So, who's paying for cosmetics?

I feel like you lost track of the conversation at some point. Refer to this earlier post

I personally prefer paying for content DLC instead of the current trend of devs coasting along their games with 0 content and profiting off cosmetics. That’s my opinion as you already pointed out. In my personal view that’s better for me, the consumer. You’re welcome to disagree. What’s not my opinion is that Fatshark would be perfectly capable of monetizing games this way too. IT’s dishonest to pretend like this is just the business model and nothing could ever change it. Consumer behavior is what causes these business models that are disadvantageous for the consumer to emerge.

To give a direct example of a game that changed business models, look at VT2. It started out with monetized content and it was in my opinion great. We got new factions, new gamemodes, whole new mission story arcs… Eventually (one could correlate it to the tencent takeover, but I’m not gonna go there) they started selling cosmetics instead, and content updates are glacial and much of it is just old VT1 maps ported to VT2. I don’t see a convincing argument that Darktide couldn’t reverse course the same way, other than “it wouldn’t make them as much money” which isn’t really related to what I as a consumer get from them.

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Okay, just sounded like you were in support of alternative ways of funding this game without having to resort to buying Aquilas.

And who’s faults that?

I remember a lot of hype around the game and a lot of people were looking forward to playing it.

The crashes were annoying, but fair does, most games launch with these issues.

But they also released the game with half things missing… People had to wait months for bits to be added.

And when crafting was introduced it killed the player base, because it was an RNG insult that was RNG crafting that flew in the face of everything they said…

But the $$$$ was working perfectly…

They game could have been a success, but greed was priority.

Well then we can just agree to disagree on what’s better for the game, but next week is an announcement, so we’ll see what they have planned. If it sucks, then I’ll be right there with you bashing them again.

Well it will still last for at least another 4 years, and I’ll probably be playing - so that’s a success to me.

Not at £10 a pop for one skin for one class…

That be taking the p**s.

And where have they said that?

You are conjuring up the most controversial topics ever.

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The intention is to learn, not to create controversy.

I’m not paying for cosmetics. I think that the developers have a vested interest in prioritising the opinions of those who engage with MTX over those who don’t, but they can’t ignore either.

Yes. People who don’t engage with MTX are important for the game. They’re both potential conversion victims as well as content for the MTX engagers to interact with.

Just look at Deep Rock, enough said.
Even though DRG is fully priced game, you can buy skins in it. Have anyone any problems with it? Not really, because game is good, and folks gladly support good games and their developers.

It is just this simple, just make great game.

I myself never bought anything in DT, albeit I was close when I’ve seen ushanka hat on vet.
When, and if, the game becomes good and well polished product, I won’t hesitate, and support continuous developemnt with cosmetics purchases.

Yes but many others wouldn’t. The few people among friends and family that are still willing to play DT with me won‘t spend any further money on it.

So I couldn’t play the new maps with them and would lose interest in DT.

The current model is far better suited to keep a healthy player base then your completely outdated suggestions. Industry has moved on, gamers have moved on.

Btw - you get the maps for free so if you really wished to show your appreciation financially you could buy a funny hat whenever a new mission is released and pretend to have bought the mission instead - never wearing the hat.

What is not going to happen is that you not buying DT cosmetics will set an end to MTX once and for all.

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I think paid cosmetics in a 40€ game is a joke, if you buy cosmetics your opinion has no more value than mine, if you on the other hand think that you buying cosmetics are better because you are “finincing” the updates you are the reason why most videogames suck nowadays.


I have my doubts.

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And the reason they don;t want to spend on it, is because the game is still broken and rewards their time with a spit in the face from crafting roulette table.

If FatShark wanted to do cosmetics fairly. Then ;

  1. £5 gets the skin for all classes.
  2. Uses real money and none of this cynical buy £10 of aquilla, but can never spend it all leaving x in your account, trying to force to spend more to clear it off BS.
  3. No time limit on the shop, so no putting you under pressure to buy now or miss out.

Then yeah, that is a lot better than what we have.

What we actually have is a nasty cynical, manipulative, and sinister system that has no place in games. Designed by ****s to fleece mugs.


I agree - the way how they implemented MTX is disgusting.

If MTX were implemented as you suggest here FS would have made more money from me.

The only thing justifying fantasy money like aquilae would be if they are earnable ingame.


I wish I could set cosmetic of my own but for other palayers.
Like I do not care what I wear as in mission I can not see it, tho other players on the other hand…I would love to pay some buck to be able to customize them.
Kind of like gearing bots in Vermintide.
Sorry for my English. Hope this make sens.

Why would you pay full price for service in early access?

Here’s an issue though, if people spent more money on WoW’s horse armor than on Wings of Liberty, then companies aren’t much at fault for taking advantage of that.

darktide’s cosmetics are largely bad/boring from what I’ve seen, and the premium currency model they use is crap. So I have not, do not (partially because I haven’t had the game installed in over a year), and will probably continue to not, even if I start playing again.

Now, I have for VT2, because A:I think that game is actually good; B:Some of the cosmetics actually look good; and C:There isn’t a pointless (for the player) middle-man currency between me and the thing I want to buy…And, on a related note, there also isn’t a stupid rotation on the things you can buy that serves no purpose to the player other than to try and induce FOMO.

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Some, sure. Mostly though there are a whole number of factors involved just like it always is in life. It just saddens me to yet again see a pointless issue like this devolve into rants and abuse from small minded people who place their black & white views above common human decency. Not referring to you here btw.

Games are like any hobby, some take it more seriously than others. Many ppl have more than enough income to indulge in their hobbies, so buying a skin or 5 isn’t some big investment of a sacrifice. It’s no different from going to movies or a drink after work, harmless entertainment for its own sake and rarely worth any further thought. Sure for some, stuff like supporting the devs - or not, which can be a statement too ofc. - or whatever other cause we pour our money and work into can all play a part too, but that’s the same for everything really. All in all there are countless different things that play into these decisions, but I imagine most of us don’t really bother thinking about most of the hundreds of meaningless little daily choices we make all the time.

But attacking people over stuff like this and throwing a hissy fit because someone has a hobby and interests they don’t, or use money on things they themselves wouldn’t is just… wow. We all know not a one of those people take that same attitude to the mirror when they think about every single minutiae of their own daily lives, not even with most issues far more important than 1-2 cosmetics in a game of all things. Like politics, people, animals, the environment, etc. things that actually matter and impact lives everywhere and for everyone.

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