I use the mg1a non-stop, with like a bazillion different builds. Two seconds with a laspistol in my hands and I throw it out the window. Useless. (I only use veteran class tho) I can crit constantly at any range with mg1a, using side dodges, or mix it up with deadshot (side dodges for stamina regain then).
Unless I’m really missing something here, the laspistols main issues is gonna be damage fall-off at range and less ammo, plus much much worse pen on heavier targets right? Issues I’ve easily solved with my mg1a.
Maybe under very specific circumstances your pistol outperforms, but in general, I doubt it.
Nah. I’m trying to help them here, not get things looking nice. Help them figure a way to make one handed pistols compete with rifles. (without making one or the other bad)
Do I want a hellgun? yes. But not at the expense of logical game design.
Hotshot Pistols: low ammo, high pen, low fire rate.
Lasgun: high ammo, low pen, increased fire rate?
Seems logical to me.
(this will probably never happen, but sometimes I get an idea and throw it out there you know? Got inspired looking through Rogue Trader weapons.
Which reminds me! The weapons in Rogue Trader… they are the same as the ones in any other 40k game.
m36 lasgun, laspistols, hotshot laspistols, sol pattern lasguns etc etc
Why is it only Darktide the felt the need to reinvent 40k weapons?? So they could say they had over 70 weapons, right?
rant over)