A lot of the things in this game are a case of 2 steps backwards, then one step backwards again. I would say almost the majority of the system of DT are downgrades to what VT2 had.
It’s just, baffling. On top of that, they went for a live service-like model when the industry has seen so many die out in a couple months over the years. It’s a week until launch and so many people are having connection issues and just can’t even play the game offline. Utterly just, baffling.
1000% yes.
There’s a major thread on r/DARKTIDE getting at the same thing.
Please everyone - if you support this please, please, please give a +1 here. IMHO this is one of the biggest gameplay (non-technical) issues to address in the game.
Technical issues aside, fatshark games have always been a buggy mess when it comes to technical issues. Can tell you right now VT1, VT2 beta and launch was such as much of a connection mess as this is, if not worse.
This however is the first time i have seen so many bad mechanics from them.
+1. I have two friends(for a group of three) and this is the biggest deterrent for them.
@Fatshark You guys are hearing it here first. Well, reading it. This is a change that definitely needs to happen.
I will chime in and say that the shared resource pools between the characters was a big, and continues to be, a huge reason why I continued to play VT2 as it made unlocking and gaining items feel meaningful. When you start a new character it is nice to know you aren’t starting complete at 0
Yep Agreed! This has been posted a few times on other threads too.
- Stash and Account Currency - #2 by Chrifer
- Resources sharing (Gold, plasteel) across characters - #3 by Emilia_Tempest
Really hope they listen to this request.
I got one character to 30 and then started another, now with the implementation of Plasteel and Diamite (or whatever the cube crafting resource is) i feel torn between spending time accruing the crafting resources on my level 30 to optimize weapons vs leveling my lower characters.
This is very much a first world beta tester problem, but i really do wish that weapons and currencies were sharable across all characters. I received a purple Autogun as a Emperor gift on my Psyker when i exclusively enjoy staves. This gun will just sit in my inventory forever or i sell it because it probably wont ever get used sadly.
Just throwing in my +1. This change needs to happen.
+1, add this pls, all resources should be shared between characters
Yes please. All my time in this game has been into one character and the fact that all my weapons, currency, weekly progress, everything would go away if I tempted another cahracter really is off putting. I dont wanna start from zero again, why should I have too? Games like Destiny allow item sharing and even VT2 did so why can’t we here
Totally agree.
I have leveled up two characters to 30 (zealot and orgyn) and went to level up sharpshooter today and it’s just so tedious.
The way that the stream of weapons you have available to you is not what you want or like. I know I have a cool braced autogun on my other character I would like to use but …
Literally created an account here to +1 this.
I would rather have gear being shared than currencies honestly. Why would vermintide have some gear shared between characters when there was very little crossover to begin with but Darktide has none at all?
They even designed the weapons and gear system on the fact that multiple classes use the same weapons and we cant share them? Not even the curios like vermintides trinkets? it makes absolutely no sense like What?? No I have to go through a minimum of 6 loading screens to check the RNG shop every hour to look at gear my 4 characters?
The games economy is being designed like a mobile game, at least follow the golden rule of mobile games UI where you want the player to go through the least clicks and loading screens possible for maximum player retention.
This needs to seriously be looked at changing please!!
100% agree
This needs to exist
The only gear shared between characters in V2 were the accessories. Shared weapons like the 2H Sword, 1H sword and a few others were available to multiple characters but never shared between characters.
Two words:
cross Character Inventory, needs to be a thing,
loved VT1/VT2 because of this, and have spent allot of money on those,
loved the games so much even bought VT2 for 6 friends who play now often,
this is whats stopping me from getting DT for friends the same way.