Lets talk about normal single enemies showing up magically behind you

This has been SUPER frustrating for me and most groups ive played with. No, it doesnt cause us to wipe, or lose, its just kinda ridiculous and annoying.

Whats the point of strategically and systematically clearing an area and checking all rooms before moving forward, only to have ONE peon enemy magically spawn as soon as you start to advance. Silently, without any audio queue, walk up and WACK one of your team out of nowhere.

It would be fine if specials were to spawn (with their audio queues) to help push you onward, while keeping you on your toes (fairly). But when its just a single peon enemy, its such a cheap hit they do as there is NOTHING to alert or allow you to use skill, tactics or anything to avoid it. It also makes feeling like why even both being thorough in your room to room sweep if an enemy is just going to show up magically in a room you already cleared.


I can only agree. At the start of the Closed Beta, spawns worked perfectly. They always came out of doors or hallways. Now they just randomly spawn in the middle of the room, ready to immediately stab your back.

Not only does it break immersion, it also ruins a lot of gameplay styles because going at distance is not an option when the next melee group just materializes in front of or behind you.
I get that this problem is probably already known and being worked on. But in case it isn’t, just me putting my 2 cents in.

Please do correct it, this is big.

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Seconding this. The random enemies from behind are so insanely annoying. I think I am very good when it comes to checking my back. But the amount of times I have sweeped the area behind me, only to be instantly hit by a random poxwalker a second later is absolutely infuriating.

Also dodging away from the soundcue of the backstab does nothing 9/10 of the time.


If people dont think this is happening I literally have caught it on video, the enemy will pop out of no where right behind someone and swing at them. Its seems to be linked to camera visibility where it seems to only happen off screen of all players but there are rare moments where it will happen in plain sight of you looking at your teammate. Its really cheap


They need to always come through spawn doors and those doors should creak LOUDLY

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Peons never “just spawn”, but quite a lot of map sections have many enemies just standing around in dark corners and eventually aggroing. People almost never actually clear them all, based on my experience. They clear up about 80% and then complain that remaining 20% “spawned behind their backs” even though they aren’t.
As a person who’s typically lagging behind (due to checking all the boxes) I see quite a lot of those “magical spawns” actually walking out of corners that weren’t cleaned up.

Now, elites spawn in pretty weird spots quite often, but those aren’t silent.

Both things are not mutually exclusive. Its true that there are often enemies like that lingering in corners and are aggroed and ignored by the person who did it. However the spawning behind you is 100% a thing.


I wouldn’t use the term “behind” here. Groups of trash mobs entering via a door you already passed is indeed a thing, but it only happens in specific and usually complex map areas (and never you can see such mobs chasing you from the previous map zone, aside from horde event) - it’s more about “spawning around” than behind.

When my team systematically goes through each room, clearing EVERYTHING, and ONE enemy still quietly sneaks up behind us out of nowhere, this is not “enemies that werent cleaned up”

Yes, some groups rush past enemies. Quite often in fact.

This is NOT what is happening here. The game is purposely spawning an enemy. Sometimes in the middle of a room, sometimes just a lone enemy from a hole in a wall after we have cleared the area 100%. EITHER situation is bad and frustrating


It’s a long-standing issue in VT2 (I assume it still works like that but it had gotten pretty rare) so probably the same/similar issue in Darktide. I remember a funny video of a Chaos Warrior spawning right next to Bardin and immediately swinging.

It’s a bit harder to assess in Darktide as there are a lot of ceiling dropdowns, but there are a few vids out there of it happening clearly.

The straggler spam is a bit egregious independent of bugged spawns and bad spawn locations.


Might be also an issue of the game not drawing enemies in a timely fashion. It’s indeed a long-standing issue, even VT (not even VT2) had some issues about that. There it was plainly about not popping up mobs, though, so something bad and nasty sometimes appeared right next to you. In Darktide, even if it’s happening, it’s quite certainly only about trash mobs.