Convocation of Decay (Legend) End Event - OP or Nah?

This really has nothing to do if you can clear it or not. My victory % is probably in the upper 99% when playing with absolute randoms, especially if I’m using one of the more powerful and abusable careers.
The question for most is should the 2nd playable map on the dam game be also one of the hardest in the entire game.
Then we twist arguments, argue about honestly facts at this point if the maps difficulty has changed over the years when just googling feed me sinner challenges from 2018 to now shows pretty dramatic difference ETC.

Honestly at this point I’m curious to see this solo run myself too to really see if you can even back up that claim.
Also I find it golden that you find pre-nerf dodge meta to be the most exciting and challenging.

At any rate I rarely like going for personal arguments but this really is some next level stupid.


I mean, you’re just doing it on purpose.


You guys realise you’d have more luck arguing with a fence post right?

You could replace all of SirKrubers posts with “Git Gud” and the general message would be the same so do yourself a favour and simply go to his profile and stick him on “ignore forever.” His post won’t even show up.


Relative to other maps in the game it is. You can disagree all you want.

And the dodge nerfs came in with winds of magic 2.0 where dodge window was nerfed. The games dodging was literally the same before that for nearly the entirety of the games existence. Sure call it however you want but dodging had been busted long before ranged was finally reigned in.

Ah I see so you cannot clear it, at least without exploiting it someways.

Because cata is expected to be the extreme end of the difficulty + there is WAY WAY less players who play cata actively.

Rest of the post I guess can be summed up to “hey I’m better”.


Here they are, excuses.
Words are nothing without power behind them. In this case, videos of you doing full book event with bots and succeeding.
I don’t care about other people, I asked YOU to prove YOUR words.
Once again, if YOU manage to beat Legendary Convocation of Decay with bots, using various characters and various builds consistently, I’ll admit that I was wrong and it was all just a matter of skill, as you claimed it to be. Can you do it?
Until then I apply the same thing you applied to others. You, my dear friend, are not good enough to beat anything Legend can offer, and everything you’ve ever stated in this topic is a lie, born either of pure trolling or of stubborn attempt to recover your shattered ego.
@Argonaut14, I just want to see how deep this rabbit hole is.

Back to the topic, I find Convocation of Decay beatable without books, which is why there are so little complaints of its Cataclysm version. Simply because of more health, potions and medkits. In fact, unlike someone else, I can prove it. Here’s the video of me doing it again as Longstalker, my classic solo QP character, running away at the end as true wutelgi does, meeting carma, but still getting it.

Again, I shall repeat what has already been said here multiple times. This event puts class restrictions, is random to a quite big degree and stands out too much.
Please, adjust it.


Look, we can all agree the variance in spawns/the gap between low vs high needs looking into. We can all agree the event needs some QoL tweaks regarding the lighting.

As for…whatever went on in the above posts, I’ll restate that convocation has gone through numerous changes over the last 2 years.


That is my assumption, yes.

I’m pretty sure it’s not supposed to have a mixture of CWs and SVs in the first place. When the event pacing is correct you always get either or.

Also, @SirKruber you should look over what you’ve been posting the last couple of weeks. There has been a lack of (in my opinion) constructive posts, and especially seeing how active you are on the forum.

Also also insert flexing of hours, hyperbole and in-game achievements here :ok_hand:

Go away dwarf, stop making sense!

We can and we should. We’re done now. We won.

You are just confused because your world is upside down. Although. I speak for everyone when I say that we do agree with this statement :mask: :+1:


I think it´s you who havent been paying attention.

“The armor wave” you call it? The problem here is that this wave, doesnt exist across all runs, it simply does not appear.And it does not get spammed twice or thrice in a row with little time between each either.

But, then for other runs it does occur, and it can get spammed.

I´ve been arguing back and forth with other dudes here and we´ve been sharing vids, one thing we all noted was that the spawns were different quite often. One dude got like two waves of normal mobs and his 2 disablers served up with them for a rather peaceful clear before he got 2 more disablers and only after those were dead he got chaos warriors spawning.

Another dude goes into the arena, a few rats instantly start running in and followed by 3 chaos warriors, 5 stormvermin, multiple specials not even a full minute in. Then another such wave like a minute later, followed by yet another one of those a minute or two after that. Various specials with every wave.

