To preface this, I’m fully aware this topic has been brought up before, but I feel that bringing it up again is the only way it’ll actually potentially get solved some day.
Personally, I love to customize my character in every game, I’m a woman and I tend to pick either male or female characters depending on roles. My criticism is as you might have guessed from the title is purely towards the lack of a female body rig and the female faces/hair.
The female faces are all absolutely hideous or old. For accuracy towards the 40k universe, I don’t think we need makeup options and the like, but diversity is necessary. People gravitate towards using the same exact faces and hairstyles, because there are only a few that aren’t horrible (just hideous). In an ideal world we would have face sliders akin to the Souls games, (so that we could either make pretty people or our own beautiful Frankenstein, though I suppose we can make the latter already) but I’m aware that that’d probably end up requiring far too much work. I feel that providing some more realistic faces (e.g. even just average faces) would at least allow for people to make a character they liked more that they can currently.
To add to this, the male faces in the game are fine in comparison. There are several faces (and some hairstyles) that work just fine, being either handsome, ugly, or average (admittedly beards do some work here).
To touch briefly on hairstyles, yeah, we need less meth hair. I mean realistically I can understand why long hair would be bothersome for military people, but not even a bun? Even Ogryn’s have em (One hairstyle even has two!). Currently there are 4 “female” hairstyles. which is the ponytail with the bald patch (horrible) the pixie cut (which y’know wouldn’t be as bad if it wasn’t on the faces we have now) and the two bowlcut ones (the one with the mostly bald head, and the full one) which are neither practical, if we’re going with the military angle, or in any shape way or form good-looking.
There should just be more options here that aren’t along the lines of “just mess my hair up”, it’s silly that there isn’t.
Lastly the body, it seems clear that the cosmetics in the game are purely built for the male body and scaled down. The shoulders are too broad (on armor it makes some aesthetic sense, considering 40k armor) but stuff like the “Prison Garb (Hope’s End Penal Colony)” (the blue tanktop on Veteran) clearly shows that the female body is just scaled down male body.
I, along with most people clamoring for customization don’t need or want a slider for boobs. But I think it’s ridiculous to just have women use the completely flat, broad-shouldered male body. I like to identify with my characters, and Darktide just doesn’t allow for that at all.
TLDR: women faces/hair bad, hate the scaled down male body, add more customization Fatshark.
To emphasize my point that pretty/average women also exist in the 40k universe, here’s some official artwork: