, super cool, low value/rank in the admech hierarchy.

But right now it’s all guessing and begging, so if you want it, go with it and polish the details later.

You should put an option on the poll to pay $200 so you can really shoot yourself in the foot dude. While you’re at it make a poll asking if you can pay 5 dollars to buy a 380 stat’d weapon. Encourage monetization, take all my money! Game already has a price tag with an ingame paid currency shop. Paid classes, paid weapons. I can’t wait for pay to chat, that’s gotta be around the corner right? Pay per bullet, the john riccitiello special.


I’ll be honest, there’s very little content that I would be ok with being sold, and Archetypes, due to needing to introduce 3 or 6 new voice actors really ought to be sold, simply to garantee quality and all.

and yeah I’m with Ryshek, Skitarii is just making thing more difficult for no goddamned reasons


Access to the Skitarii specific armory/augments/outfits. They have a lot of cool stuff.

Radium carbines. Galvanic rifles. Rapid fire plasma culverins. Taser lances. Arc rifles.

Trusted enough to get the good stuff, but low enough rank to send in to the grinder.

And because it’s COOL.

Also, because it’s a known quantity with a lot of lore around it, it makes it easier instead of harder, and more desirable because of how specific it is.

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Geez, given how much they are selling those ‘premium’ cosmetics for, I can only imagine how much they would think they could get away with charging for a full-on content DLC.


Not sure Skitarii are quite the fit, not that I’m hating on them, but they’re a bit more “senior” than the typical combatants we already have. We’ve got Zealots and Veterans, not Chamber Militant forces like Sororitas or Inquisitorial Stormtroopers which would equate more closely with Skitarii who have extensive augmentation and relatively unique and specialized weaponry. Likewise, if keeping with the Rejects theme, Skitarii aren’t the types to typically find themselves by their lonesome aboard prison vessels, that would stick out much more than the existing archetypes.

More fundamentally, I’m not sure what a Skitarii would do in terms of team role that wouldn’t mostly just be replicating the Veteran, perhaps with a different mix of weapons.

Maybe instead something like an Engineseer that could have been attached to all sorts of other forces or purposes outside the AdMech, and doesn’t wield quite so exclusive or specialist weaponry, might be more fitting? Could play a tanky/party support role or something?

Which would easily be explainable in the hands of a Tech Adept (Seeing as our Zealots have access to Thunderhammer, which aren’t run of the mill weapons.

Saying that it’s easier to make it by making a more precise thing isn’t true, because Tech Adept would encompass that and other things too, by being vague enough to be able to give more different things


i mean one of the reason behind the premium shop was so that the new content update be free.But I would be lying if I said that I would not play a skitarii class.If you need to pay for it , I would want all the weapons they can get access in the tabletop plus a radium serpenta,a phosphor serpenta,a gamma pistol and a maccrostubber


I would pay $20 easily if it included:

1.) Full new character with new talent tree and 3 “subclasses”

2.) New voice lines

3.) New weapons

4.) New character customization options (tattoos, backgrounds, reason for imprisonment, etc.)

5.) Borders and cosmetics to go along with it.

6-ish.) Aquila. Maybe.

BUT! I wouldn’t do it unless they fixed crafting to be respectful of your time. And they combined weeklies. I am not going to do weekly contracts for a 5th character. And probably some sharing of inventories of weapons if they also use the same weapons as other characters.


I would want all of that and a way to not have to spend 15+ hours grinding to get them to max level.

And even then $20 would be pretty goddamn steep. I would hope they would give us tiers of class DLC like in Vermintide 2.


I am kind of just waiting for them to pull another Winds of Magic and nuke their own game again.


All they need to do for that happen is just let their netcode keep degrading.

If it also fixes crafting I could pay 20+ bucks…


You didn’t already paid full price for a game ?
Encouraging monetization is a problem… In a future not so far, we will have to pay for each weapon ? each character slot ? everything ?
No problem with cosmetics system to support the game, but please, dont encourage pay for content…


So FS does not listen to feedback at all and does not communicate with their playerbase at all.
They brought up a fully fleshed out MTX store from day 1 but failed in delivering a complete crafting system, which then got implemented worse than first announced and worse than expected, as the option to merge low tier blessings into higher ones was just stripped.
There are always reskins in the shop rotations which tend to get more expensive with less content in their bundels, like trinkets or weapon skins.

If I knew a new archetype would be released which would be fully fleshed out, with class specific weapons and a skilltree similar to the others I would be willing to pay max 5€.
But given the points I stated I think the first archetype should be free.


A position for which I have sympathy.

Still, the main thing is we want content, (AND a ton of fixes) to keep coming. They want to keep making a profit. The issues so many of us have are in many other threads, so I’ll avoid restating them here.

But, I don’t inherently have an issue with buying DLC if it keeps a game I mostly like going and keeps the things I like coming.