Can't use text Chat

Issue Description:

Unable to access text chat ingame, also, voicd comms dont seem to work. Cant confirm the second, but the first is simple, pressing ENTER does nothing, cant text on MorningStar, or inside match or see whatever people are saying, which is problematic.

Steps to Reproduce:

I didnt change the input to enter Chat, just to be clear. I confirmed it is the same and set the default.
The problem started after I entered a match midway with a striketeam of my own and seemed to have accepted to enter the game of a friend when invited.
When I got there my team came together and the chat was showing for the forst time the tag “strike team” when that never shows inside game. The only tab that shows a name where Im writing its when Im in the lobby at the MorningStar.

After that I could not communicate anthing to my team, or anything when back at the lobby, but I could still see the chat not moving anything that was previously written there. As if everyone had left chat.
After that I tried to restart game and PC twice and still nothing

Mission Name (If Applicable):

Microsoft Store

**Player ID

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
GMT-3, 3h00 (3am)

Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)
restarted the game twice after the fact and PC, nothing changes, can’t see chat, social wheel from teamates, flying completely blind.

following since i have the same

Seems like the problem was related to the game working side by side with the server using another version of the game, or the latest hotfix, so far changed back the chat.

Because now it is working as before. Not great, but working in the same way.

Can use morning star Chat and ingame after the hotfix was updated today on Gamepass when opening launcher.

For some reason the game doesnt update directly through gamepass, only using launcher.

Last time I paused the update from launcher and it was impossible to restart the update later on, because the launcher wouldn’t even start. But that’s a problem for another post.
This time I’ve made sure the update was not paused and the game updated without problems so far.

More updates if the chat stops working later on today.

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