Imagine doubling down on insensitive material, calling everyone who even has an opinion different from you as “overreacting”, and having the entire worst logic on almost every post you make; and still seem to believe you have an adult perspective on life.
You will be proven wrong undoubtedly. You speak without experience of the Fatshark cycle. In all of their career they have dropped only two projects early:
Lead and Gold.
War of the Roses.
Everything that came thereafter got full support from Fatshark until the planned end of it’s lifecycle.
But they only ever go all in once the console release is done. Arguably their biggest short-coming. Rather than preparing a multi-platform launch and having the content ready, they first release on the PC, then do the Console port, then back to PC full post-launch support.
You’re mistaking confidence for something else here.
And making a mountain out of a mole hill.
I’m right on the overreacting part. Delaying an announcement for a week isn’t the end of the world. Sure, it makes you weary when it’s the tenth or so time it happened.
But it also isn’t game breaking or the end of the world.
I see all sorts of posts every day declaring the game dead, the playerbase decimated, the future of this game and the company over and such.
Yes. That is an overreaction.
And calling people narcisstic for not sharing your view is also an overreaction.
Same goes for the insensitive content. I’ve seen some pretty wild stuff over the years, so I believe I have a good window of comparison. The webm I shared was hardly that terrible. A non-fatal mishap that’s dated and included zero gore or implications of such. I think you are just trying to weaponize it and the current culture of being offended, because I’m not joining into the lynchmob that has formed around this game.
I see that tactic all the time in the Steam discussions. Mass flagging of posts that go against the grain in the hopes of silencing an “opposing” speaker (imagine getting this worked up about opinions).
Well, as you can see I am not banned and the post was flagged Thursday. Meaning it was probably already checked on Friday. Draw your own conclusions.
They did create and release Chaos Wastes advertising it so it should be possible. It’s definitely possible that CW was blind luck though. With that said, I don’t expect anymore than you do…
jokes aside,
you hold different views, neither is outright wrong, i don’t agree with @Mayson that we are overcritical of fatshark
but arguing about whether or not having different viewpoint, is legit, seems utterly nonsensical, and quite useless in a public forum, dunno.
It’s even sadder that you resort to othering people you disagree with.
If they disagree with you and you don’t like it they’ve got to be the worst of the worst right? who would ever dare disagree with you, The haver of all correct opinions.
War of the Vikings got killed as the costs were too high to keep it running. Extinct game. When the costs of running servers and maintaining BackEnd outweight the income the financier pulls the plug. In the case of WotV it was Paradox Interactive. It’s possible Tencent pull support without actually closing the servers or someone at FS figures they’re literally burning money to keep things going for 5k players a day.
It’s the key difference between DT and VT1. VT1 still up and running as it’s peer to peer with only the backend needing maintaining by FS although VT1 went down to 300 concurrent players at one point and dropped Karak Azgaraz out of the blue. Maybe you’re right, I just think there’s far more increased costs and a much higher wage bill for DT.
so, setting aside the delay as I don’t mind waiting to avoid some bugs and I understand having technical or devlopping difficulties. But Why does it affect the commlink? you aren’t releasing element during the commlink. It could have come on time with two weeks before the patch not no?
Just came in to throw my bit of disappointment. Also i try very very very hard not to yell:
How the hell did you manage to develop such a masterful core game and screw everything else. Even the “unscrewable” like posting a few non sense on time and call it “comm link announcement”.
I get that argument. But realistically Fatshark would also have the largest money buffer they ever had.
On one hand, Tencent funding.
On the other hand, Darktide outsold Vermintide 2 on release drastically. And Vermintide 2 already outsold Vermintide 1, which then had higher sales numbers than War of the Roses.
War of the Roses went by mostly unnoticed, because just a few years earlier Chivalry: Medieval Warfare had released and people were reluctant to switch over.
In those times Fatshark still was a Niche Developer A size. Now they’re definitely upper range of AA sized.
So I honestly don’t think Darktide will shut down any time, soon. It wouldn’t make any sense.
Good. FS needs more people like you cheering them on. While I disagree with many of your points, I see that you are a passionate enjoyer of this game and really want it to succeed.
Maybe a little off on the metrics bit but yes, haha, at the end of the day, everyone here cares and feels letdown. Something we can all agree on here and that’s good. It shows that we are all capable of seeing how they failed us. While we all may disagree on how to improve the game; Wanting this game to be better is something we all share and that is good.
Originally the patch was supposed to be our near the end of May, with the comm-link on may 18th.
A possible theory I haven’t seen, that gives FS a little benefit of the doubt, is that they wanted the patch itself to be released during the Warhammer skulls event but technical issues required pushing it back. Since that would mean DT would no longer have an item for the Warhammer Skulls event, they pushed back the comm-link to make that the event update.
Edit: although if this was the case why not just say that and save themselves some Embarrassment?
I somewhat mentioned that in my post on this thread, but then my problem with the delay comes with the blatant lie they said about it. Say that they wanted it to line up with Skulls. The reaction still wouldn’t be good, but it would look a lot better than this really horrible lie.
I think if we could peer into Mayson’s history of online forums, whether that be reddit or other forums of general discussion, we’d find that they frequently pit themselves against others in “discussion”, out of pure pleasure. I obviously can’t prove this, but due to their prolific posting on these particular forums, on almost every subject, I get that impression of them.