Stagger is convoluted and repetative

Dude, the problem is- hyperdensity exists from the game release till today, it’s almost 1.5 years and FS don’t give a fuсk about it. It was not critical after BBB, but now it is. You have almost broken THP talents, more tough enemies, that are less susceptible to stagger, overnerfed dodge (it seems so-so when hosting or having near 0 ping, but in most cases you don’t have ping low enough), and combining all of this factors game tempo is just very different from before. It’s more like VT1 tempo, where fighting was a lot slower, you had to be more careful and couldn’t effectively hit-trade. But there are two “little” differences between VT1 and VT2- in VT1 there where NO HYPERDENSITY AT ALL, there where no such thing as “waiting pool behind someone’s back or near your teammate”, and the other difference was in the number of enemies, yeah it was a lot less rats in VT1.