KNOWN ISSUE: Unable to View or Type in Chat

[FOLLOW-UP FROM: (OLD) KNOWN ISSUE: Unable to View or Type in Chat]

We acknowledge that some players are still experiencing issues with chat appearing blank and being non-interactive.

This has also been reported to impact voice chat in addition to text-based chat.

We have identified that most cases are network-related, and we are centering our investigation on this.

Linked below are some solutions that have worked for other players. Please note that results may vary, and what works for one player might not work for another.

Whilst we do not expect players to try all these solutions, we are providing this information for those who are interested.

We recognise the importance of solving this issue and are in the process of increasing our resources dedicated to the case.

Thank you for your continued patience.

Recent and new posts or comments pertaining to this issue will be merged here.


Hello, I’ve been having the same issue too. Can’t use voice chat or even hear voice chat in-game either. However I do get notifications about pennances.

Hello, I’ve been having the same issue too.
Can’t use voice chat or even hear voice chat in-game either. This applies to the in-game text chat as well. I frequently cannot load into the game, take several restarts of the game to even log in.

ive followed other posts and guides to trouble shoot to no avail.
ive checked all sound and audio drivers, clearing caches, setting router permits, the list is longer than it should be.

im unfortunately unable to provide logs as ive fully reset my PC to try and fix the issue and have just left the game uninstalled for a moment.

issues started when SOTMG released.

i just wanna cut up some heretics. :frowning:

Issue Description:
Can’t view or type in chat

Crash Report (If Applicable):

Error Displayed (If Applicable):
Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Start the game, pick any Operative
  2. Hit “Enter” (tried other keys in key binds)
    and nothing happens

Mission Name (If Applicable):


Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:

Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)

Upload Supporting Evidence:

Upload Console Log:
console-2024-06-27-18.23.55-e1071181-d843-4224-8c50-3cf93113ee0b.log (412.3 KB)

Upload darktide_launcher.log:
can provide if needed, not at hand right now

It’s been almost a year since I have bug…

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

I don’t see anybody talking. I can press enter to open the chat box, I can type something, but I can’t press Enter again to send it. It freezes there. I thought my keyboard was broken but no. I tried rebooting the game twice, it didn’t fix. Please take a look.

I found the issue.
I restarted the game many time it didn’t work. Then noticed that my gold is at max (25m), so I bought 2mil of brunt’s armoury and as soon as I get out of the shop I tried checking my chat, it’s working. So yeah I guess if you have max gold you get chat bug.

That’s very odd! I’ve mentioned this to the team – appreciate the update.

I’m going to create a new post dedicated to this issue with our current discoveries, and will move the most recent comments in to it. Done!

Hey Julia, I think this is a known issue (Voice Chat usually stops functioning after several matches), but losing both text chat and voice chat function during a match still happens reasonably often for me (and many others I talk to). It’s doesn’t seemed to be tied to anything, it just happens at some point during a match.
Any sort of fix ASAP would be appreciated! I love using coms and would love to keep on doing so.

Hey Fragarach, I’ve moved your comment to our new post dedicated to the issue of chat mysteriously not working.

I’ll edit the OP to say this also impacts voice chat as you’ve mentioned!

1 Like

Thanks Julia. I should add that the following has no impact on my ability to use voice / chat:

  • Restarting the game
  • Restarting Steam
  • Restarting the computer
  • mods / no mods

Is voice chat and text chat completely offline today (11-Aug-2024)? Nothing I do can restore it.

I have looked into your suggestions from this link:

Unfortunately, I still have no text chat and no voice chat. Here’s what I’ve tried:

NOTE: a VPN works sometimes (and is the only real bandaid patch so far), and usually fixes the issue (though I have to quit the game, change servers, wait for Steam to come back online, and relaunch Darktide). However, this may last less than one match or more than two, but it absolutely will fail again at some point.

I am told by an IT expert that this means my specific IP address may be being blocked by Vivox given a different IP address on a VPN gets through (perhaps it’s a blacklisted IP address from some past occasion? and I’ve been assigned a bad IP address?).

I keep bouncing through different VPN locations to make chat/voice work and either:
(A) It’s fixed for a short time, then fails
(B) Has no effect (and fails)

Sometimes it will work in the Mourningstar after booting up the game, but then when I get into a match it’s already failed.

Ultimately, chat/voice is failing more often than not.

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

Two issues with text chat, sometimes there is a long delay from messages being sent to players receiving them up to a couple minutes delay, very often when I load into a match I cannot send messages for the whole game.
Delayed messages: This has been around for almost as long as Darktide has been out if not around at release and has plagued a few of my friends nearly every play session.
Muted all match: Myself and at least one of my friends will for about 50% of the time load into a game and have the ability to read chat, open the chat bar to type a message but are unable to send it.
We have all played with and without mods and these issues persist in both cases.

Emu, have you tried playing through a VPN? It was a fix for me, although even that sometimes failed. I was plagued by this issue for weeks (slowly at first, then increasing to failing most of the time).

I’m back again to report that the issue, for me, has ceased. For a time I used a VPN to get the coms working, unsure if it is at all related to the fact chat & voice are now consistently working without a VPN. I do suspect the issue lies with the service providing the chat/voice, and can only hope they have looked into this.

Sadly it sounds like Emu is now suffering the bug, which is super frustrating.

There was a recent conversation about this on this over on the Steam Discussions. Our developer, Hans, has shared this:



Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

Text chat and VOIP services have been down for a half day on Sunday in the afternoon.

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

Yes, but I haven’t tried disabling them

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

I almost always use a VPN while playing, unfortunately I still suffer.

So for me, I can 100% say that my chat was not working for months and I couldn’t troubleshoot the reason why. It wasn’t until I reviewed my Firewall blocks and saw that I had 2 calls to Google DNS on on the two times I played DarkTide, once I removed it Chat once again worked.

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Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

Text chat and VoIP are not working

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):


Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

Resolutions tried:
Temporarily disabling Defender Firewall & Router - no impact
Deleting appdata - no impact
Restarting the game multiple times - no impact