The new ogryn premium

i do understand why they raised the prices and that is they realized that people can afford them. apart from that it boarderline insane to do that to your community given the fact yes. we like your skins, but no we want them built properly not just reskins. serriosuly FS something you do just hurt the community, wether or not you realize it or not. triple prices for skins, madness, Refusing to talk and egange with the community madness. your a good cmpany FS but your doing things that are pitting you vs your community and it going to end only in 1 way. your player number will be down to a few hundred and your would be lossing money. (according to vigninsight)

if you do the 24 hour peak divide over the Number of unit sold your down to 0.481% of your player base left. less then a percent of people who have paid for your game is playing it. which is said.

the fact that comes to mind is yes your only obligation is to generate profit for the Shareholder and yourself and ethics don’t ever need to come near it, but doing it in an ethical fashion will actually make you more money then doing it this way.
if there are 3 things one could beg fatshark to do it would be:

  1. keep prices where they orginally were skin set cost 800 to 1.2k at the most. hats and weapons skins 300-500 tops. remove this rotation and apply a overall shop front ie show all items and the new stuff first, the stuff you will discount by 50% and then the rest of the items at full price. this will generate you more money in the long run, and will show your willing to include players who can’t or won’t pay the high prices for your cosmetics it a zero sum $20 for another reskin is not good vaule.

  2. Removing a block on high level joining low levels. in v2 a level one and a level 30 could play together while if your a level 22 and a level 30 you can’t what this means when you hit about level 12 or so your being to run out of people who can actually join your games if your solo. that makes the leveling up process much more harder then it has to be, if you want enable a check box to make the power level of a level 1 and reward 20% rewards for player who are willing to go and help new players, as the way it desgin till you hit level 30 a majority of the community is locked out. there are people deleting lv 30 character so they can go and play and help with lower levels. and they repeat this process. i think while yes that is way to playing with new and low level players it not a way to fix the problem where the community is divided in such a manner. especially given that alot of low level players get to about Malice sometimes even heresy then just stop because ethier no one has showed them the tricks and tips or the difficult celling they have reached. had a game yesterday in Dam high insty Shocktrooper. and with a person who hasn’t encountered a DH before, nor knows that you can push PoxBursts. they are level 30 telling the Team " this is my first damantion". now if this is true then something has failed here. as to make level 30 it takes between 15-30 hours of games. we then need to ask some basic question how wide spread is this, how have they no encountered a DH, and why don’t they know what the push button is? solutions are above. let high level player play with low level players at a matching power then you can play without threte nor fear that the low level players are going to be stomped abused or bullied by high level players. (though there also a risk).

  3. Introduction of regular content or Communication about up coming Content. if you guys has stuff then share it build up the hype and excitement to it. why do we need to rely on Datamined and “leaks” images to see new cosmetics or new possible weapons.


Why does the above need to leaked, rather then your CM talking about it. i am dam sure i am going to buy it. but i am not happy about finding out via leaks. other items you should possible either talk to the community about is what weapons they would like to see and whether or not that is possible. going from the Artshowcase that you guys showed us.

Stormtrooper/Karskin/Tempestus Scion. with scoped Ryza Hotshot Lasgun. where is it?
why isn’t there a Hotshot Marksman rifle, Long Las, Scoped Lucius Hotshot Lasgun, Hotshot Pistol or an Outcast Dawi Engineer like Ult with the Hotshot Vollygun?


Cadian issue Flamer? (Back pack Fuel-Tanks)

Two handed melee/maul and pistol Slug/Shot Pistol?

these are all awsome and exllent concepts but they haven’t been implemented at all, which is sad as when people saw this they though they are getting it i was hyped for the Tempestus scion with the scoped Ryza Hotshot Lasgun, but i just have to wait till you actually release it.