So we always have to buy more premium currency then we need to buy premium stuff. Nice predatory tactic Fatshark. Tought you are better than this. Or maybe it's Tencent? Plus timer for FOMO

These premium skins should be unlocking recolours of themselves in the regular store as well as having alternating looks. Like hoods up or down, masks on or off considering the price of them


i might buy that game. no lie.

1 Like

Did not play this but if i should guess.

  1. It is a offline single player game
  2. you change the substance material in the game also with just a slider :slight_smile:
    (Not sure if the use substance painter, i just guess they do because it is kinda standart in the industy)

It’s an always online diablo like game, however, its monetization practices are not as egregious as Darktide.


do we need an ingame strike, loging on, but not playing?

Not even the skins on the premium edition are equal to what they presented



Yeah, I will not be purchasing any premium currency beyond what I received for the special edition until after all features are implemented and even then I think the prices are egregious.


I was buying everything on VT2, i’ll not buy anything untill they stopp this FOMO and premium currency stuff. If you put premium currency, gives player a way to have it by playing, if you want to put paying content, let player pay the exact cost. And just DONT put timer like this.


I wish we could filter steamcharts by region.

The fact that item crafting wasn’t completed but this “micro” transaction store is up speaks volumes about the developer priorities. The predatory cost structure as well is unbelievable and subjective opinion but the cosmetics aren’t even that good. This game has a great core but WTF are they doing with all of this!


Basically you mean it is okay to keep paying monthly subs to a game that has exactly the same “predatory” MTX feature as Darktide (Cosmetic + mount + service like gender swap) as long as you write a paragraph of saying sorry to fans? man that’s low

PS: I play FF14 since realm reborn (skipped the crappy 1.0) and waiting for years for them to Fix Machinist weird rotation…A FRIGGIN YEARS UNTIL THEY FIXED IT ON SHADOWBRINGER FOR KARKING SAKE!!

Again, Darktide most likely will end up as Vermintide’s if the game doesn’t have a steady amount of income. And no, they can’t just keep begging Tencent to fund them without proper result. Meanwhile, this is SquareEnix we are talking about…a company that…you know what, just google it and get a big picture.


Great, I was thinking exactly that, thanks for the post and pic!


FF XIV has no timer in their shop and no premium currency. So there is no premium currency and no FOMO scheme.

it’s just cash shop which I am fine with. Also don’t talk about paying subscription for massive game that is multiple times bigger and more complex and has waaaaaaaaaaaaay bigger player base than Tide games from mid-level studio.

You also totally didn’t get any of our complains. It’s not about store or MTX but HOW they are implemented (FOMO and Premium Currency). I nothing against cosmetic MTX. Besides in FF XIV all best mounts are in game and cosmetics are just some little additions, all best ones are from raids, alliance raids, relics, dungeons, events etc. Here all best cosmetics will be fron MTX store which is imo way lower, but I can understand that. But not FOMO and premium currency.


It is illegal here in Canada, it violates the Competition Act and can result in a fine of up to $10 million for a first time offence for corporations.
Thing is, I think that’s why they’re using a premium currency. It’s a loophole around these sort of laws because you’re not actually buying the skin bundles, you’re buying the currency.


very true! im deeply disappointed in fatshark. i ACTUALLY didn’t think they would go this far with it. i was down with buying cosmetics because i thought they were done great in V2! but this is just pathetic


It’s this game good? I have been thinking about getting this game.

I’m enjoying it. Here’s what the gameplay looks like:

It’s fun for me. Purge heretics and Pillage their loots.


we NEED you to follow this up, do you have a better bussiness bereau or consumer protection agency? x


I am extremely disappointed because I was looking forward to loading up on cosmetics. I love the 40k aesthetic, I loved my ogryn big boi, and I didn’t really get to play around with cosmetics in Vermintide, so I thought the time has come (because the VT system was pretty nice).
Unfortunately I had to refund the game.