Convocation of Decay (Legend) End Event - OP or Nah?


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How OP is CoD, FS? Perhaps you should try that yourself? I will surely pick Skittergate legend over CoD everyday. Twice on sunday.


I say OP, I use to clear the event regularly in legend QP so a bump in challenge is welcomed but now it just feels like a wall. Not sure if this happens to other people but the insta jumping gutter runners absolutely break this event. I know they have a vantage point but having mere milliseconds to react while dealing with everything is a pain. Ive even been jumped when the audio cue isnt even done yet, for one of them at least.

Or the really cheeky blightstormers (sometime even two of them) on top of that being paired with softball champ gasrats (sometime also in pairs) chucking globes makes it nearly impossible to even stand in the circle. Once your out of the circle its pretty much a wiped afterwards.


The event is insanely overtuned compared to every other finale in the game.




I did it again recently on Legend with a mate and bots and it really felt very reasonable, can’t remember the builds we were using but nothing tryhard.

I won’t vote on the poll though, since multiple people have flagged extreme inconsistency as part of the problem and it was just 1 run. If I end up running it a bunch more times I’ll add further thoughts here.

Off topic but what the hell was done to Fort Baconburger? That end event isn’t even a joke, it’s shot right past that into just depressing.

Sometimes you get a single rattling gunner show up, followed by a packmaster, followed by a gasrat. This is very trivial to deal with, even with chaos warriors literally raining down from the sky. Other times you get 2 warpfire throwers tag teaming you at the same time that an assassin is leaping into the circle from its spawn and a blightstormer has begun casting.

Whether or not anyone thinks this level of special pressure is appropriate for legend, I would like to add that because specials can attack you through chaos warriors (or infact hide inside their hitboxes), the special pressure combined with the chaos warrior spam can create an immaculate offense/defense. This combination also contributes to the inconsistency, as the event is much easier to handle if dangerous special waves happen to not coincide with chaos warrior spawns.


IMO it’s fine except for one situation. On legend and cata the achievement specific quest to stay inside the pool is almost impossible to complete. You have to stay inside the pool for the full duration and fail the moment anyone steps out of it. But sometimes blightstormers can spawn in locations that the player does not have line of sight to, and they can’t leave the pool to go shoot it. So either you get really lucky with trueshot/burning skull and kill the special around a corner or you insta-fail the achievement the moment any storm gets cast.

They should probably make that one a bit easier, I have tried many times and the best I could do on cata is get about halfway before a stormer spawns.

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Ok I ran it again just me and bots and the event didn’t feel terrible but I did definitely learnt a few things. A blight Stormer pushed me off the platform early, and I found myself in a losing DPS race of running around the circle reviving bots, only for them to fall down again moments later, contributing nothing before doing so. Though it’s pretty skewed circumstances, since I was basically on my own special sniping (and just generally since boss collapse under too much pressure), and I was not running a special sniping build.

Staying alive for a long time wasn’t an issue, but the building enemies and specials and dwindling resources eventually did me in.

I can see how with a competent party with strong special sniping and elite damage, the event seems pretty fine, but I see better now how failing to miss certain DPS/special checks pushes you into a losing cycle that’s probably less recoverable than many other events.

I saw someone else suggest turning spawns down a bit when nobody is in the circle, and this seems like the right solution to me at the moment. It would make individual mistakes snowball failure significantly less.

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I will repeat something that was said at least few times: if some event is noticeably harder than most, it should be toned down.

Or just git gut, and make rest of event not being sleepinducing, little thinking abotu what you are doing goes long way

Have tried it about 7+ times now and it’s absolutely terrible. Compared to all other final fights, this one is just stupid. Pre-mades and rando’s. It usually goes we’re in the circle for a little, then the armored comes and we can deal with some, but the adds and special rats force us out of the circle almost immediately. By that time one or two people are down and we’re left running a circle around the objective till we can either try a revive or die.
Fix this garbage

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The event is VERY spawn dependant

If there’s a Blightstormer who spawns his storm inside the circle where you can’t see it (Mixed with the green/ muddy visuals already) it’s almost impossible to come back from

Another is when both CW and SV spawn near the end. Sometimes it’s ONLY CW, or ONLY SV, and sometimes it’s both

Also doesn’t help that in order to get someone back if they do die, you have to leave the circle and hope that you don’t get swarmed, locking you into a few set careers to bring. Pretty much need Ironbreaker, Footknight, Zealot, Handmaided, or Unchained… So QP can be a huge mixed bag of RNG

On cataclysm this mission is just absurd, I’ve cleared every other mission in game on cataclysm with the usual amount of difficulty. If you get a storm sorcerer early on it’s basically game over.

Unlike other difficult missions, there’s no viable strategy to this, it’s just get lucky with spawns and hope assassin targets the not-special sniper. For example enchanters lair you group back at the door every time as a team. What’s the strategy here? There’s no spot you can stand on the circle with your back to the wall so you don’t get poked from behind. Insanely frustrating.

If you have decent players you can brute force your way through with the usual merc, ironbreaker, whc combo. Though this is mostly a product of how ridiculously useful merc and ironbreaker ults are for this type of overwhelming situation.

Also while I certainly won’t call it a strategy, I have beaten it a few times in rather hectic cata pugs simply by having one hero run in circles mid while holding block. The other 3 run around down bottom cleaning up specials and elites. The reason I won’t call it a strategy is it doesn’t feel like you ‘beat’ the map this way when the event ends and you simply kite to the portal with 50 chaos warriors legging it behind you :sleepy:

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And remember, you have the helmgart challenge where you need to stay in pool. IN CATA.

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Voted OP. Not because it’s that hard to complete, but it really sticks out compared to most of the other final events the game has to offer.

While mostly fine when doing it in a coordinated group (even on cata), the chance of failing while in a random group is significantly higher than in most other maps.

It’s also not the amount of specials or elite enemies, it’s the combination of the number of enemies, no decent spot with at least one safe direction, and the orbital bombardment from who-knows-where by Gas Rats and Blight Stormers.

Also, almost every game has a Grail Knight nowadays, who is mostly useless against the more dangerous specials


The randomised spawns definitely add to the difficulty. When you have a blightstormer show up you have to assume that the storm will cover the entire circle so it is either a quick snipe or drop. This event can quickly spiral out of control if specials/elites are not taken out quick enough.

The convo end event basically has all the characteristics that make up a difficult fight.

  • The colour scheme make it difficult to pick out specials from the surroundings
  • Enemies come from all directions and adds are numerous
  • Randomised spawns
  • Constantly spawning enemies
  • Not a whole lot of space to kite as the staircases provide short but narrow paths where it is easy to get stuck in
  • Reviving respawned allies is almost(career dependent) a suicidal endeavour
  • Players must continue to hold the ritual circle or risk losing their progression

While these points make the event hard in comparison to the rest, the other base game(Act 1, 2 and 3) end events are simply laughable. I believe the other finales need to be touched up so that players can perhaps acquire the necessary skill set in order to not fail.

I think convo needs to touched with a thin needle and carefully adjusted so that it doesn’t become a walk in the park like fort has. Seriously, I liked fort’s finale because I didn’t fall asleep while doing it.


It’s a joke compared to the Lair, Convo is still pretty much solo-able on Legend…but Lair that is some OP nonsense imo.

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You can’t tell where he edge of the pool is very well. I think the 15% community completion rate is telling. Tone it down one notch. Maybe less armor or change the frequency of the waves. Easy tune ups to fix.