What also happens (particularly for tall characters/Ogryn) is that enemies disappear underneath you. I think this is a problem with the stack mechanic that’s allowing mobs to occupy space closer than they should in proximity to your character model’s origin.
At some point, the mob is too close for you to see them, you know they’re there because you can either hear them or get hit by them, but you can’t see them until you move.
I’ve literally had a moment where I was left just kinda standing and looking around in amazement. I would kill all the enemies, then have one behind me. Would move around, kill the enemies around me, pause for a sec to see if any were there, turn to catch up to the team… and one would hit me in the back. Pause AGAIN, kill everything in the area, look around. NOTHING. Turn to leave; get hit in the back.
I was literally stuck in one place for like 15 minutes because I couldn’t stop getting hit in the back of the head. One of my other teammates at the time came back to see what happened and they were amazed too, and couldn’t break the cycle either. After that 15 minutes passed, it just stopped happening and THEN we could move on.
The fact that someone thought this was a good game mechanic makes me feel oddly sad that these are the people we’re looking to for our entertainment.
Mobs can do this for normal sized characters too. I made a thread saying maybe stop enemies from being able to run through you, and people thought it was a bad idea. >shrugs<