barring bugs of course. but sure. just sharing tips for legend play and my observations, don’t need to take offence.
What if fatshark fix the director and you still can’t do legend?
From what I’ve noticed with the spawn is that the spawn in it self seems to be ok in most cases. BUT! Patrols make no noise and don’t move until you are close enough to them so they are already spawned, they are already there but you can’t hear or see them. This seem to be a problem overall in this game with draw distance of enemies. And sure, the performance would take a big hit if everything was drawn in all of the time but patrols really screw with a run due to this.
Patrols aren’t an issue in VT1 though so I’m not sure why they’re so fubar here. In VT1 you always hear them well ahead of time and their movement speed is a tiny bit slower so even if you see them at the last second you still have the opportunity to hide. The pathing in VT1 is better as the patrols leave the play area and keep walking, still making their marching sounds the entire time so there’s none of this, “patrol hops over wall -> total silence -> 10s later patrol hops back over wall during horde and immediately aggroes” bs.
Basically, patrols need to be (a lot) louder, be heard from much farther away, and have much better pathing. The whole patrol “parking” situation is asinine right now to the point that you may as well just kill any patrol that parks itself directly outside of play because the odds of it re-entering unannounced at an inopportune moment are pretty steep.
It’s pretty hard to accidentally aggro a patrol in VT1, even with a tf kerilian firing non-stop… but in VT2 even the most careful of parties can/will aggro patrols more often than not. Less of an issue now that Chaos Patrols are better balanced but still an eye-rolling experience.
Fixing the AI Director should be the top priority right now though. Patrols really aren’t a threat, even when busted. It’s the current worst-than-every-deed nature for some hosts/clients that’s the problem.
I just engaged NO sound patrol walking into my face from the building. And you saying smth about parking stuff. My ass is on fire right now, fatshark, I ve got multiple blight***ers casting through walls, multiple ratling gunners shootin through walls and this silent patrol.
A lot of players I get in games are just… not ready for legend. They make the most basic mistakes, wander off alone, die to a single clanrat in front of them with no other threats. I also see a lot of elf/sienna players exclusively using their ranged weapons and just taking insane amounts of damage because they refuse to swap to melee to block. Walking into obvious patrols, not dodging obvious hookrats/assassins, walking into marauder/sv/cw overheads for all their hp. I’m not saying I expect people to play perfectly, I still make mistakes and get hit, but holy crap some people are getting downed 3 or 4 times before we leave the first area.
On top of this, the AI director seems always spawn a horde right as boss spawns now, not sure if this is intended. Seeing as most players STILL don’t know how to kite/dodge a boss effectively, this means a boss + horde results in a wipe 99% of the time.
If you’re getting downed 8+ times a run. If you can’t avoid boss damage when he’s aggro’d on you. If you can’t deal with a couple clanrats + an elite solo by dodging/blocking. If you don’t know when/how to use bombs effectively, which potions are best for which teammates, and when to use/save a healing item. If you are an Ironbreaker who ONLY SITS BEHIND HIS SHIELD AND DOES NOTHING ALL RUN. You might just have to go back to champion and play there some more.
Ha, these are basically all of my legend pet peeves XD. You can tell immediately when someone needs more practice in either champion or VT1. Perma-turtle tanks are the worst, especially what with how unlike in VT1, shields are no better than pushing than other weapons and they’re still pretty meh, defensively.
The boss hordes are intended. I think it was a dumb idea given how buggy the ai director is and due to the fact that it overly punishes DPS-light groups. The fact that you can get a boss in a tight space, then have to deal with its horde, then get a normal horde during that horde, and still have to handle specials throughout is dumb. There are lots of times where my groups can handle it without issue but it ultimately boils down to RNG the likes of which certain comps just can’t deal with. These are challenging situations for a meta comp made up of experienced players, so why they thought it would be a good idea to add this “feature” right now is beyond me, with so many ai director bugs at play.
Man. I just got TWO hordes during chaos spawn and like 8 specials summary. Ffs that shouldnt be intended.
I would say that just bless rng. If you have no space to kite boss during horde (i.e. it spawned in corridor and 2 sided horde/ ambush coming) you will be dead in the mean of one ground slam with 2 grims.
Not saying about specials. I can understand horde during boss. But horde + specials is quite a hullabaloo. At least boss shouldnt have 5k hp then!
I mean, skittergate is easier! Theres only a lord and bunch of elites from time to time, while gatekkeper is just a trash, dying from chainstun? Other lords on vocation so its a common monster who wipes you out.
And saying about “experienced player’s challenge” I still believe same happens on veteran and champion.
I’ve been telling people this since the patch. The day the patch went live, my win rate in legend plummeted. I was hooked on the game before the patch and streamed it nightly. Now I find myself rage quitting because of insane spawns. When I bring the fact that it’s more difficult up to players, I get ridiculed and told to “go back to recruit”. It’s annoying. I was very happy to see the recent patch release that supposedly adjusted some of the problems. But I still see silent special spawns, gunners firing through walls, double bombers with hidden stormers and waves of plague monks… and all this on top of fighting mini boss.
