Thanks for doing the testing! Just curious do you use any other apps while the game is running? Discord/other voice chat, twitch/other streaming or capture, that kind of thing?
Discord overlay still doesn’t work, but OBS seems to be fine.
I’m going to have to try disabling the Discord overlay in discord settings, I wonder if Discord constantly trying to overlay is what is getting my EAC all riled up.
That’s a good point. I’ll take a look at what the processes do when launching Discord.
Of course Discord had to have its own service issue when I was going to test it.
No extra events with Discord. So I’m assuming the Webhook isn’t configured to allow Discord. I’ll check for other possible issues that could prevent the overlay from working.
I agree, it’s completely useless. Hackers can easily circumvent EAC if they wanted to, and it’s a coop game with no competitive aspect whatsoever, so what the hell is the point. All it does is cause headaches for the rest of us in the form of bugs, crashes, resource hogging, and false positives.
As is the case. It’s a constantly growing love hate triangle among the devs, the players, and the code
Here are my points
1 This is not a competitive online multiplayer, and what aspects of competitiveness there are (looking at you green circles) I think do nothing but take away from what they game should be about
2 It gets said a lot because it’s true, anti cheat software, in the case of EAC and d3nubl0w often do little to even delay the availability of pirated copies and mod tools, instead affecting only the customers naive enough to have that software still running on their systems. To put it more simply, only the legitimate purchasers of the game are affected by AC, and only in a negative way
3 off topic, but can we all stop playing for green circles?
4 Although this is four, it could easily be at the top for me, because it’s the most important after taking in what information is available in this thread. After reading this page and all of the usual information mixed with absolute mindless drivel, I have not seen a single response from anyone at FS addressing these concerns
If you can’t address very reasonable concerns to something players of your game take issue with, then you should evaluate what role you wish to play in this industry. I don’t expect the team who actually built the game to be on here answering every question, but I do expect someone who works there and has knowledge of the issue to shed light on that issue. I shouldn’t even need to write that last sentence, but from the state of the rest of this thread, I assume I do
It’s a good game, but bugs, not hackers, are what will keep me from playing AND suggesting it to friends, not to mention the fact that I will be much less likely to buy any other games made by you
Kind regards
I dunno about investment, it’s 30 bucks ffs, but it (EAC) gets called as a windows service and has its own separate launch hooks. Sounds like it would be a delicious target for malware. I’m rather surprised no one’s targeted it yet, since it’s a kernel level driver all-ready installed and just begging to be hijacked.
It makes me uncomfortable just knowing it’s there, if I can think of half a dozen ways to access it, I’m sure someone with actual motivation can figure out several easier ways of using it to log and collect data., or launch alternate elevated processes.
rofl exactly. some people eat for 30 bucks in a fancy restaurant in 40 minutes. here we’re spending hundreds of hours for that amount.
Yeah, really. It could be worse too. Let’s not forget the Landmark debacle where some people bought in with the $100+ edition only to see the game shut down a month after release.
I luckily got away with the cheapest edition at $20 so I could at least say I got my money’s worth during the early access process.
Party management was never developed past vote-kick in V1, and I’m not sure why. I agree those mods will resolve the entirety of issues locally, with people joining lobbies to cheat, but Fatshark clearly would rather have some systems in place to block/punish who try in the first place, or host with cheats to bypass being kicked. Give them more than a day or two to iron out conflicts EAC has with client PCs…
I’m still waiting for one shred of evidence on this (in the context of 2018).
Just for avoidance of doubt; I wrote sandbox (the verb) EAC, i.e. “expanded as” sandbox the sandbox that sandboxes Vermintide. Just as EAC sandboxes Vermintide, it is possible to sandbox EAC if someone is at all afraid of EAC “running amok” or “being a virus”.
Although, I must admit after researching it a bit, Windows does have lousy built-in sandboxing support, at least compared to sandbox-exec
(a super simplistic and efficient sandboxer in OSX) or AppArmor
Depending on his local consumer rights legislation, he might just get to. Well pedantically he gets to regardless of legislation (anyone can post on these forums) and Fatshark are also free to ignore him and any legislation even though they should adhere to it (seeing as they sell games in that country). He is however free to take action based his local laws.
For example in UK digital goods are covered for 30 days after purchase (not sure about alterations to product after purchase). Just because Steam refund window has closed does not mean he is not legally eligible for a refund. Ergo it is perfectly reasonable to demand that the company either A) fixes the product or B) gives a refund. Whether the product could be deemed as legally “broken” due to how EAC affects it in regards to that legislation, probably cannot be determined on these forums (unless someone happens to be a UK based consumer rights lawyer).
Hi! I don’t deal with consumer rights specifically. But I can guarantee that in no way can this software be deemed as faulty or provided to consumers without due diligence by either Steam or FS. As such, making a case for a refund would be… well, quite hard.
Edit: And no, FS is not free to ignore any legislation. A civil suit brought against a small company outside its national legislation can be a heavy financial burden. The same is true if they had to protect their software by bringing a civil law claim outside their national jurisdiction. Which is why many companies choose to protect their products proactively.
It’s a pretty simple google search, there’s a 70 page thread on a cheating/hacking forum about trainers for VT2.
Network bypass basically, you can packet spam EAC to make it believe the state is trusted.
Yup, it is unbelievable how much my FPS plummits because of EAC.
It is borderline unplayable on certain parts of different maps, especially on fort brach.
Despite being able to run on high, 50+ fps post 1.0.5, I’m now stuck at 20 at some parts of different maps, and tuning my graphical settings to the lowest changes nothing, the fps drop still happens and is unplayable.
Is this why I’m getting fps lag constantly since patch?
The game is noticeably choppier for me after the last patch.
Add to that some people not even able to launch the game. Nice nightmare you have created for yourself fatshark.
I’ve got over 300 hours in this game, never seen a cheater once and do plenty of quick play. Even then I could just leave the party.
But, no you will choose to make the experience worse for all legitimate players and nosedive performance to prevent cheating in a non PvP, non competitive game…
Yup, this is why the game runs like absolute trash all of a sudden.
So screwing gameplay for a considerable bunch of the community is better because it might stop cheaters, even though those determined to will find a way anyway.
I’m gonna ask steam for a refund, I do not want to support this bs. EAC started overloading my system today, no more of that