How many of you would PAY for a Skitarii DLC?

I mean, is that not why they have these rather expensive cosmetics in the game? To make a profit and continue the development of the game?

Adding paid DLC to the game just feels like they are trying to double dip, which i honestly would not put past them when considering some of their other business related decisions.

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All of this should be free with a new big update after the 14k free Aquila xbox players got even then that’s just one step in the right way they have a long way to go


It would have been an easier question without that rather unhappy news.

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I would not care enough to gear yet a other character when the game is plagued with systemic and gameplay issues that make me want to completely uninstall.
So yeah my answer would be I won’t be paying a dime until they start fixing shi* that actually matters like sound, crafting, etc.

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Psyker being nerfed more then buffed made me quit I’m waiting for new classes or a update. Even then I’m only playing a day or two, The game is starting to feel like playing 76 was at the start of year two

A new class should be free by default.


with how stupid fatshark prices their cosmetics now, you can bet your ass that an actual, playable, class would go for 60+ at this point. don’t worry, though. it’d probably come with a neat scarf that clips through the entire model :+1:


I’m against a skitarius class even for free, there’s no option for me to vote.

Nah. Given the shameless crap they did with the fourth Classes in V2, that scarf would be excluded from the Base DLC and sold in the additional Class Cosmetics DLC.


No money until crafting is fixed.

I do not WANT to have to pay for a Skitarii/Tech-Adept Archetype, but I am willing to - because a new Archetype is something worthwhile paying for compared to ANY of the Premium Cosmetics.


If they want to draw players back.
Free stuff is how you do it.

People are less enclined to try the new stuff if they have to pay for it.
Unless they are part of that niche.


There isn’t an option for: „nothing because I‘m not interested in a Skitarii class“

Has nothing to do with being angry about other stuff or with feeling entitled to get a new class for free. It’s just that I personally wouldn’t mind if they sold that class but I wouldn’t buy due to a lack of personal interest.


Fair enough!

You can never account for all possible responses. Personally I think it would be insanely fun, and I hope we get one, but I’ll not blame anyone else if they say, make 5 vets to play various types of guardsman.

Heck, if they do give us more classes I also hope they give us more slots, but I didn’t put that in.

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I’m certain the people in charge of monetising and the in-game store have already considered this as an approach, and there will be a market of people who would absolutely queue up to pay a silly amount of money for such a thing; we already see it with the in-game store’s skins.

Re: topic, I would not pay for Skitarii because I’m not into them, but a Tech Adept - which is something I would be interested in playing - I would not pay for at all either. I can live without playing as one, that would be absolutely fine by me; I’ve got my Veteran and Ogryn, I could not desire more. Gosh, do I wish for a more innocent time, when a paid-for cosmetic Horse Armour pack caused outrage and disbelief and proved to be just the smallest and most pointiest part of the tip of the iceberg.

I wont give fatshark a single penny of my money unless they make darktide single player possible, sick and tired of being forced to rush a level when im trying to explore the levels and collect stuff


I was really excited to try the game when I first saw it. It was extremely demoralizing after leveling my first character to I realized not just how unpolished the game was compared to the VT games, but how limited the packaged(?) cosmetics options were in contrast to everything else in the micro-transactions shop. When I came to the forums to verify how the game was monetized, I was told this was to guarantee that actual game and content updates would all remain free.

So if they’re then going to add a new character? Well then I expect it to fall within the category of game and content update that we get for free, in return for every option to not look like trash monkey hobos being paywalled behind the micro-transaction shop.

I’m happy to buy new classes, but only after crafting gets unf**ked. Until then, the cost of the base game is all they’ll see from me.


So long as there is some form of AdMech class added be it a Tech-Adept or a Skitarii I will be happy to pay whatever mere pittance they’d ask for in return. The Machine-God’s work will be done.


As things stand, I won’t buy anything from Fatshark. They’ve done nothing that makes me wanna support them.

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