Anyone decided to stop playing until the next update?

I neither require nor desire affirmation. I want the game fixed.


Well I was hoping the New Update would change things…

But after playing a couple rounds of Legend, the problem persists.

Onslaught level difficulty for some… faceroll easy for others.

No middle ground.

EDIT: Silent Specials still persist, BUT they are at least spawning far enough away now they’re not on top of you before you have any chance to see them. Also The Patrols have not spawned on top of me either… everything else, including the dogpiling of specials on you persists.


Did yours also go bananas after 1.0.6 hit and it persisted through 1.0.7? Still haven’t tested mine but I’m nervous for it to still be fubar.

Gun rats through walls, but git gud.


Patch 1.0.7
“fixed issue that would spawn enemies right in front of players”
OwO whats this?


You’re misquoting the patched notes, it said fixed AN issue that spawned enemies right in front of players. It has been happening a lot less (basically never for me). It’s a complex game with a lot of factors at play, patching bugs is a process and not a simple one-time thing.

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“Fixed issues which would spawn some hordes in plain sight of players.” from the notes so you’re wrong, also semantics…


Damn you are protective, when it comes to any FS criticism.


Their chosen language is a lil misleading still if that’s the case. Could say, " fixed some of the issues causing it."


That’s fair.


Or better yet, open to interpretation : - )

Troll less and the game will be on a better track towards getting fixed.

We ended that weeks ago lmao, who are you?


Fair enough, I was thinking of wording from older patch notes I think. Either way you’re right though, semantics.

@NikKotovski Not protective really, I have no issue with constructive criticism and in fact thing it’s important and glad that these forums provide a space for it. I admit I do get pretty upset when the posts on here are negative or antagonizing. Part of it is I know how much the devs care about this game and how much effort they put into trying to make it even more amazing. Part of it too is I work as a software developer (not in games though) so I get why some problems take a long time to fix, and why the state of things sometimes seems way different from the dev perspective.


Their main problems are not caused by software development, but rather by psychological factors and by the strategical decisions. They are developers, that’s why they prefer working on a new content rather than polishing the game for a set of reasons. Which set of reasons? Well, firstly it is interesting. Secondly, it is potential money. Thirdly, and most importantly, a big chunk of people will have to stay out of work in case of lengthy fixes. Visual designers, level designers, composers and many others. So the studio decides, and that’s a psychological decision, not logical, the studio decides to make sure, that everyone gets busy.

There is a Tom DeMarco book “The Deadline” that explains all that stuff very well. Btw it’s a novel, but that is just a form for better understanding.

There can be some other factors, I am not aware of, but the above is more than enough.

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Finally got some time to test and my game appears to be fixed. Normal spawn rates across the board and general feel is back to where it was in 1.0.5. The most intense director ever got was as intense as my 1.0.6 was all the time, so I’m guessing some bug just had my 1.0.6 director locked on steroids.

Nice to be able to enjoy the game again without every run being constant max intensity.

Only tested as client but in 1.0.6 it didn’t matter if I was the host or the client. I’ll test it out as the host when I get a chance.

1.0.7 is more homogenic, as opposed to prior patches that often felt like playing a deed.

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Aye, it’s less reliant on director bs than even my 1.0.5 was. Feels like a good balance now and levels the playing field for all the classes. The (bugged, I suspect) spawn rates I was getting before made for massive class disparity but as is, I think anything can probably shine.

I think the only class i’ve played where i think ‘‘this needs more than just some tweaks’’ is the battlemage, her kit is so stunted next to her two other careers.


That’s a good point. It’s so eclectic still.