There are problems with that event, spawns are evidently extremely variable or prone to bugging out. But problematic either way.


I was one of the players who voted on this way back when. Every time I got CoD QP it was basically a wipe. I thought the event was way out of line. I can easily beat in solo legend with bots now. I still believe it’s out of line compared to the rest of Legend maps.

There are multiple layers of difficulty enhancements, some are easy to understand and counteract. Elite overhead? Block and dodge. Spawn grab? Dodge left. On one hand these are one tip and you learn it. On the other hand it’s crazy that there is no tutorial and so players have to get rolled or get tips from other players.

So CoD suffers from a massive difficulty cliff that overwhelms a new player, whereas an experienced veteran knows the tricks that allow them to complete the map with relative ease. There are some crazy spawns at times, 4 specials with a ton of armor is a recipe for disaster.

At present there are only 2 enemies that can monkey wrench a bot run for me, stormers and assassins. And that’s because of the knockback on both.

As long as the team has okay armor damage weapons with some horde clear I have a strategy that gives wins about as hard as other maps. On one hand I want to share and create a guide. On the other hand I worry that FS would remove the strategy without reducing difficulty.


they wouldn’t remove a strategy unless it involves some sort of exploit

and even then many exploits (such as the cheese spots in the pit) remain to this day from release

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False. Righteous Stand finale where the benches that got stacked in a corner by fatshark says hello.


That and when they added new spawns in various other spots around the place too.

Actually, didnt they add more than one bench pile?

I had some trouble to follow the whole discussion but yeah, events were buffed at WoM release (and maybe beta). Then Convo was already problematic, and saw some nerf during some beta that was not put on the release patch for some reason.
Of course, a lot of players including me, did use that beta to complete the Cata Challenge as it was waaaaay busted and too random before.
Now that it is busted again, good luck doing that with the first try and having planets align accordingly.

Why do I focus on that Helmgart Challenge so much ?

  • Because it wasn’t changed, even with added difficulty.
  • Because it shows a lack of consideration for “optional objectives” which are integral part of the game (cf. all players with completed Engi frame within weeks for example).
  • Because it is one of the “first” challenging frame you can obtain in game, and feel good about it (as it does not depends on a 500 wins grind…).
  • Because a lot of them were busted of have strange behavior for probably years now.

Now on a finale being “harsh”.
Remember, and it’s pretty important, that a hard finale make the game more frustrating than “fun”. If people can’t finish a map because of the end and only because of the end, it means people are going to skip it (Skippergate being the prime example here, but now, if you play quick play, you’ll see the same for some maps, including Enchanters lair if you lack damage, and of course Convo of decay).
If the event is the only thing “difficult”, that means difficulty is not well designed on that map.
Finale events should be a focused moment, something were people needs to play well. It should kinda be the same curve of difficulty than the rest of the map, but with a little stress added. And that’s kinda all it should be.
After 20mn of map, it’s a bit strange to see such a spike, especially when it ask for some special careers combination to “go well” in a quick play environment.

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oh yeah I forgot about that one, though removal didn’t really make the map any harder and there are still hold spots available

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Don’t most people these days just opt into fighting in the open these days? Quite often around those covered boxes by the wall in the back by the statue´s side . Or infront from these basically camping out a few spawn spots.

I dont think i´ve seen any working hold spots since the bench pile(s?) got added along with more spawn points. A few do try under the stairs but that usually becomes really bad if elites&gasrat come at the same time.

They removed the best spot to hold in.

“It didnt make the map any harder!”


Lets be serious, no other spots are as good as that corner because that corner has no hole in the back of the wall for enemies to come out of. The game is riddled with no sound problems for years and always will be but thats a topic for another time, lets not go into that.

Actually, didnt they add more than one bench pile?

No. Only one pile of benches a very long time go now.

the map is a cakewalk, it just went from hilariously easy to easy but now you have to move sometimes, also there’s a perfectly fine spot to hold in across the right side from the bell

Honestly I always felt like the corner in righteous stand was more of something that everyone was familiar with and not necessarily the most “optimal” position to hold out. Whatever the case there are still plenty of valid spots to play the event without too much trouble.

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Promise? Can we hold you to it?