Can we please stop this mentality that women can only be pretty/attractive or strong?

You really don’t have any idea what a good faith argument looks like do you? Shame, it’s genuinely an interesting topic you’ve raised. If that’s your only response to everything I said I’m checking out of this thread. Hope you can enjoy Darktide as is cause it all but certainly ain’t changing this aspect.

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I am glad they went with ugly only, honestly i absolutely despise korean mmo fap bait waifu creators, like its so ridiculous they even make the face like they are about to cum, its clearly not meant for immersion.

This may be shocking to hear, but there are actually more choices than being hideous or being complete coomer bait. There is a wide range of people out there who manage to be neither of those things, and I believe devs are capable of depicting these, if they so choose.

I’m not a woman, but I would say it’s a weird call when you can make male characters more normal looking without much problem. I don’t really get the thought process behind that decision, if it’s intentional.

I do just mainly want better hair variety though, which I think would help make decent looking characters without ditching the general style.



Uh, alright? Not sure what you’re saying no to, but thanks for sharing anyway.

What you are saying is “Pretty people can’t be strong or smart” which is you doing the same thing to attractive people, that you feel is done to less attractive people.

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This is a gaming forum. Nobody is here to talk about your hangups.

Fatshark i NEED this option for the next round of classes you release GET ON IT NOW


What about pretty men?

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All Fatshark games have peculiar character models that are visibly far from ideal. I think this is partly dictated by the styling and setting, but I agree that it would not be bad to give players the opportunity to create an attractive face for their characters.

After all, is it possible to prevent a woman from being attractive both in the game and in life? :slight_smile:

50/50% true. Because there are many examples of far more pretty faces in official art, of soldier and officer guardsmen:

(34 pictures in album)

… than in Darktide overall:
Darktide Male faces (15)
Darktide Female faces (15)

Its ‘a’ depiction of 40k, not ‘the’ depiction of 40k. Which is respectable and all that, but question arises: is it a good character creator, if its skewed towards ugly, therefore having less options.

From the results of this poll, 80% of all votes are taken by top 5 faces (out of 15) - in both male and female polls.
In both polls, the most picked face has 38% of votes (this and this).


Thats not what I said. Read it again and actually get some reading comprehension please.

Sure, why not?

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Thats a big no as well, we good looking men are a marginalized group that needs protection.


I’d say those pics make my point as well as your’s. Some of the females and males inose pics look pretty close to some options in Darktide.

I’d also say that, as someone who reads 40k fiction novels, cover art isn’t always representative of what GWS themselves would publish. Cover art is often contract work, which isn’t the same as an internal employee at GWS working with the creative team.

Then again, they made a 40k kids show. Clearly they’re trying new things. So to me, if you need that experience in 40k, it exists elsewhere than in Darktide.

And as for whether having lots of ugly characters is bad character creation…no? If they look different from each other (which they do, in high detail) that’s what matters to me. Not whether a decent enough % of them are bangable, or helps anyone escape their self-imposed loathing for their own appearance. It isn’t a metric to apply to every game. Games can do different things. Normally people complain when a game does something with an established IP that goes against what fans expect of the IP. Rather than saying an IP should do something it’s not actually known for.

Consider too that maybe Darktide is just as much an escape from “conventional video game attractiveness” for the rest of us.

I mean, I’d call this a fair point, if it wasn’t for the fact that Dan Abnett is writing the story for this game, and the cover art of one of his books didn’t look like this:

Didn’t realize Bequin got her own novel series finally.

Of course, if you know anything about Bequin, you might understand why she looks that way. Again because it’s setting appropriate. To his book. Just like the criminals, prisoners, war veterans and rejects are setting appropriate to this game.

People always be trying to impose their will on things they don’t control. I regret that DT is online only and mods probably aren’t on the table, because then I’d say “do whatever you want, it’ll have no bearing on me.” But people that are putting this much effort into saying that there’s just no one attractive in Darktide on any level strike me as superficial to begin with. I’d say some of the women in Darktide are attractive in their own way. But it’s not your type of attraction. I’ll try to be nice and just say “Alas.”

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What nonsense. I made my character look like a rough, cut-up, scumbag, because I thought it was fun and fit the setting. In other games I make different looks as well.

There’s nothing “always” about it. Please don’t project.


You literally tried to say im wrong while literally proving my point that people want their character to look how they want. Good job.

Of course, if you know anything about Bequin, you might understand why she looks that way

And why would that be? Determinism?

OP merely wants the option of not looking fugly, as do others, including myself, what’s the problem with that?

There’s also the point that, even if you argue that, for whatever reason, only people with a certain ugliness gene are able to be part of the rejects, there’s still no reason whatsoever that our characters should only be able to get haircuts from a barber high on Slaught.