Comm-Link Delay

Well, they actually have content coming. Unlike Darktide.


well Juan has spoken,

2 new missions

a new vendor for earnable cosmetics (yawn)

and some qol bug fixes

he actually had the audacity to brag about how much they have done in 6 months ROFL

It was beyond pathetic.


An important change that the community was very vocal about.


yeah might of been better to not advertise this one

there are so many that the community is very vocal about itā€™s hard to keep track

P.S. their part of the event is over, where is that comm-link?

Some of the cosmetics look like recolors of penance cosmetics.
I am completely fine with that, but i hope that these are only available for purchase, after the corresponding penance cosmetic has been unlocked first.

More cosmetics areā€¦ whatever. Theyā€™re hardly among the most pressing issues the game is currently facing. Itā€™s not exactly where a sane company would have put their resources. You know, coding in a new shop and new ways to earn the cosmetics, rather than say, coding in a crafting system that isnā€™t literally from hell.

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I went to take a dump and missed it lol mustā€™ve been a short bit


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Compeletely agree.
So hopium for the 2 new maps, the chaosspawn and the ā€œqol improvementsā€ of unspecified nature.

To be fair, shops are easy, not much work. But somehow it is worse when you look at that this way. They also said that the commlink comes after their segment. The segment ended, where is the commlink? Only the QoL changes can save this patch.

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Good lord.

That fell beneath my already low expectations.

Just how badly did you guys screw the pooch on this?


also ā€œnewā€ boss (the chaos spawn)
and community event with reward that will probably include more cosmetic.

more map is always welcome to be honest

you didnā€™t miss anything, it was maybe a 1 minute with 45 seconds of ā€œJuanā€ bragging about how much they have done in 6 months - cringe level maximum


So was it even lower than our already low and abysmal expectations?

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lol the chat on twitch is pretty funny they are feeling a lot like we are i think.

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More cosmeticsā€¦ And here I thought the locked up store was going to be something that added to the game. The armory exchange already had this covered but I guess we need to make Alice Hallowette from the Commodoreā€™s Vestures jealous that another store opened up next to her that sells outfits.

Juan (Exec Producer) has become delusional at this point if THIS is all they have to offer. Also way to go on adding a Vermintide 2 boss into Darktide. Sure it has new animations onto the model itself, but we all see the heresy this is spewing right now.


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I mean, having the audacity to try and big up their previous patches was some pretty deep sewage diving, even by FatShark standards.


So when is this patch suppose to be dropping? It just says during the skulls event. I thought that was today right?

is their a link to the stream the only thing on their twitch is the tournament livestream