Teleporting enemies at my back in empty rooms

was playing a mission today (lv1) all bots(this is important)
was walking into an empty area(where the large holo stature is)
as i passed the pillar looking to the door, suddenly all the enemies popped in and started attacking me with ranged, from the door (it was the poisoned water level)

Another pish thing the games does is let specials enter and exit doors with no cool down. This becomes particularly bad in smaller areas where you need to hold. Thinking of the section on Chasm Logistratum Ammo Run at the bottom of the lift in particular.

The have spawn rooms now behind those doors so it confuses me as to why enemies don’t spawn in there by default or why they’d let things spawn outside of these areas generally. They have oob areas too, very bizarre decision.

This game is borrowing more from Back for Blood than Left 4 Dead.

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Vermintide usually had decent explinations on where they came from. Behind that hill, out of that hole in the street, from above.

Popping into existence is bs, especially when we have no melee damage goals.

If doors were the only spawn points you could just block all of them with a power sword/ogryn/void staff/flamer.

Not at all.

Enemies have been popping out of thin air in VT2 since day 1, and they still are.

You can watch it in this very thread.

Mauler popping in on the left side
Marauder spawns behind teammate infront of them
beastmen group spawning near tree
Rat ogre spawn
ratling spawn in the brief moment everyone looked away
Mauler spawn left side on the edge of the screen
Marauder spawning behind cart
Enemies spawning complaint
beastmen spawning
Stormvermin patrol spawning
Clan rats spawning
Beastmen banner group spawning
Packrat spawning


I’ve got more time in V1 then V2, but plenty in both. If it happens there, it needs fixing there as well.

Generally, my experience in both was they would come from SOMEWHERE. Especially holes in the street. You had to keep an eye on the spawns, but you didn’t have to worry they would teleport.

But… lets say it happened to you all the time.

It’s terrible design.

They don’t need to be doors near the players, I also said they have OOB areas to work with too

Pretty sure there was a push from players to at least limit the spawn distance from players in VT2, although it may have only affected specials (possibly also elites.)

Should be a minimum 15 meter circle around a player an enemy can’t spawn into. Maybe 30 or 50 unless it’s on the far side of a door or hole or inside a spawn room.

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Yeah, as is I’ve watched them spawn so close to an ogryn if they turned around they wouldn’t see the enemy unless they looked down or had their FOV tuned way up lol


Vermintide 1 and 2 also had spawning/teleporting enemies behind you. Here though its even more egregious as I’ve encountered enemies simply walking through walls and solid objects/obstacles when I turn around. This is beyond bullsh*t at this point.


I commented on this in the Steam thread, but I’ll repeat it here in order to maybe get it seen.

The game Killing Floor 2 had the same mechanic for a long time. They called it ‘Surprise ButtZeds’. Essentially, zeds (the enemies in the game) could sometimes spawn behind you at any time, in order to artificially boost difficulty. In that game though, they could spawn entire hordes of enemies of ANY LEVEL, including the hardest to kill and the types that could kill you if you even let them get close. This would result in really good runs suddenly being ended by a massive horde of extremely dangerous, hard to kill zeds just… being behind you suddenly with no warning.

It was considered THE worst feature programmed into the game, and the devs for it eventually dialed it back massively as people who liked to go for extra long runs in the game would have their games unfairly and suddenly ended constantly, making people not want to play the game anymore.

I’m not sure who implemented the same idea into this game, but… it was a bad idea there, and it’s the same here, even for a few poxwalkers. Why? ANNOYANCE. You’ve already got tons of targets to handle, limited ammo, potentially limited help from your party or downed teammates. A single enemy spawning out of thin air could spell the difference between a clutch rez that leads to a party recovering from the brink, which is a great feeling, to getting downed by that one wimpy guy you didn’t see because he didn’t exist a second ago.

Hopefully the devs will understand how bad it is to make their players feel bad about playing their game because of things like this. You want a bit of tension when playing, not annoyance and stress over losing everything because of popup enemies.


Great documentation!

Doors should beep or have an audio cue before opening if specials can silently wind up inside a door

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I know they do when new groups spawn from doors for the first time, but I’m not sure if the horn sounds every time a special dips in or out.


During the Smelter mission there is a door right next to a Medicare. We all stood there healing up then put of the blue door opens and a burster jumps out and explode.

Happened way to fast, should always be a warning.

In general I think doors should be disabled when you are near them since they are everywhere.

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Just here to agree with everybody, it happens all the time and at first I thought I just wasn’t killing enemies entirely, but I’m glad I’m not alone on this one. It’d be hard to remove this kind of aspect fully, but reducing the regularity of it would definitely be a boon to the game, in my opinion.

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^^ Before anyone mentions the sound, this game has some kind of sound glitch where you don’t always have it played. That’s something we need to make an issue of.

It had sound… It was just the door opening, quick beeping and explode. Barely a second. Most bogus spawn I’ve encountered. Only happened once so far though.