Stop spawning enemies in my ass!

God it’s so aggravating. Hordes coming from behind are one thing but the annoying little trash stragglers that just appear out of thin air when an area was just previously cleared just make me rage in RL.


Silent Trappers, Pox Hounds and Mutants are… very tedious. Although they do make for some interesting moments.


The worst part is when you realise that the game is literally spawning enemies out of thin air. Occasionally they’ll spawn in front of you.

Like, I don’t hate the idea of spawning enemies periodically (or even continually) so that you’re never truly safe, but right now they can spawn so close to you in places that you’ve just cleared that it’s legitimately unfair.


It’s not NEARLY as bad as Insurgency: Sandstorm in that regard but it is a problem.

Agreed - seems to be worse after patch 13.


Agreed. Needs to be toned down. Its just too much at this point.


Yeah VT2 had this issue pretty bad at points in its life too and I just don’t understand why they can’t staple a no spawn radius of a decent size around all the players (not talking about door spawns obviously, I mean literal thin air spawns).

I too have seen enemies conjured into existence less than 10 m in front of my face because I turned around at a time the game was hoping I wouldn’t.


Worst part of the game, but the devs seems adamant about it because TiIsS iS TiDdE ggAmEe and not an average horde shooter…

  1. if you just hangs back a secound to check a corner or a fork for resource but the rest of the party advanced, AI bullshiter immediately sending the disablers to you ass, damnation high int shock trooper its usually mean 3 dog at onec or 2 trapper

  2. Its immersion breaker, especially when you start the map in a loyalist fortification (lemanrusses blockade) party advancing a couple of meter and those shitlings start to spawn BEHIND THE LEMANRUSSES!

  3. Spawning occasionally horde behind us as an event fine but singular trash / gunner or even worese whole patrol just a middle finger to the player and its clearly a deliberately move on the devs part! besides those already mentioned examples veteran wh sometimes shows idle specialist within unreachable area / spawning zones wich refuse to come out during spawning events / when party reaches proximity distance… No those fu kers deliberately waiting the party to passthrough so they can backstab the players immediately.


“Abandoning a perfectly good Leman Russ? No wonder Atoma’s going to the dogs!”

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Agreed, I really hope that the map design would improve in the future, that would allow us to have more tactical approach, using distance as and cover. The problem
For ogryn is that the gunners spawning in your back always eat through toughness and ”ruin” utility of the shield.

its all the silent mime school graduates attracted to nurgle i dont get how can so many diseased sacks of flesh make so little sound.

so infuriating especially if the the bacstab noise doesnt trigger and you just get one shot the camera goes to third person and you can see the silent army that apparently walked in and that is the first you know about it.

i know DT has far mroe spawns and ambients and there not organised the same but the VT soundscape did feature all these apwn.aggro.move barks its nto like FS dont know how important they are.

is the sound engine just running out of channels? i for one would ahppily forgo the inter group chatter for a few seconds for it to play some footfalls of whats coming up behind me or for a door to make an opening noise.


Yes, this is the same notorious bug they had in vermintide that causes players to go insane.

It’s even worse in Darktide because not only do you have enemies pop out of thin air but you ALSO have numerous other spawn methods that are functionally identical. For instance enemies can superman jump 30 feet into the air to climb up a ledge right next to you, or do the opposite and drop straight down from similar heights without breaking their legs. In most cases this doesn’t even make any sound.

Not even getting into the harry potter esque magic door teleportation network…


I will forever remember the time I turned around for 3 seconds and an entire beast man horde spawned 10 m behind me and silently ran up to insta gib me.

Yes I am scarred by this event

I came here to check to see if anyone else was experiencing the same thing to make sure I’m not imagining things materializing behind me.

I’ve seen weird things like a Plague Ogryn suddenly appearing in the middle of an empty space in an open hangar, but I think that was just a bad connection with one of the players.

Now more recently, the spawning is either annoying on Malice, and just incessant noise above that. I don’t think it was this bad since last patch. Also yes, the audio is just having a heart attack sometimes which means important audio cues are just eaten.

I think I remember something in the interviews about the new talent trees about changing the number of enemies spawns and specifically “how” they are spawned, and I want to say it feels like garbage. I FEEL it, it’s just a constant drone of anxiety hitting the ceiling in a way that is not entertaining. It’s the epitome of “difficulty is not challenge”.

As Psyker I can counter this on higher difficulties by either never stop firing off a flame staff 360 degrees in which I can’t actually see much the entire game, or constantly using the trauma staff at my feet in which I can only allow myself a .3 second respite to look up and see where my team drifted to before going at it again. So, doable, but incredibly irritating.

If these changes are due to the new levels of power that came with the talent update, then you need to nerf everyone including the enemy spawns. I’ve played hours of the game before these changes and now the central core of the gameplay that made me want to do that has been ripped out and replaced with L4D spawning. Killing Floor did something similar and I hated it then too, what’s the point having these giant atmospheric maps if you’re just going to dump a constant irritating noise on me for half an hour.

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I’ve had this exact same thing happen, even sounds like the same spot lol, so yeah don’t think it was a connection issue.

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