FS Comms (Again...)

I just listened to this:

And while it is a nice lore snippit it’s roughly four weeks late - it should have come right before we had the moebian poxwalker modifier!

Further more two weeks ago @FatsharkStrawHat told us they had submitted news about future dev plans submitted for approval and we still haven’t got it.

Don’t get me wrong - FS communication improved significantly over the year - but their timing is lacking! They obviously chose out of game comms as the means to keep up the interest - if that shall work they seriously need a better pacing!


I give it even money on FS just spinning it up and submitting it late or GW just taking forever to approve it. I could easily see it getting sent back from GW over some stupid nitpick three times before finally clearing. But I could also see FS just having it sitting in some side-lined folder all ready to go months in advance and just flat forgetting it.


didn’t they post right after it ended that they were going to bring it back though?

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I got the Relentless Hordes event email 2 days before it ended, so who knows.

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It’s going in the Book!

(though the Book thread is now closed, because we finally hit a week without someone having something to complain about)


You can ask one of the CMs to unlock it.


when i was saw the thread being closed, i was sad

the book needs to survive :laughing:
btw yea, i assume any of the CMs will be kind to re open it back if asked

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They REALLY should somehow (don’t ask how), incorporate these stories into the game…


Well, there is Swagger now right and he seems to know a lot so maybe he can listen to vox coms and share it with rejects but it is faster to make some background and put a voice line to it to create in-game animation where Swagger takes you to some corner a makes you listen to Vox coms. So I am okay with them doing it this way :slight_smile:

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I thought that they made it so that threads were now open for 2 weeks after the last post? It would be a good idea to check with a CM in order to get it unlocked. The Book of Grudges is considered by both the community and the CMs to be an extremely important thread, after all.

I had a suggestion for that somewhere…

Edit: I found it!

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I refuse to watch those videos, as it is not my job to hunt for lore when it should have been in the game in the first place.

If you can drop 5gb patches for cosmetic fixes you can add audio files on time and have them play as some kind of briefing for an event. I’m not gonna bother with things that are weeks too late and not even in the game.

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I just wish they would tell us what they have planned. They dont even have to give an in depth analysis or a timeline, just let us know what their future plans are.


If the map were a bit more interactive; say - more a mission briefing section then you could run these things there (ideally incorporating regional weather, troop densities, and all the things that determine a map’s conditions). I’d like that.

We’re about to hit the mid-Winter activity void though, where FS all go on leave and even the lights get turned off. Guess the crafting changes were the big thing for the year so I can wish all I want!


I think they don’t want that due to the implication that the Reject aren’t kept to news, we’re not seeing those information from the point of view of one.

Hey there! I hear you on this. A few things were lost leading up to Unlocked & Loaded, and it’s not something we planned to do. We still thought it would be better to share them with players rather than chuck them into the warp. Comms related to future updates will be more timely and better paced. :smile:

And I did mention news, and it is nearly through the approval processes. And I think you’ll like it. :+1:


Thank you for the update, StrawHat! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Yooo, can’t wait to see those playable felinids you’re teasing rn…

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a screenshot of a video game with the words honeycurl.org at the bottom


I’m looking forward to the next update, but the Unlocked & Loaded update broke the game’s balance. I strongly, strongly hope for balancing adjustments to OP weapons and mission difficulty🙏
now that Darktide is no longer a challenging game, I’m struggling to stay motivated…:pleading_face: