I have found the only way to win this event is to force by picking something super tanky and staying up on the platform the whole time till it ends. Unchained being one of the tankiest alongside IB might have just carried you through the event. If you could try it 1 or 2 more times and let me know how you do I would be curious to see how you go.
In terms of difficulty, it’s not that people needs to be carry or that you need someone super tanky, so I don’t think it’s necessary to speculate and comment on other people’s skills. It’s not very constructive.
Last time I played the event I had to give up on reviving my teammates and continue progressing the event, because when revived they couldn’t group up and get a handle on the current spawns. The point to me is not whether it’s soloable or not bur how punishing it currently is if say two people in your team make a mistake bigger mistake and die.
Yes, all of you with the opposite opinion, it is in ways largely about teamwork and acting appropriately. But at the same time, the go to start when you lose people shouldn’t be to ignore picking them up because that will stack way more tough enemies whilst not progressing the event at all.
Imo the hard thing is that unexpected difficulty spike towards the end when you get a bunch of chaos warriors, a lot of stormvermin and a lot of specials at the same time.
Everything until that point is rather easy.
This event seems kind of uneven at times. Just did 3 runs where we got overrun and lost to the end event. Then just now i had a run where almost nothing spawned and we breezed through it with little effort.
My view is that it’s not really the number of enemies that’s the problem(though I get the impression it’s above average for an event), it’s the design of the encounter. The gate opening event in Righteous Stand would be a lot harder if players had to defend near the giant winch, and certain enemies, like gas rats and blightstormers, spawned in places where they weren’t easily killable. This is the main difference between CoD and other events(or really the vast majority of the game), it pushes the players to defending a very weak position with little room for longer reload times(which are needed to snipe some specials). Defending a circular barricade on flatter terrain would be better imo.
I have had another think about this since being pummeled into the floor in minutes a couple of times this weekend…
1)The SV and CW pop up behind you without you being able to adjust to them arriving. Climbing up - although they’re in a different state (less mass and easier to cleave (?) I think) - You don’t get the actual benefit of staggering them. The climbing mechanic makes it harder as everything shrugs off the hits that might’ve staggered them and brought some space or time. Dashes, staggering ults, hitting with hammers, all tactics made obsolete by the climbing mechanic and then the CW are right there on top of you. I don’t think the increase in damage or cleave counteract the climbing mechanic here.
2)The RNG of the specials. 2 stormers and a Gas rat is virtually impossible to dodge-dance and drop down, res, kill things etc. Hook rats and flamers are significantly easier to cope with - although still tough in the confined space.
- Harder to regroup. Once you’re down it is a long way round to get to someone else with no direct routes to other players. You’ve got to slog your way around and if everyone is forced to go clockwise you’ll never catch anyone up!
So it’s the actual physical space that compounds the problems. Short of reworking the map or having entirely different end event code just for this I think we’re stuck.
I played it 100 times on cata and cata twitch. i was just giving an example that i did it on legend with a friend of mine who didn’t play for years and didn’t have alot of experience before that + a random qp player and a bh bot i think, purely an example.
Is it OP? Maybe not. Is it the hardest finale in the game? Yes it definitely is in my opinion. Of course it’s gonna be easier if someone is in a premade with a nice team comp and good communication, but in pubs that’s not common. There’s a large combo of things that make it the hardest finale in the game. The very small workspace that at least one person has to stay in to progress the finale, the corrosive liquid in the middle, the large amounts of specials and armored elites that spawn in a 360 degree arc around you, and the fact that you get blinded for a solid two seconds if you drop out of the circle. This is the ONLY map finale that I have trouble with. It’s not necessarily ‘OP’, but it is disproportionately harder than every other map.
Common sense is neither.
This event is undoubtedly overtuned, at least from my experience. My success rate on it is far, far lower than the other end level events.
Honestly, I think most of the events are somewhat overtuned, with the exception of the bosses, and have been since the release of WoM. They’re far harder than the rest of the level, resulting in very uneven difficulty and, depending on your skill level and difficulty chosen, makes the game either dull for the majority of the time you’re playing or makes these events overwhelming and gives you a very low success rate.
Wasn’t trying to belittle your skill or anything mate. I read your post basically as “I managed to do it with a noob so it can’t be that bad” so no hard feelings or anything I just misread the tone of your comment. The general thrust of my argument is not whether or not a cata player can clear CoD on legend.
While I agree CoD is a bit too strong I don’t think the goal should be to make levels equally hard or even a single level equally hard the whole way through. I think it adds a certain amount of character to the game to have some parts a bit harder than others and then you can learn which parts are harder and stock items for that part accordingly.
I agree, I don’t think the difficulty should be perfectly equal through the entire level, nor do I think it’s even reasonable to try to do that, since the area you’re in can influence the difficulty with normal enemy spawning.
I just think right now the difficulty spikes are more than they should be, mainly due to the increase in the number of elites that spawn in them that come with WoM.
The problem with this finale is IF you’re forced to drop it becomes a real nightmare as the narrow passages lined with dropping enemies is incredibly dangerous, not to mention that you lose progress.
I propose removing blightstormers and gasrats from this event, because not only does the rng of these 2 specials make the difference between an easy cata run or an endless clutchfest trying to restabilise, it will also make the challenge feasible to complete again.
As is I think the event is tough enough and most pug cata teams are not even capable of clearing the chaos warriors at the rate they spawn, generally the winning strat is to just have an ironbreaker hold block in the circle til the event is over - not exactly fun.
Look, this is not personal offense, but if you played it 100 times in cata twitch, you’re clearly not average legend player and I’m pretty sure you can do it with or without your friend on legend. I just beg you and other Uber Kings of rat-slaying to go and play your beloved cata and dont vote “nah”, making obstacles for us poor legend peasants trying to make devs nerf this OBVIOUSLY-NON-LEGEND-LEVEL-OF-DIFFICULTY-EVENT
If you read the entire thread you would know i didn’t vote on it, exactly for that reason. I’m still of the opinion it shouldn’t get nerfed on legend aswell, but i didn’t vote.
Honestly its just overtuned for the level of adventure its supposed to be for Convocation of Decay.
This is the type of thing you see in the serious challenges maps like Drachenfels. Not an early map like Convocation. Or maybe something for an end boss.
Its kind of out of place for Convocation and yeah it should be tuned down a bit.
I want to echo everything that NipponSteele said and add my own take:
After wiping with several different Legend QM groups I finally played it with my bots and wiped after trying to clear the bottom of elites and specials. This is the first time in a while I’ve been this frustrated with a big event difficulty buff, especially considering the map has been out for so long and was in what I considered a pretty good place.
Source; Master portrait, FoW Legend, all reds naturally.
On the other hand fighting the 3 lords is easy those could be a bit harder.
In absolute terms, during 2.x, it was only slightly too hard for my personal taste. With a good team it was no problem, average quickplay teams had a bit of a problem. Remove a few elites/specials here and there and it’s fine, really. Never was a fan of the exploit.
But relatively to where the other map events are since 3.0, it’s extremely hard. Why did all those other events get nerfed? Was that even intentional? Did something break in the spawn code?
Not to mention, something IS broken about this finale since 3.0, because sometimes it spawns normal amounts and sometimes it will drop several armored elites including multiple chaos warriors on you in the first wave, on top of a bunch of specials. Randomly. It’s completely bonkers for a Legend finale and inconsistent too. Please check the spawn code.