a way to put them into the game, is to Hotshot lasgun has a medium amount of damge 80-200 per shot, pens all armour full over-penning flak, in compsenation to this it has no suppression and ammo is limited to about 1/2 that of a MXII (~250-500) so not over power it compared to the other lasgusn. your ammo is also unqiue as it not filled up by ammo boxes or Bags but instead by Heal stations and medi packs you get an option to heal 50% and recharge to full ammo or heal full. and healing packs heal you half ie rather then 1 hp per secounds it .5 per secounds. but you reacharge 2% of ammo per second. your special is rightous fire you deal increased damage (1.5-2.5 depending on Hotshot lasgun model) inaddtion deals Dots of burn. but at the expense of Increased ammo consumption.
Ryza and lucius (Type XIV Lasgun Heavy (DKOK)) pattern lasgun has scopes. cadian issue one doesn’t but instead from a full auto a 3 Rounds burst on ADS.
hotshot marksman rifle is a a limited weapon it can Fire 10 shot you got 50 shots total 10/40 you can exhange to a single super shot that pens everything and cover. your also get a scopes.
Hotshot pistols - like above. but increase shot ammo amount. and no righteous fire instead bash, Stab, Flashlight or something else.
Hotshot vollygun,a ultimate. along the line where you can wipe out it for 15 seconds of fire. and you suppress and stagger everyone and thing. not really accurate at range but is closed enough and has a low damage per shot but alot of shots 45-60 seconds cool down. augments can be like armour Pen, suppression applies after weapons has stopped firing for 5 secounds. or Beam rather then a Spray.
to address people concern about we can’t use it. i point to the background we can be schola progenium as this is a place where Scions, Commissars, before SOB take them, scribes are trained.
how would you introduce it into the game would you?