Red dlc random drop

No your arguments are literally just 100% logical fallacy. People are getting frustrated because you are being frustrating.

Grind isn’t an incentive if it’s literally what drives people away from the game, a good number of my friends included. V2 doesn’t benefit at all from this grind, in fact in this whole thread you’re yet to name a single tangible way it improves the game.

Stop making completely irrelevant comparisons and give us a tangible way the grind improves the experience of playing the game. Your entire argument is just that this is the status quo so must be fine, which is about the most fallacious stance I can imagine someone taking.


By giving you something to work for.

I’ve literally said that multiple times.

I’m frustrating? Because I don’t want things handed to me? lol okay

Except that nobody actually cares about the loot. Seriously, nobody cares, except as a time saver, so you’re not staring at the crafting screen for way too long (an indictment in and of itself).

This isn’t an MMO, the loot isn’t the end goal here, the end goal is the gameplay itself. The current grind distracts from the gameplay so acts as the opposite to an incentive. It’s just a frustration and time waster. It drives people away from the game, I’ve literally seen it happen first hand many times.

You are treating every game as am MMO. The V2 player base has a fundamentally different mentality.

Nobody plays V2 for the loot

I literally don’t know how to explain this so you understand.

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Obviously :man_facepalming:

Go back and reread everything. Everyone wants all the red dust and red weapons given to them immediately without realizing what the game really needs.

The Shrine from V1.

Otherwise, there’s Casual Mode in the modded realm you can play without the “grind.”

Steam Workshop::Casual Mode

“It will only ever be usable in the modded realm. It’s mostly aimed at pre-made teams where one or more of the players don’t have the time to grind through the progression in the official realm.”

Problem solved.

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I literally give up. I simply don’t have the time in my life at the moment to unpack every bad assumption you’ve made with these posts.

Good day, and good luck with your crusade to defend bad practice. Hopefully you find a better use of your time than arguing for the virtue of work ethic in a damn piece of entertainment media.


Ah, yes, we should also get the Quest & Contracts board from V1 as well. Now red dust didn’t exist in that game but you could get all the other dust from completing contracts. All Fatshark would have to do is put out 1 contract every week for red dust in place of the 2 key contracts every Sunday.

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So by that standard when do you personally plan on upgrading your dual hammers to red? Or are you playing dual hammers because you enjoy gameplay?

The answer should make it fairly obvious.

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Oh boohoo, the triggered snowflake won’t concede the point and say you’re completely right after he was mean to you. Look: I apologise for the second paragraph. That was a personal attack and it was uncalled for. I’ll delete it if you want. I do not apologise for questioning your reading comprehension, however, because the way you argue absolutely makes it seem you don’t understand the point.

I’ll summarize a discussion we had in thread as a small example of what I mean:
Me: “The grind for items in this game is bad, it doesn’t add anything of value.”
You: “If there is no item grind, then what is the point of playing the game?”
Me: “Reasons A, B, C, and D are still reasons to play the game without the grind.”
You: “Yeah, but you can still play for those reasons despite the grind, and it’s like that in other games, and I can still play high level content with oranges.”
Me: “???.. That wasn’t the point at all.”

And you do things like that in damn near every discussion I’ve seen you participate in on this forum. Stuff like that is why people are getting frustrated with you, not because we disagree in itself.

You’ve now said you actually like the grind, because it brings to you a sense of accomplishment / having earned the upgrade, if you’ll allow me to paraphrase. That’s the first time you’ve actually adressed the point. If that’s your opinion, I can respect that despite not feeling the same way. Can’t argue preference. I personally don’t feel that way, because Vermintide is a game to me and not my job, and I’d like to just get to play the game itself instead of grinding for grinding’s sake, however.

The fact that you’re just repeating I should simply play modded without adressing what I’ve said to that in an earlier post, and the fact that you state that we must simply be entitled people for disliking the grind makes me realize this back-and-forth will never be fruitful, so I’m just going to call it a day here.


