InGame Voice Chat not working?

Has this happened to anyone else? Voicechat is set to ON, Push to talk is set to ON. And I know my mic and my headphones work. When In game and I press Tab , everything below my portrait is grayed out and I’m not sure why. Anyones voicechat not working either? My push to talk button right now is “Shift” but no matter how long I hold it down, no one hears me.

I have this issue intermittently during gameplay. Tonight I grouped up with a few guys and we were voice chatting then after our second match I suddenly could not hear any voice chat, and they could not hear me voice chatting, even though our icons were lighting up.

Every few days I’ll be trying to voice chat to people in darktide and the mic icon will stop lighting up for the duration of the mission. I’ve also been playing with friends who say no audio is coming through on their end when i voice chat, even though my speaker icon is lighting up indicating that I’m transmitting. I’m using Push to Talk as well, I have NO IDEA what causes this. It sucks.