The Skitarii / admech request archive

“01001001 00100000 01100001 01101101 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 01101101 01101001 01110011 01100101 01110010 01111001 00101110” :smiley:


There are ways to write them. Either by making it an unintended donation from the Admech (the Inquisition just stealing them on route to specialised systems. Or having it be a particularity of the Moebian system (like it having a lot more of Ogryn than usual)


I’m not an expert, but even a lore casual can see that the Inquisition/Rogue traders are literally the ultimate “Screw the rules” card when it comes to writing bullsh!t lore exceptions and loopholes. Probably why they used both when designing Darktide. If they want to add it bad enough, it will happen.


Yep. My thinking is that exactly. A ship full of Skitarii that are ‘almost dead’ are being sent home for recycling.

They pass near Atoma, the war band takes them, has Hadron repair them, (Normally not worth it because almost dead, but needs must,) and they come online. Throw in a very simple cutscene on repairs, roll regular tutorial after with one or two lines on the topic of why they are rejects.


REALLY want to hear a Skitarius in game say "Speak not so of the humble grenade, that waits patiently to offer up a single GLORIIUS prayer to the Omnissiah !!

Also I did a web search on Skitarii and grenades, and it seems arc grenades are a thing.


Blitz wise they should get Arc Grenades from the Pteraxii, Guardian Skull and Phosphor Blast Pistol from the Skitarii.

So armour target focused Grenade, crowd control summon and Debuffer Pistol


I may be something of a party pooper, but Skitarii would be an odd addition to this game in my mind.

On a fundamental level, Skitarii are relatively elite infantry, with lots of specialized bits integrated into them, on par with something like Sisters of Battle, Kasrkin, or Inquisitorial Stormtroopers.

The Rejects in the game aren’t any of these things, and they don’t get all those bells, toys, and whistles. They’re, at best, former grunt Guard or Frateris Militia or the like, at worst they’re literal hive scum, who received death sentences and are being used as cannon fodder under suspended sentence.

Skitarii just…wouldn’t end up like that in the same way to my mind. They’re generally on relatively short leashes from the Mechanicus, who operate as their own empire-within-an-empire, deep exposure to other Imperial forces isn’t super common, making opportunities for random individuals to get swept up in Inquisitorial cells would be small. Further, I can’t see an intact Skitarii with all its cybernetic upgrades and limbs and whatnot sitting in an Inquisitorial cell without having been half disassembled, or reclaimed by the AdMech and “recycled” if suspected of something dangerous.

To make a Skitarii fit, it feels like they’d have to be stripped of everything that actually makes them a Skitarii.

Likewise, while we get stuff like Bolters, Power Swords, and Plasma Guns, the limit generally appears to be stuff you might see available to a single individual in a Guard squad. Most anything more exotic, like Hellguns/Hotshots, heavy weapons like autocannons, grav weapons, etc are out, so stuff like Radium Carbines, Galvanic Rifles, or a Transuranic Arquebus and the like doesn’t seem like they’d fit much better. A lot of Skitarii weapons are also particularly long ranged, reaching out to 30" or 36" on the tabletop, more a heavy weapons range, than the typical 12-24" of most Imperial infantry weapons, and those extra ranges just don’t have much much ability to be expressed in a useful fashion in Darktide.

If the game was more built around a bit more powerful combatants and player characters, had more range and distance to play with, and had a different character origin paradigm, they’d be super rad. But within the existing framework of Darktide, Skitarii seem like they’d stick out like a sore thumb to me.

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Better to go for a Combat Servitor, fits the ‘Reject’ theme. Give it dual wield functionality so it doesn’t have ADS but can use it’s attached Melee and Ranged weapons together. It could come with all sorts of fun weaponry.

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Servitor don’t bring anything.

But yes, both (Table Top) Skitarii and Tech Priest don’t make sense as Rejects.

But Skitarii have lesser variants like the Hypaspists.

Hypaspist Skitarii were the most basic augmented infantrymen of the Tech-Guard and were armed with cybernetically hard-linked Lasguns similar to those used by the soldiers of the Astra Militarum. Hypaspists were generally more powerful and skilled soldiers than standard Guardsmen as a result of the cybernetic enhancements that made them stronger and more accurate than normal humans and the psychosurgery they had undergone to suppress their emotional reactions and make them immune to panic or fear. However, this enhancement also made Hypaspists less independent and able to think for themselves in combat.

