Playing on Damnation and we’re dealing with hordes of enemies, it feels like there’s a 40% chance of the game just spawning a patrol of 20 something shooters behind us, this is annoying. They’re normally far enough to give you time to react before they aggro but still, it’s annoying.
I feel like these would be less of a problem if larger squads (4+) had a spawn sound. It’s the fact that they creep in silently and delete your toughness that’s the main problem. (And also a problem when I’m on my frontline characters and wondering why my team didn’t push into the room with me – and I think often it’s because they were occupied by a large spawn behind them.)
You’re not wrong but that spot in particular almost always has crap dropping from the hole, reasonably sure it’s by design.
Someone always rushes that button too so it can get messy in that room+the next one.
Problem beeing discussed for some time, they need some sort of loud sarge, who will announce their manuevers. Infiltration squad is already in combat, so no point going silent. Also stealth approach from specials is same sort of issue since few last patches.
Yeah, that seems to happen a lot just after you hit the button to open that door.
What irks me the most are enemies that simply pop out of nowhere. A friend in our group was lagging a bit behind saw several pox walkers just pop into existence right behind me… wasn’t from a door and didn’t drop down from above. They just blipped into existence.
This seems to happen very often. Clear a corridor that has no doors, no ledges, check behind, turn around to go forward then BAM some pox walkers hit you from behind wiping out your toughness and 1/4 of your health.
Meh, seems like they spawned above you and jumped down when a wave was triggered. I’ve had rooms respawn their enemies in an idle state behind us after we passed through. Granted, that was a while ago.
They could add some garbled/intercepted comm chatter for the scabs that even add to the intensity of the atmosphere.
Exactly, though it probably wouldn’t be listening into their radio frequency, but instead something like the game already does (and it does both of these in various situations), either:
- the enemy says something like “enemy sighted” or announces a combat stance, or
- the nearest ally calls out the ranged squad similar to the “sniper spotted” callouts.
I enjoy that the game currently has only a few situations where you listen into radio frequencies that it doesn’t make sense you’d hear. (The first being most chatter on the Mourningstar. The second being when you shut down the enemy broadcast it’s a little strange that it actually plays over your radio – but in that case it’s a bit more excusable due to its “supernatural” type nature I guess.)
Another example of where Vermintide had it right and they messed it up in Darktide. The Storm Rat Patrols made a lot of noise. Chanting and stomping their feet as they marched. So while they might come up from behind you could hear them coming and prepare to fight. In Darktide it FEELS like mobs just appear behind you. I know, I know…“They drop from the higher levels…They spawn in doors you thought were just cosmetic…” blah blah blah. Some of that does happen, but some of them POP into existence and are magically in a position to sneak attack the entire party. It FEELS cheap and gimmicky and I hate it. And when it’s a patrol of shooters they can decimate a good run with a few volleys and everyone in the team is wondering where the hell it came from since we just cleared that hallway with no doors, and no higher or lower levels for spawns.
Those are enemies who were likely in the front of you and used the door system to flank you. Pretty annoying with gunners for sure.