Enemies spawning UP MY A**HOLE is not fun

Please fix the enemy spawns so that they actually make sense.


They come out of monster closets here… it’s a door… what I’m not a huge fan of is when a burster just strolls through the door unanounced.

I think it’s working better than expected. What exactly did you have in mind?

The mobs can just spawn in behind you, they kinda just slide out of the walls and stuff when you got your back turned and stuff like that.


It gets a little better when you play long enough to start memorizing the locations of doors and other spawnpoints (holes in the ceilings etc.)
It was kinda the same in VT2 but easier to see coming.

Not only doors. They can literally jump down from platforms and bridges above you right after you pass beneath them. I personally dont mind. Muscle memory from v2 automatically forces me to always look behind me.

you must not be aware of the countless videos showing that this is not what the post is about,

enemies can and will pop out of thin air right behind you and smack you


There’s that pillar at the Silo Cluster extraction that has a patrol walking out of it (to the left as you go out)

There is nothing zo memorize here.
Enemies can spawn at random. Doors and holes just give you the illusion of them spawning through them.


I have a few other ones that might just be me walking past a mob, or a mob standing above me and dropping down behind me, these are just the really obvious ones.


In my experience they still spawn on you even without the doors. I’ve seen a horde spawn right around a small corner before. The invisible clown cars are quite real.

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Hosts will often spawn right next to people as well. No sound, no yellow/green fog. One second nothing and the next shes uncurling from her ball to attack the nearest person.

Feels like the Director isn’t keeping up with players mowing through certain sections of the map and decides to start spawning anything anywhere in an attempt to slow the group down.

VT2 does similar just not on such a FU level as we see in Darktide. My only advice is to look behind you like a tweaker on day 4 of no sleep. As a BW Sienna main it was one of the most important habits I learned for legend/cata.

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Ok that’s weird. I hadn’t seen any video evidence of this yet

Remember CP77 on release and police spawning from walls/toilets/litterally behind you? Yeah, funny becasue they released broken unfinished game.

Totally not like Darktide, right?


I’ve reported enemies spawning through a wall during the beta and seen a patrol spawn in the distance while looking in that direction, but this is some next level stuff. I have about 150h and haven’t seen any obvious close range open area spawns yet. Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket…

This area of that map seems REALLY bad for just spawning in enemies right in front of you, no attempt to hide them behind you, just drops 2 gunners at your feet quite regularly.

Hourglass - The Crawl (the vertical slums) has patrols spawning on you when going from the top (if you’re playing the refinery mission). It’s also the part of the map that has the most holes in the floor/ceiling for enemies to shoot through.

Yeah this spot can be really brutal. It looks clear, then all of a sudden you’ve got enemies on all sides and gunners shooting you through the floor above.

YES I’ve noticed it the worst on Relay Station TRS-150, This section right here, where I’m looking. If you cross here they literally spawn out of thin air, in droves on top of players and in hordes. The most un-fun section in the entire level for that reason alone. It feels unfair and cheap.

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