FatShark, you need to understand. Not having resources being Account-Wide and contracts being a “account-wide” thing, means you’re shoehorning people into only ever using one character. Basically permanently. Unless someone has no life and can manage 2.
I can tell you, I have a life and have to work. As will most people here. Your decision to arbitrarily force us to only do “one thing” is a terrible one. You should change this. And it should be a priority immediately following the implementation of the crafting system.
lore is important, but lets face it having a shared inventory or resources arnt a lore issue.
if we were really conscripts in the inquizition, we would be issued weapons, and have no choice in what we take on a mission.
if we found a bolter “wow this is so cool im going to bring this back to the ship!”
you know what the Mechanicus would say, “thats a artifect weapon you have to reliquish it to me!”
and we would because you dont mess with the Mechanicus, we are a no body the idea they would let us keep anything we find if it were lore accurate is laughable.
that said i think having items account wide would not reduce the replay-ability, it would just make a grind less, and also it may encourage people to make more characters. i have a lv30 psyker if i knew i would keep all my things, i would create a new character and play level 0 again as some of my friends are starting to play as well. it encourages builds and making new characters,
I swear one of the FS community managers said there would be an announcement this week about this and other design issues. Maybe I imagined that. Or dreamed it. Tzeetch is a hell of a drug.
Aqshy said that there was going to be a developer response sometime this week, unsure what the actual contents are going to be.
But yeah, as a general response to this thread, after playing more I’m realizing how this is hurting the game in more than 1 way.
Everyone talking about how they feel “punished” for wanting to play more than 1 character is 100% accurate. I got my Zealot to 30 during the beta and am getting my Ogryn up, somewhere around 18 now I think. I’m disliking this more and more. Some of my friends are 30, I play my zealot with them. Some of my friends are newer, I play my Ogryn with them.
Since I don’t play that much because of work, I’m getting very few weeklies done. Since weeklies are ALSO character based, AND the currency is character based, I’m not really getting much done here. I’m actively being punished for playing different characters to play with my different friends.
Sure, I could just play my Zealot. But then we just blow through lower level missions and is more boring for them because I’m just not going to go down from difficulties 1-3. I could play my Ogryn, but then I’m a hindrance to my higher level friends from playing Damnation.
It’s just not fun, and it feels like I’m trying to manage a videogame instead of playing the video game. It almost feels like a 2nd job at this point.
Although I like the idea of account wide resources, getting 1 set of 5 weeklies without changes would also be very limiting on that currency if you are trying to equip more than 1 character.
I disagree. They could increase the payout by a margin of 50% and then just have it be something you do once a week for the account. You either get lucky and snag something you want from the weekly contracts, or you get it at random from the horrendously RNG-dependent store and upgrade it.
Either way, there are no good options right now. But being forced to treat this as a 2nd job to be able to gear each character is not only asinine, but terribly anti-fun.
Now after getting one Preacher to 30, an Ogryn over 20 and three other chars (another Ogryn, Psyker and Sharpshooter) over 12 I could not agree more to this thread.
It is not only annoying it just hurts. FS can’t really believe that we think they played at least two chars over level 10 and not noticing how glaring this issue is.
And we are still at the “beginning”! There are ONLY four classes and no crafting system - what will happen when there are even more chars to play, even more coins and materials needed because we get crafting?
So far it is bearable, because it is “new”, but after almost 100hours the game feels rather empty. To much repetition already.
All the talk about many weapons, crafting options, classes, traits, skills, … it does not help much (if it is even released). But I am going OT.
Please, FS, we need among others, the shared resources from Vermintide 2 back. We need to have fun in Darktide. A reason to play high classes and new ones.
Mayhaps not right now, but definitely when the next new class drops.
The issue is rather that, unless you have a LOT of free time to play, you probably aren’t getting all the weeklies done on ONE character let alone on multiple characters. It’s a struggle for me I know even playing say 2 hours a night on 4 or 5 nights to get them all done. So for me sharing the resources would be great because I’m only going to get one batch of weeklies done anyway and I might as well get resources I could potentially use on any character.
Or just use same system as DRGs assignment board which makes infinitely more sense.
I should add that the system for weeklies is kind of dumb anyway. Mostly I think people are re-rolling the assignments to be the easy ones like “kill X scabs” or “play 15 games” - which we’d do anyway. At that point, why even have the quest/assignment in the first place?
For those who don’t recall, the equivalent system from Vermintide ONE was freaking awesome - and this assignment system would be so much better if it worked like that.
Basically, each day there’d be a new item that you could “lock in”. Getting the item would require a certain number of keys to unlock it (say 3 keys for a more common item and 6 keys for something rare). You’d earn keys by doing special tasks that would rotate around each day. The tasks were something fun and interesting in the mission itself, like kill 10 enemies with one grenade toss or something. A little mini-achievement. It might take a couple of days to get all the keys you needed to unlock an item, but it wasn’t too hard if you were persistent. If a better item popped up along the way (there was a new one each day) you could abandon your progress and start working towards the new item.
It was freaking fantastic. It gave you an incentive to check in every day and see what the new item was. We used to have a dairy bot on the vermtinde Reddit that would also post the item. So it created daily engagement. But you also didn’t get burned by not being able to get something under time pressure so long as you at least locked in the item that day.
Anyway. It was brilliant. They should just reinplent that.