Comm-Link Delay

I feel like previously unknown technical restraints and/or changes in direction would be incredibly important things to communicate to your customers.

Perhaps the most important things imaginable to communicate clearly to the customers of your live service game.


When can we expect long and detailed interviews with lead game devs/designers about the techincal restraints, why direction has changed and what the new direction for the game is?

This would be fairly vital information to get to your customers as soon as possible, especially since you have repeatedly said that your main concern is managing player expectations.

How can you do that if you’re not even telling us there are huge changes to the plans for the game?


I wonder though:

Why not still tell the community, which aspects of the game are actively being worked on?
Even if it is content that is not gonna be included in the next update.

I understand that plans might change mid development, but i guess there are also a few things that are 100% going to happen.

Something like this would be nice:

"DISCLAIMER: Both of these things take a lot of work and finetuning, so we can not yet tell, when exactly they will be released.
We are aiming to release these features within the next x months.

We have received a lot of feedback in regard to the current crafting and the lack of a satisfying progression system.
The responsible team is currently working on changes with the goal to:
- allow players to remove locks from perks and blessings
- allow players to unlock specific blessings without rng
- allow players to upgrade the base modifiers of their weapons
- allow players to change their perks by selecting them from a list for a fixed price (the current state of rerolling the perks is a relic from the crafting system that was originally planned but got scrapped)

We are aware of the criticism regarding ressources and items not being shared between characters. We think that these problems will be resolved with the improved crafting system, but will be open for feedback after it is released.

We are also currently working on a new class for each of the four archetypes (Psyker, Veteran, Zealot and Ogryn).
Although i can not yet tell any details regarding the new classes, i can tell that each new class will be available to your already existing characters of the same archetype. This means that you will be able to swap back and forth between the two classes on your character, allowing you to use the items that the character already has, and to swap between subclasses via loadouts.

DISCLAIMER: Both of these things take a lot of work and finetuning, so we can not yet tell, when exactly they will be released.
We are aiming to release these features within the next x months."


@FatsharkCatfish hello, couple questions if I may.
Talking about content and long term vision of the game is one thing, however -
Shared resources and curios?
Blessing not bugfix - just fix (aka look at the table and change random values to same values, like with opening salvo)?
These things as far as we understand are changes that require minutes maybe an hour of time of a single person.
So why is there not a single line of coms from fatshark ESPECIALLY about locks and shared resources?

EDIT - and I HIGHLY doubt that on the twitch event Darktides big reveal will be “we removed the mechanic community is telling us to remove for 5 months”

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Strictly speaking if resources stop being siloed new classed wouldn’t be a problem even if i have to roll up a new character for it. Sure i have to level up but thats a handful of hours and then just take an axe to heresy+

more like:



Honestly even a rough road map and game direction would be helpful to set expectations.

I hope all goes well with announcements later.

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Thanks @FatsharkCatfish, I know you guys have to put up with a lot of flak from the community, you have my respect for continuing to do your best in keeping people informed on what’s going on.
It’s just a frustrating situation as a player to participate in a game that is so close to grandeur, yet keeps getting held back by strange and seemingly empty-headed decisions that no one on the player side knows where they’re coming from and why, and there is little to no information coming from the dev side explaining what is happening and what to even expect going forward.
I hope you know that the negativity on these forums isn’t directed at you guys, it’s just people venting frustration about something we all really want to love and enjoy, but just can’t for the above reasons.
Keep your chin up.



That’s the thing FS want to avoid at all costs like a nurgling an antibiotics shot…

She knew what she was getting into when she took the job I suspect. Anyhow heat for the state of things has died right down and we are well into the apathy stage of this games decline now.

They will probably be announcing the xbox release date at this event. That’s what they have been working on for the last six months anyway.

stream has begun if some are interested, I will post when Dt is spoken of if that happen in the next hour


Yeh I’m there :crossed_fingers:

Franckly, I hoped for it. I prefer that they release it, like that they will be able to work on content. But, it seems that it won’t be now…
and also, I would understand that they want to release the console port… they need to earn money.

Catfish said no… and I must say that… i am disappointed it is not now.

How does working on communication take 6 months?

Spoilers on the youtube stream. Twitch is lagging behind (almost 5 minutes) :stuck_out_tongue:

Youtube just hit VT2

Two new maps and… more cosmetics.



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They said QoL changes, there is still a bit of hope.

If they were actually redoing crafting, they wouldn’t have spent 80% of the video talking about the pitiful ‘content drops’ they have already released.


I like how their producer tried to put those 2 content drops in 6 months as enormous progress.


Aqshy already posted the VT2 update. That’s some serious flexing in that part of the forum :slight_smile:

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