Las Weapons

you can sac onelsaught and the 0.25 stam regen node and get your shoock troper back and you take rending strikes instead (and you just got back to your original build which wasn’t so bad after all)

but the 0.25 talent is also usefull with deadshot especially if you use stamina regens perks on your curios so i dont know

i still dont like the keystone mods though, i might be biased because i used to be critic about them in the past but they look kinda useless to me still, its true you get 25% back at 5 stacks but with redirect fire you want to keep spamming tags to keep it up, so you rarely get value off that, you’d get more value off the 3 extra stacks from focussed fire at this point

so yeah, my meme stays

i’ll try this now

hitting both 0.25 stamina regen nodes and i’ll refine my curios for stamina regen and see what happens

Yeah I’m kinda torn with the keystones. On the one hand, I don’t like the ones we got, and I think we deserve better!

On the other hand, if we’re going super sweaty with the build, getting maximum damage would be using Focus Target (with Focused Fire and Redirect Fire), and grabbing Bring it Down too. But somethings getting trimmed to do that.

So yeah, back to what you were saying, is it even worth the points to use keystones? I dunno!

I tried your build suggestion and its rock solid, though ammo does tend to drain fast. This is with the crazy ol pugs you get in auric at 12am lol

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many lasgun veterans just don’t use keystones, i do like the focus fire base node, because i always build for boss killing, bring it down is a non negotiable for me, but you do you of couse, i’ll try your build with my modfication because it looks interesting

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which one, cause i’m having the opposite experience, i feel so weak and useless and i’ve sacrificed everything i like including mobility for that +25% crit chanche

what i missed the most though were frag grenades, they bond well with small arms, since you lack tools to create space, shock trooper is giving me little return, and i like to hip fire more

its just too much incompatible with my usual playstyle so i just go back to this

Yeah I feel you. Either way I had fun tonight just messing around with some of our combined crazy ideas.

I’ll slap on you linked build for one last game :grin:

(makes me wish we had some kinda dedicated class builds discussion areas, but I guess we make do)

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last one i posted is solid, you are going to have ammo deficencies but it can’t be helped these days

you can swim in armored hordes and dive flames with little consequences, while applying dot damage to everyone around you that gets stunlocked either from your nades popping or voice of command

its just easy mode

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