Can we please stop this mentality that women can only be pretty/attractive or strong?

A lot of comments concerning the female characters faces in this game are “iT fItS tHe SeTtInG” When official Warhammer 40k artwork depicts the females (who fight on a regular basis) are not hideous. Theyre not drop dead gorgeous but theyre naturally attractive. Even Warhammer 40k and Fantasy battle had instances of women in boobplate, and before anyone says anything, YES there is realistic grounds for this to have been an actual possibility in reality. The reason we didnt see it a lot is because women fighting wasnt the norm. A video by Shadiversity goes way more into detail and is a very good listen

Some examples include: Sisters of Battle And the woman on the cover of the “Cadian Honour” novel.

These are both depicting people who are seeing combat and none them look like how Darktides character creator is and before anyone says “bUt ThEyRe CrImInAlS”. Criminals dont become hideously deformed when they get incarcerated barring any freak accident. And the idea that only ugly people are criminals is some real 1700’s brainrot mentality.

Im not asking for the females to be super model tier beautiful. Im just asking to have a decent face. Theres only 1 real decent face, the rest just look purposely ugly.


I struggle to identify with most of the faces as some of them barely look human.
Not asking for Waifu simulator, but just not having to choose the least ugly face or haircut (you have really overdone yourself with those)


Eh, female or male. Very few if any faces are in line with what’s considered “attractive” with todays norms.

I don’t think this is a case of any angle of criminals are automatically unattractive or strong women can’t be… it’s just the angle that no one really is, regardless of sex.


Theres a general consensus on what people consider attractive and what they dont. And most of the female faces dont fall into that category.


did you look at the male faces? they are as ugly as the female ones. I really don’t think there is a deeper meaning behind it than fatshark did horrible face models. also, shad isnt really a source for historical accuracy. granted, he’s an enthusiastic hobbyist, but not an expert. If you like boob armor that’s fine and i see no reason why there shouldnt be any, but tbh i like that there is none for a change.


How about Western game devs/designers stop making hideous characters because they know if anyone goes after them for it they’ll just be accused of over-sexualizing or being pervs, instead of not wanting ugly characters. I’m ugly enough in real life, let my game characters look good.


I think most people who make characters in a fictional setting are an idealized version of themself.

If you don’t like the faces in the selection screen, there is a cosmetics shop where you can cover up those faces.
I know it’s not a complete solution, and I think I speak for everyone here when I say that we want premium faces available in the cosmetics shop.
This will give us choices and I’m sure no one would complain about more choices.

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and I think I speak for everyone here when I say that we want premium faces available in the cosmetics shop.

Dont worry, you dont.


This is a strangely formulated request.

You begin by shaming the culture of perpetuating that females have to be attractive, pretty or generic tough looking. Ok, sure.

Then you give examples and request they add the same attractive looking females like the ones you linked… both of which perpetuate the same thing you just tried to shame. Both of them showcase a waifu teen-dream girl-next-door type.

They clearly did not cater to the overly sexualized and attractive looking female or male faces… why? because yes, it does actually fit the setting. If a monstorous demon is trying to devour you, orks trying to raid you, eldars trying to do all kinds of things to you and more… than you most likely won’t care that much about putting on make up and dolling up.
it’s a different universe with different values, the most attractive looking male or female isn’t the one who’s going to be breeding, it’s whoever is close enough at the time, as humans in this universe have basically been reduced to food. Either for the war machine that is the empires great army, or whatever alien wants to fight.

Here’s a thought, instead of linking imagery created to sell books, which always will depict an attractive female because they sell books, not only to men but also women. Start looking at pictures from 100+ years ago. Look at how people look at the time. You’d most likely see stuff that’s not far off from the darktide faces, especially when it comes to complexion and presentation.

Better yet, look at imagery of englishmen and women from the industrial age, which is the inspiration of war 40k.
here’s one example

With that said, If you want an attractive looking female face, great! everyone does. no shame in that.




Welcome to grim dark enjoy your 40k experience. BTW most of the male characters look like they just came straight out the woods or have been raised by wolves. Of all the issues in the game this is what you choose to complain about. This is a troll post


Lucceia which one is you

Of all the issues in the game this is what you choose to complain about.

Youre right. I shouldve waited for the game to be game of the millennium, very millennium, before making this post.

Actually, I thought the title and post conflicted each other as well… but then I realised it’s an exclusive or.

So they can either be attractive / pretty OR they can be strong, not both.
And since Darktide characters are strong they aren’t allowed to be pretty. Same when it comes to the criminal angle. He’s saying you can actually be pretty and attractive and still be strong and a criminal. Hell, we even have prison babe sites to chat to attractive female inmates ;D

Not saying OP is hitting the mark with his complaint, but at least this is how I think it’s supposed to be interpreted.

Not even sure how you make the title clearer since I’m not a grammar expert nor is english my first language.


All I’m saying is, the western idea that women who are strong cant be pretty or vice versa is a trend that needs to die. Why cant we be both?


Women can be strong, pretty or… irrelevant HEYOOOOOO

Anyway, I haven’t seen many men with Darktide faces either. Also, I’m really struggling to identify with my Ogryn, he doesn’t look human at all!

These are the pressing issues in this game, nay in society at large! I think we need to raise awareness by marching through the streets, preferably with genitalia themed hats.



Didn’t we have a thread about how ugly characters in Darktide are, just a couple of weeks ago? :joy:

I believe someone was demanding attractive faces for women?

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Would you like to prove me wrong? You dont see this in eastern games. Its only Western games where this is more profound? And why do you think that is?

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