Not a good enough reason. All Live Service games thus far allowed account resources to be shared. Destiny. Lost Ark. Hell, even Anthem. Final Fantasy XIV is an MMO, but still a live service. Same with WoW. Try again.
Live Service games and Account-Wide resource access are not separate in most cases.
To reply with more than a +1 (probably be lost but I’ll say ti anyways)
The beauty in VT1-2 and what is really missing in DT due to lack fo currency and inventory sharing is the ability to quick swap to other Classes based on your team/composition.
Not only do we need to encourage players using and enjoying multiple classes based on situation. we also need to encourage the ability to effectively swap (like when your character was taken in Quickplay/Lobby in VT2, you can choose a backup) … DeepRock Galactic also did this well where people can host a game either forcing only one of each class, or leaving it open… which is fantastic, especially for playing Randoms at high rank missions.
I don’t know if this is anywhere in sight but it’s a major flaw in the whole design of DT compared to VT1-2 and several other coops games. Don’t make the grind worse than it already is (not everyone has 120 hours just to unlock all of a characters perks, let alone additional hours to luck out with decent gear to be viable).
First step is item/gear (at least trinkets? maybe have all 3 slots unlocked by default) sharing so at least if you want to hot-swap to a different class, you can and not be completely useless to your team (unless you already spend 30-35+ hours on that character before AND got decent gear scores).
Working in software I understand making the currencies account-wide wouldn’t be a very trivial task but I also notice the premium currency is already account-wide. I don’t think it’d be an insurmountable engineering effort to change it.
One of the stupidest rationalization I’ve read on this board.
This is a financial choice, not a gameplay or (god forbid) a lore one.
They need the game to be as grindy as humanly possible so online metrics look good.
tbh, we’d happily play the game WITHOUT their railroading. People love VT2 and CONTINUED to play it looooooooong after maxing all the subclasses for each character. Why? Because it was FUN.
Just for clarity’s sake, I am absolutely against this kind of garbage, where online presence is mistaken for engagement.
I think it comes from an incomplete or incorrect understanding by FS of why ppl plays VT2 or DT, which is not for the progress or for the “completionist” syndrome.
It is to bonk rats / purge heretics.
May as well have done a game that does not have predatory mechanics in it, but ehi, I am sure there are executives looking at the online metrics and nodding their empty head at the achievement.