Voice Chat usually stops functioning after several matches

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Issue Description (Required):

I use Push-To-Talk to speak, and before we get started here, there are several issues with the voice chat in Darktide, I’m just gonna list a few problems I’ve had while playing and hope that they help.

My first issue is sometimes after a few missions my push to talk no longer functions, and I cannot transmit. The little speaker icon no longer appears next to my portrait when i speak, even if I am being loud and using Push To Talk. This never happens right away, only after several games where I am able to voice chat normally.

A second issue is that sometimes when I’m playing with friends in voice chat, they will say that I am not transmitting when it shows my speaker icon lighting up as if i am transmitting voice during push to talk. I also have push to mute enabled in discord, so it’s not possible they would’ve been hearing both at the same time and thinking I wasn’t transmitting.

A third issue is related to a match I had tonight. I grouped up with 3 other guys and we were using the in game comms, after about 3 matches together voice chat stopped functioning for me all together. I could no longer hear them, but I could see their speakers lighting up. One of the 3 I was with was actively talking to them using in game coms and I was in the same party and could not hear them. This persisted into the Mourningstar, after the match had completed, at which point I restarted the game.

It really sucks because it makes it hard to have a comradery between players after several matches if the game silently shadowbans you from the conversation, EVEN IF you’re not in a party with the individuals. The game just decides after a while that you are muted and you have to restart to fix it. I have no idea how you would even begin to start searching for this issue because it happens so rarely and seemly at random after long play sessions. God Emperor rest the soul of the bugtester that tries to figure this one out. Sorry for the long bugreport, and thanks!! I love this game <3


Text chat sometimes starts doing this too, you can just no longer send text messages and have to restart.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

  1. Play any character for any amount of regular gameplay time
  2. After an unknown period of time (30 minutes to an hour I think?) Voice chat will stop working.

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

Yes, and I’ve tried disabling them

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Unusual (<25%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

Player ID (Optional):

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