That hasn’t been my experience, though it doesn’t help the beta forum threads are inaccessible now - there was a lot of good, in depth discussion there. @flisker and @BizarreSalp among others have also posted a lot about what they don’t like about it specifically.
Likewise people who say they like it but can’t explain why aren’t be constructive either.
But they’re entitled to do that, as are people who don’t like it, it’s a game after all, whether or not it ‘feels’ good to them to play is, at the end of the day, what decides whether or not they keep playing.
Apart from the post-BBB dodge meta yes, pushing was always handy and having a knowledgeable teammate to keep your back clear makes things even better, but the problem I have with the blanket damage mechanic form of it is that it turns it from a pure combat mechanic into a balance one.
And we were pretty near to having balance there pre-WoM (mainly shielded weapons and certain heavies were lagging behind), now we’re back in the wilds.
The problem is it doesn’t push people toward understanding it imo. Even ignoring the tooltips. It’s not tied to animations or anything.
I’m all for more difficulty but not throwing weapon balance out the window.
Well, there’s always a chance you’ll get people like that. But imo having the highest 2 difficulties be harder is the easiest way to handle that, and that can be done by means other than stagger.
Don’t get me started on item properties, I hate how AS/Crit chance/Swift Slaying are the default (excluding the odd breakpoint, and maybe parry on occasion). @scottz0rz had a good thread on fixing that.
I mean most recently there was this thread which you were in? There were also others earlier on but I don’t have a link to them on me right now, and I might be thinking of the beta forums for some of them… Again, it doesn’t help that they aren’t accessible, there was a lot of good discussion in there.
Here’re a few I can remember and/or find via search just now: Stagger mechanic is just DUMB! ..period, The stagger system is just solving the problem with a sledgehammer, Stagger is convoluted and repetative - #6 by Nilter, WoM Community Poll - #10 by BizarreSalp, Winds Of Magic Community Blogpost - #159 by flisker (you have to sift through the last three but I’ve linked you to some of the most relevant posts).