I do disagree a bit with you on the grind part. Not on the fact that it underperforms currently, but on the part that it should be removed.
A certain… appeal that V2 have over V1 is that diablo side with stats, so you can imagine, like in a diablo game, some builds being tied to some traits, weapons, & stuff like that when you begin the game.
It’s different for people who played V1 a lot, as they don’t consider that part the same way, as they compare everything to the first one.
Of course, once you reach your treshold, you find out that there’s very few interesting traits, and you try to get your obvious properties.

This is something I already “teased” as important stuff that should be reworked. Currently properties & traits do drag the diablo side down as they are not varied enough, and rather boring to play with (in my opinion, and excluding balance from the equation that is another matter).

Would there be way more varied loot, then the chase for red, perfect stats, and whatever, would work like in any diablo-like game. (and then you put in place some “artisans” to target the stuff you want with resources)

tl:dr; if a system doesn’t work on its current implementation, it doesn’t necessarily means that it should be removed, but could probably be improved instead.

If you ask me just remove the loot system and make it like L4D where you play just for the game itself.


apparently Vermintide is a job for some people. At least if you are reading the forums. If people are not getting rewarded, they don’t see why they should play anyway. A very prominent Shade of this is “Why should I play Cataclysm if the reward is the same as Legend?”. The sad truth is that people expect to be rewarded for their time investment. And it has to be specific rewards. Nobody cares about blue or green weapons although they are a reward. If they lose a round it is the same as not having played at all. People call this “progress” for some reasons.

Which brings us back to the red weapons and/or red dust. In a hypthetical scenario where red weapons wouldnt be a think or exist in heavy overabundance people would no longer consider them a reward for their investment of time. However, they still want some reward. With the weapons out of way, people might say make cosmetics the reward as they do not influence the gameplay. However, there we have to face realitiy that we have nowhere near enough cosmetics to cover rewards for a long time unless you make the acquisition rate so terrible that you will just have shifted the problem and this very same thread will rise again (despite them not influencing the gameplay). The arguments might shift a bit but in the end it will be the same.

If we accept it or not, this is a spiral which will stay and to a certain degree has to say. Because it is a simple calculation. The grind will in average prolong the time people stay with the game. Even if some are turned away by it, in total it will prolong the playtime for most users. Because realistically spoken, the grind is not the breakpoint for players. If they like the gameplay they will tolerate it. If they say they stop playing, even if they specifically say it was because of the grind, the reason lies somewhere else. They just hadn’t fun with the gameplay. This means the grind will not go away. Then while creating these systems you have to make sure that you have different level of grinds which you can target at different stages like:

Entry-Grind - Character Leveling: Easiest to see and most likely the easiest to remove without to much consequences although it is meant to force you through the lower difficulties to learn the game. People having a faster growing rate are casualties.

Mid-Grind - Item Power Level: Terribly annoying but it keeps player going, could be faster. But this will stay as well to control player movement.

Red-Grind: The topic of this thread. The arguments are very clear that it hinders progress and fun. But in reality it is one of the most intense driving factors in the game. Of course you can ask everyone and all say they hate it and it is stupid. But in the end they let themselves being guided by that.

The unachievable-grind: Shillings and Cosmetics. They are there to give you a goal you will never complete so that you can never put that longing checkmark behind the game. They will stay hardcapped. And if you get more ways of Shillings, the prices of cosmetics will just increase.

There are also other forms like achievement grind, etc. All of this topic is just a matter of psychology (although badly explained by me). The main statement is: It will not go away because it is not the breaking point for the game. So no matter how much we complain it will not change.

However, what can be achieved is to get more control over the grind. Meaning we get ways to determine what we get. The prominent example for this is Lohner’s Emporium which is still heavy grind but gives us choice. Another example is the ability to get any red weapon for the cost of 5 red dusts. In that regard FS is ready to give in.

So if you want change, concentrate on suggestions on how to get more control. Example here would be that for playing a certain number/set of Legend+ Weaves would enable you to get a red of your choice. So let’s say you would need to finish 10 different ranked Weaves of said difficulty. You would invest more time (and maybe skill) than just playing adventure mode but you get a certain choice instead of random reds out of the 10 Emperor’s Chest you would get by playing the adventure mode. Again, the grind will not go. Because unmoved by us accepting it or not, it increases the average player retention time.


