i understand aggressive play while protecting your hp bar because i do it too, but in my own experience a sienna simply can’t output the amount of burst damage a good BH can do in terms of close range special/elite killing, and if there was a horde to be wiped out in a small corridor, a few bursts from the volley will clear it as compared to sienna which requires you to be in close range and also will take 1-2 shots as compared to the upfront instant kills of a bh. if you really are moving that fast it also means stormvermins and hard targets moving into medium range of your party should be smashed really quickly by the BH. looking at your BH - 5 elite kills and 18 specials killed? he’s sleeping honestly. the shade’s numbers look up to par.
i still stick to my verdict that you are hard carrying some of your groups, kudos but you need better teammates.
Hada flamer bardin that i let deal with the hordes he prolly got around 5-700 total kills and the other too probably around 100~ they were
sight seeing from the floor
That seems more in line with the patch notes, though still a lil steep compared to the increase Fatshark was implying and a lot more steep than 1.0.5. How many total specials? That should be pretty constant from 1.0.5 to 1.0.6.
As i stated above this is one of my most bloated screens BUT i dont think the run took much more than 20 min total, i just did most of the killing. But what we’re going back and forth on is the irregularity of numbers.
There was a case in VT1 where the spawn rate of events where throttled according to hosts rig, not sure if its the same here, but i can have 3 hordes in a row from time to time quadruple specials on a horde + boss, or a neverending special feed, without a pattern. It’s weird, the challenge can be fun from time to time but several hordes in a row can feel like drudge work
I’m sure I carry sometimes but the thread I linked has more scoresheets from across the patch spectrum and I’m telling you the spawn rates are always comparable, even at times when all four of the group was insane murderbeasts. Plus even if the BH numbers were higher on this particular card, it’s still everything dying as fast as it spawns while we run through it, only stopping for triggers or when it’s a bad idea to push. Would just be us trading numbers or stealing kills from each other. Plus these hordes of mine are lasting an insanely long amount of time to the point the volley reload will ultimately have a huge impact on the bh DPS when I’m vaporizing everything. I agree they underperformed here though and could have taken more kills. It’s also possible he d/c’d and had to rejoin (Which would mean the spawn numbers were even more insane than indicated).
If these matches were anything less than as reasonably quick as possible (non-speedrunning), I wouldn’t even bother mentioning any of this. As per the previously linked thread, everything changed dramatically from 1.0.5 to 1.0.6. I didn’t change, my play style didn’t change, my habits didn’t change. The only thing that changed was the director.
I just want the game to go back to normal so I can enjoy it without every match being a sudden death zerg fest. Its at like… beyond Doom Ultra Nightmare intensity (and I find that stuff_relaxing_). It would be fun in smaller doses, just not every time and definitely not when it means having to work 2-3x as hard for drops.
If your other runs are at all comparable you could be just outside the “norm.” I’m considering the 1.0.5 levels to be the norm, personally, since that’s the last time my spawn rates were close to you guys’.
i’m not sure if they fixed the bug where deed modifiers (extra horde spawns etc) carry on to normal games. did you play a deed before the crazy games you had?
Negative, I don’t think I’ve done any deeds at all since the patch hit. 1.0.5 deed contamination runs are definitely the closest approximation to what I’m seeing though, it’s just all the time now and a lot buggier.
Yeh, these runs I’m getting every time now are tense af. The chillest it ever gets is rolling my eyes if a Blight Stormer spawns in an unreachable place and blocks our path so we can’t advance, so I know we’ll make it all of twenty feet before the next horde hits.
In general, and this is coming from someone with like a 99% 1.0.5 Legend winrate who found it fun/enjoyable/relaxing, every moment of every 1.0.6 run has been stressful as hell and if anyone makes any mistake ever, even a minor one, it’s a lot harder to recover than it was when the game was running at 1.0.5 levels. 1.0.5 deeds were even easier, by far. My 1.0.6 QPs feel like I’m playing a game where it’s sole purpose is to keep getting harder and harder until you lose with no balance whatsoever. Eg. There was one Righteous Stand where two people got downed at the 2nd grim during boss + 2x hordes + w/e nutsy special gumbo it through in the mix, then the third person got downed to some random bs buring a horde but someone had respawned at the end of the fortification portion, right before the ramp that leads to the area with the last tome. We had just finished a horde so it should have been safe for me to res. I got halfway from the wooden scaffolds to the person needing to be rescued (not far away) and another horde spawned; the entire horde popped into play all around me so tight I could no longer move and was already swinging. I had my sword out in anticipation of rezzing so I was able to immediately block before taking any hits and I thought I’d just push my way out and blast them all. Too bad I was dead <1s after the horde was announced, though. This was after an entire run of non-stop bs like this and the scorecard was on par with the other 1.0.6 ones I posted in terms of team kills and specials. It’s almost like the game thinks the world will end if we win now and it’s doing everything in it’s power to make sure that doesn’t happen, even if it means it has to cheat.
I think this would be a fantastic optional mode if they found a way to quality control and limit the RNG “no-win” situations that blight stormers and gas rats can create… but it’s terrible when every single run handles like this every time.
Read more, troll less. The conversation required context because some of the people participating didn’t believe that others were experiencing 2x and 3x the normal spawn rates. I did not post to “brag.” All I care about is that they fix the game.
I would hope people are secure enough about themselves to handle an objective conversation about the game’s issues in a feedback thread while comparing their normal numbers… So far, you’re the only one that hasn’t been true for.