Comm-Link Delay

:unamused: weak.

Pretty sure they’ve said before that they play Devil’s Advocate just because they feel like someone has to. Tbh I got tired of their schtick and muted them because it’s basically just sh*tposting and/or arguing for the sake of it at that point.

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Mayson is really into moral relativism and playing with words writing paragraphs of nonsense as if philosophy was just about using clever wording.
He will always find a way to prove your legitimate concerns are wrong with some kind of neo marxist mindfuckery.
Always bring the popcorn.

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Dumber comment than anything I’ve seen from Mayson lmao. Name must match the age.

It’s about as dumb as the “crafting is fine” statement from mayson tbh

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  • “dumb lmao you’re 12”

You must be trolling brother.

“Moral relativism”
“Neo Marxist”

The guy is a bad poster, not an agent of whatever dumb culture war you learned about from a room temp IQ youtuber.

Where did I mention that he’s an agent of whatever you’re saying ?
These are simple concepts and if you don’t understand what I meant, I don’t know what to tell you.

Such simple concepts you couldnt use either of them to correctly describe what Mayson does lmfao. I’m not interested in dragging this out because it’s already off topic but read literally anything written by anyone described as a “moral relativist” or “neo marxist” and you’ll find out pretty quickly that they have nothing to do with someone being purposely annoying on a gaming forum.

You clearly didnt read all his walls of text then.
Good and bad isn’t subjective especially when it comes to predatory game design.

its funny cuz someone claimed mayson was a far right extremist in another thread.

I think you just don’t have anything of value to snap back with so you’re just gonna resort to othering mayson. it’s really sad to see this happen so much on this forum.


Everyone that disagree with me is a national socialist.
This looks like reddit 2.0


Look the point was not to start a pseudo philosophical debate on a gaming forum.
It was a little “boutade” as we say in french, even tho it can look rude for some people.
When you’re constantly trying to deny the majority of player’s complains on the forums 24/7, I believe its only fair.

Can we please go back to clowning FS and not whatever stupid argument you guys got in?


Fn Fatshark, amirite?

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Plausible theory. That would definitely explain the pushback.
I think this is my head canon now. As sad as it is. I’d add - It’s probably related to those bugs that propped up recently when the other hotfix came in.

I do back “the underdog” a lot, but that’s mostly because I noticed early in my life that bandwagoning is a popular thing and the villified side rarely gets a chance to have a word in.
Sometimes this is justified, sometimes it isn’t and sometimes it’s a 50/50 case.
There is a lot of legitimate complaints about this game, but people lean so hard into this negative energy, that it comes off… different.
This happens a lot in Gaming, because we are passionate about what we spend our freetime on.

That and I actually do like this game, do think the established systems (crafting with random chance for instance) are workable and do know things will look different half a year from now.

It was actually earlier this thread, just 10 posts above this one. :joy:
Dragomusic is right, though. Let’s stop focussing on me, I’m really not that interesting…

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responds to everything
“Lol let’s not talk about it anymore.”

And for the record, I wasn’t arguing about having different opinions;
I was arguing against his rhetoric, logic, and insensitive material.

But it doesn’t really matter, since everything he spews is bad faith.

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Yes, the matter at hand. The Comm Link Delay. That’s what we talk about in here. Not me or you or anybody else.
The idea, not the person. The concept, not the individuals related to the discussion.

Also the rhetoric used was neutral baseline American English. None of the words I wrote are a dogwhistle for anything. A Lynchmob can have any political, economical or personal leaning. And facetious use of the word because of how strong some of backlash can be doesn’t give it one, either.

Bro you’re not “backing the underdog”, the international company doesn’t need your white knighting, you just really like the sound of your own voice. You literally argue just to “UM ACKHUALY” sniff the air of your self imagined superiority and the delusion that you somehow know better than everyone that points out obvious flaws with the game that they like (otherwise they wouldn’t bother). At first I thought you were a literal employee, then that you’re on the spectrum or just a troll. After the essay of replies that contained zero actual essence, my conclusion is that you’re simply a narcissist.


Good luck tomorrow, fatshark!

This is not sarcasm.