Interesting assessment. I guess if the RNG aspect of the grind is removed, I could live with it better, at least. The idea to introduce the Athanor to adventure mode and reward the player with essense for a run could achieve something like that, I guess. You need to work to level your weapon, but at least the work-reward ratio would be clear.

It is opinion, I could still be completely wrong on this one. But I have not seen anything in the last two years which indicates otherwise. But yea, better control or clearer work-reward ratio are things which can be implemented.

Pay-to-win? That may be an issue, yea. On the other hand, I would give Weaves something more than the potential Weave skins. But is another discussion.

Probably never to be honest. I don’t open any more chests because I already have every piece of equipment I wanted. I don’t keep weapons to collect or if I don’t like their combo sets.

I never said that. I said the grind in this game is pretty trivial compared to literally every other game.

Well, you should apologize because almost every post you make breaks the forum rules and guidelines. If you continue on this path on attacking people because they don’t feel sympathy to your woes, do not expect me to respond to you again. Go and be free my man. Life is to be enjoyed.

But you don’t grind for reds yourself?

So what’s your incentive to play if you don’t enjoy getting your character stronger?

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No, I do not.

That’s a weirdly worded question.

The incentive for me to play is the cooperative experience with friends and random players from around the world. It’s a vastly different experience than my PvP days.

My characters are already strong and viable across all difficulties so I have no desire or need to upgrade.

You just said the reason to play is to grind. Because players won’t stay unless they have to grind. But you don’t enjoy grinding, nor do any of us. Why are you defending something you don’t like doing?


You’re misunderstanding what I said so let me explain it more clearer to you.

1.) Grind only exists in video games so companies can get players addicted to games to want to continue playing by hunting for things they want.

2.) Compared to other games, the “grind” in this game is absolutely trivial. Most people who play this game do not play it for the loot but the melee combat and the cooperative aspects.

3.) No, I do not like grinding in video games but I have never grinded for anything in Vermintide 2 as I do not play for loot. Yes, I already have every weapon I wanted which I have obtained naturally through playing the game.

4.) I do not defend grinding in any form as it is one of the reason I quit playing WoW, ESO, and WoT but I am against players begging for handouts without putting in any effort.

Don’t get mad at me because you don’t like grinding in video games but it’s existed for as long as video games have been around and was actually inspired by a tabletop game from the seventies.

If you hate it that much then I have bad news for you, it’s not going away any time soon.

So point 1 is null and void by your own admission in point 4. Gamers enjoy gameplay, not grinding. This isn’t a gacha game so why have gacha elements. Piggybacking off of that: There’s effort involved in beating legend, knowing the blocks and dodges, resource management, special killing, armor pen, etc. So your 4th point is likewise moot as Legend already takes skill.

It was never about how other games are worse. It’s about the pitiful drop rates of this game killing player involvement and denying new players the chance to join their friends.

This game isn’t based on looting as being a prime hook, despite how prevalent the mechanic is. Makes perfect sense why you don’t enjoy it.


Point #1 is an explanation on WHY gaming companies add grind to video games.

Point #4 doesn’t nullify Point #1 because all 3 of those games I listed were games I spent numerous years playing based on the design of Point #1 which is the reason why I hate grinding now.

Vermintide 2 is not about loot though.

I don’t understand what you mean by denying new players the chance to join their friends? Is this about leveling? If you have friends just starting out, you can invite them to your Legend lobbies through Deeds because Deeds do not have a power requirement.

This is a skill based game which means you don’t need red weapons to play on the highest difficulty. I watched a streamer play a Legend Back to Basics deed on Cataclysm and won. I’m not that hardcore but it just proves that you don’t NEED red weapons to play on higher difficulties if you know how to play.

Which is why my DLC weapons are still orange. They do just fine and I don’t feel the need to upgrade them.

On the french discord we get a lot of the new players that ask stuff like “So I did finish the maps, is there anything to do ?”. Grinding allow us to keep a good bunch of people entertained so they can learn the game while earning stuff. Grinding also allow a chase that people can like or not.
Again, the system is far from perfect, but I would keep it rather than remove it. I do think it can be improved though.

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