Character Faces Poll

Below are imgur albums with all the face options from the Closed Beta.

Imagine, that you’d be able to create only one character in each category (1 male, 1 female, 1 ogryn).
Now open the albums and pick one face for each category:

Male faces (15)
Female faces (15)
Ogryn faces (10)

(The pictures are numbered)

Three polls are waiting for you:

Results are visible after voting.

My Male Face:
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • Don’t know what to pick (just to see the results)
0 voters
My Female Face:
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • Don’t know what to pick (just to see the results)
0 voters
My Ogryn Face
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • Don’t know what to pick (just to see the results)
0 voters

Why i created this poll? Curiosity :smile:
What do people pick the most?


Should probably point out the number below the pictures is which number they are, I mis clicked my decision because of not knowing that initially

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Looks like people gravitate toward the most normal-looking presets. No surprises there. It’s a shame though, since there are no sliders and only a couple decent options, we’re going to see a lot of clones running around - which more or less defeats the point of having a character creator in the first place.

I hope Fatshark reconsiders their stance and adds more options in the future.


I just wanna say I really appreciate that you took the time and effort to create that.
Was hard for me to remember all the faces, so a big thank you for that. :+1:


Who would have guessed that people will chose most non-methaddict and least bad looking faces…


What the hell did I choose for a female face?.. :man_facepalming:
Ok, I’ll be today’s sponsor of statistical noise then :grinning:

You can remove your vote I think and give it again

If you voted wrong just click on show vote>remove vote.


Neat, thanks.

I still think a slider system would have been much, much better than simply picking a predesigned face. I’m honestly not sure why they went this route, especially considering how they touted this character creation concept as being good enough to justify removing set characters and thus stripping a lot of dialogue potential from the game.

Slider system like in, say, Oblivion? One can argue that they decided against it so people won’t do this for example:


Full face customization via sliders - have a side effect that some people will intentionally make meme disproportionate faces (by pushing all sliders to max/min values). Making them look absolutely inhuman.

Wouldn’t that be immersion breaking? To see these ghoul faces in your group?

Admittedly, current situation also has flaws immersion wise. If the majority uses the same 2 faces, we have a clone army. Certainly, devs didn’t anticipated that :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

They should either make all predefined faces ugly (and old), so that there’s a fair distribution of choice.
Or make them all average & healthy looking, with a random feature pushing them into good looks (but not quite there). With age groups represented equally (from 20ies to 50ies). If one wants a roughed beaten look - use skin customization (scars, burns, dark circles under the eyes & so on).

What i also noticed and liked about ogryn faces, is the variety of emotion and spirit.
2 & 7 are goofy, 1 & 3 & 7 are mad, 8 is happy, 3 & 4 & 9 are serious chads, 6 & 10 are fed up or depressed.

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I think people being able to make good faces with a few meme lads sprinkled in beats everybody looking like sentient potatoes, any day of the week


That is a bit of a tangent question, but I agree. GW might not though. And FS being FS, they just don’t have the chops it took, say CCP, to create their char customization for EVE Online.

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It depends. There can be caps for sliders wich will lock you at some points, so you can’t realy make a monstrosity. I think I’ve seen such system in some game. But I think the easiest way is a constructor alike, when you are chosing face shape and face features separetly.


Just a reminder to everyone, this is how Kruber looks without a beard:

holy frigging chad :sunglasses:

some more pics


Im mean right now most games I can remember (mostly elder scrolls and and from software games) you can really go ham with the sliders to make characters almost insane horrendous. I personally would go with more premade options. Other game from Capcom (mostly referring to the new Monster Hunter and Dragons Dogma games) gave a lot of face and hair options for playing with customization.

Something I also though about is, I dont know how easy you can make something like this in the engine they using. As far as I know the using a moddefied version of Stingray autodesk. An engine which isnt receiving any official updates since 2018.

So far this graph only shows what many people already tried to pass to Fatshark in feedback: people like good-looking faces. I don’t mean models from covers but good looking since they will spend tens/hundreds hours looking at it. Fatshark went with “no, no, dark, bad, warhammer ugly, everything ugly, prisoners are always ugly” and put literally 1 face for male and 1 for female that somehow look younger and better than rest.

So what people chose? That one face as poll shows.

What will that lead too? That despite having character customization we will see army of clones at release for males and females as people will naturally gravitate towards those faces.

The fact that you can’t edit your appearance later also will push people into taking “safe” choice (most normal looking faces) to avoid later regret making wierd looking one that they no longer enjoy.

Honestly, I think if we had half-half ratio of younger/handsome faces vs ugly/rough faces it would be better for game. But Fatshark is Fatshark and always knows better…


Right now I wouldnt agree with you there, as of right now there are only 28 votes so far.
But If we would have more votes ( alot more) and the outcome would still be the same I would have no choice but agree you might have a point.

I completely agree with you there. I hope there will give us that option to customize them again. After inital customisation.

Well, the main issue is sample size.

  1. This is the Fatshark Forums. Not even Reddit or Twitter. As-is most people don’t leave their comfort zone or join new things in order to give feedback or talk about things. Out of millions of players I guarantee there’d maybe be hundreds or thousands of forum members.

  2. There will be a chunk of people that don’t care what their character looks like and see it as a waste of time between them and the game. This will be about the same number of people that do care, because they’ll be the only other ‘active’ participants in this discussion.

  3. There’s an even BIGGER chunk of people that will just take what you give them without much complaint or feedback. I’d go out on a limb and say that maybe 60% or more of a game’s player base are ‘passive consumers’ that mostly care about having a game to play. And don’t engage in the discourse surrounding it.

But I imagine if we keep scaling up - the general trend will show that those will be the most used options, even as some of the ones that currently have 0 votes start to finally get filled out.

As is - 50% and 48% respectively when there are like 15+ options is RATHER telling, no?