But in any case the way to make the Admech themed archetype work with a Reject is to neither pick a Skitarii, nor is it to pick a Servitor or an Adsecularii.

Instead take Tech Menials, those civilians that are either born on Forge Worlds or as part of the local Admech communities (Tech Guilds and such), who when they’ve done “crimes” are then sent either to specialised
Admech Prisons, or just to Servitorisation stations. Where we (or more exactly the Inquisition) instead manage to pick them off before they arrive to destination.

This let them introduce them as Reject, while giving them various origins.


Ok but apart from Home Worlds what do Tech Menials bring to the table? There’s no reason for them to have access to any Mechanicus weapons.

Whereas a Combat Servitor could be outfitted with esoteric Heavy Weaponry, which could include Radium, Grav and Lightning Guns, and some similarly unusual melee weapons. Plus a range of sensors for it’s skills.

Again I’d suggest it’s a dual wield game play style to differentiate it, perhaps with a slower heavier attacking style.

Voice Actor/personalities that are themed on the Admech, preference to Admech styled cosmetics (both free and Commodore)

And yes they are the most likely to be given Admech weaponry, simply due to being closer to the Admech and being trusted to apply the proper rites of maintenance and operation.

Lore serve the gameplay, even if it doesn’t break for it

Like how Skyrim work, or Space Hulk ?
Cause those are way worse than the system that FS has developed on the course of their 3 games (More if we consider War of the Rose/Viking). Dual weapon should be brought as their own kit, not as paired weapons that don’t interact with each other .

Also point to where in the lore the Combat Servitor are issued Radium, Grav and Lightning guns ?

Cause from what I know they get Heavy Stubber, Heavy Las, Heavy Bolter, Heavy Plasma and such guns.

Unless you count the Kataphron Breacher/Destroyer, but you shouldn’t.

Skitarii totally work as ‘rejects’ if there is something wrong with them.

IE, they have been damaged to the point they aren’t economically viable to repair… but can be repaired with what the cult would consider ‘too great an investment.’ That can be tech heresy, battle damage, a computer virus (scrap code in lore.) other malfunctions, or just dire wounds.

However, the warband, in dire need of combatants decides to ‘reassess’ how much it would cost.

Any new classes added would have to fit down the prison intro cutscenes storyline, and would have to make use of all the human sized weaponry. Fatshark’s workflow has shown they aren’t up to adding a ton of new content all at once, so no full roster of class specific weaponry for a brand new class, and definitely no bespoke cutscenes for a single class.

I don’t see a Skitarii or Ad Mech happening if it would require more than three variants of ranged and melee each to make gameplay varied enough to be enjoyable, and that’s, realistically, already a big ask.

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Does it ?

VT2’s Warrior Priest beg to differ

Only 1 weapon could be used by another career.

The bigged issue in general for new archetypes is whether or not they’re treated as ‘free’ or not, both in general toward new content and toward the cosmetic shop (where there might be issues of dlc for dlc)

How about like how Vermintide works? Pretty easy to do.

As for the weaponry choices, I can’t see any reason why a Combat Servitor wouldn’t have any variety of weapons strapped to it. The only reason things like Stubbers and Bolters etc are only available is because the physical models are pretty old.

Lore wise X-101 is outfitted with a Gravgun. But like I said I think there’s plenty of scope for a broader range, which is the beauty of the galaxy spanning Imperium.

Wonder what will happen first, Mechanicus 2 or admech themed player character. Only one of these being announced doesn’t matter either, considering we didn’t know about outcast engineer until like 2 days before its release.

Still mean being able to switch weapon.

Thing is that any weapon that can be installed on a Servitor can be given to either a normal human (though sometime downsized) or to the Ogryn.

Who lore wise is also quite an ancient Servitor and not a standard pattern.

Still kinda think the hinting was on a radiation weapon…


Oh, it absolutely was hinting at Radium Weapons. Unfortunately, Fatshark even managed to successfully gaslight a few people into actually believing the “Good old Plasma Gun” damage control. You don’t get radiation poisoning from a Plasma Gun…


Well the bait and switch is a “good ole” trick…

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