The jump from champion to legend is laughable. Without appearing conceded, I can carry a full team with a level 20 kerillian. But in legend, not happening. Some levels have my team wiping in the first area (Against The Grain, War Camp). Hell I came into a map with Sienna and we ran up on several rot helms within a few seconds of starting. And of course a single hit broke through my block and I was insta-killed.
It’s still fun, but as far as progressing, it’s too difficult now. I have level 300 gear, about 160 hours, 2 reds (charm, neck) and now I’ve just plateaued because finishing legend with full pickups is damn near impossible. Unless of course you’re lucky enough to find a group that eats, sleeps, and shits this game. When that does happen, be prepared to take orders and get scolded or booted for making a mistake.
If its too hard and you cant handle it stick with the easier difficulty,
Its okay not to be able to handle silent spawns in the middle of your group during a wave and
fail because there are people out there that manage this without much of an issue.
I’m not one of these people I sometimes manage to clear a Legend run but its rare and
most importantly its good that way.
Its challenging to me and if it wasn’t I would probably be already done with this game.
The only joy I get from a Soulsborne game after finishing it the first time on New Game +
is taking a break for a few months and coming back to the New Game + going for a New Game ++ and getting Bootcamp-like drilled into my old performance I had before the break.
Its such a great feeling overcoming obstacles especially when they seem unfair or when you,
not only have to play without making them but also have to correct mistakes
of your fellow comrades and that is in my opinion such an unique difficulty aspect
that adds to it in this game that you do not have in a Soulsborne title.
As far as Loot goes I do not care that much about that besides the fact that
It needs to support the build and have the max PL and that’s it.
If you’re here for some shiny epic loot to show off to others It seems,
at least from my experience so far, that you’re in the wrong game!
I cant tell if fatshark has plans to change that about the game
in the near future but looking back at VT1 I really doubt it.
I think champion got so easy that people are still getting by just spamming lmb while walking forward.
Anecdote. Today I lost 4 games in a row with a friend of a friend that insisted in calling shots, running ahead and not covering people near him. The guy left and as a premade duo we won 3 in a row, easily.
Imo some people make much worse teammates than bots. Bots are minimally reliable and will try to help instead of bossing around.
Maybe Fatshark could lower the powercap to champion so it wouldn’t be such a cake walk for maxed out players.
This man knows what’s up. The problem with most people on legend is they still think beam staff is the only one, and they don’t understand the power of a well-played slayer/shade/zealot/merc. Regardless tho, not much point in bothering legend, unless you just really love the challenge, since you’re only improving your odds at getting a red by a few percent at best, effectively nothing unless you’re grinding hundreds or thousands of games.
and if you wipe or lose books just a few times more often on legend than you would on champion then the increased chance at reds is effectively negated and you’d be just as well off running champion and would get similar odds at reds.
I don’t find i lose 99% of games, legend is supposed to be difficult and it’s supposed to not be easily won. Get a group together, practice with them and get in there and beat it. It’s called LEGEND not queue up and beat it like it’s nothing lol legend is supposed to be for top players, just because you don’t beat it doesn’t mean other good players can’t
Try to play in the same room, one on a good computer, one with a weak one, and you’ll get the feeling the person on the good computer was dealing with enemies that don’t show up on the weaker one, when you have hordes from multiple directions. Or maybe they just died too fast and bodies disappeared instantly due to huge amount of enemies.
Kinda funny to look back and see how opinions have changed. Legend went from way too hard, to too easy now. kek
im having a hard time on legend with bounty hunter and champion is too easy so im stuck with breezing through levels or losing most of my games.
my problem with legends is wide spaces and getting surrounded or flooded with every enemy type at once.
This thread has been hella-necro’d but… screw it!
Bounty Hunter is among the squishiest careers, and Legend hits really hard.
Option A) is stick with bounty hunter and you’ll eventually get Legend-comfortable and have good defensive habits. Legend is all about being disciplined in avoiding damage, because most careers can’t afford to tank random hits all map long like they can on Champion. Check your six, relocate instead of fighting if getting surrounded seems likely (look for walls to fight against), and dial down your aggression until you can come out of most encounters without getting hit.
Option B) would be try something like Zealot, Ironbreaker or Unchained. Their damage reduction makes Legend much more forgiving. So you’ll find it easier to get wins, but won’t necessarily adapt to Legend in a way that transfers to all careers.
Good luck!
that helped alot. i’ve been so focused on getting my fancy new helmet, skin and a full red build for BH i forgot to try the other classes.
what build would you recommend? im using two handed sword, i havent really found a ranged weapon i can call my own yet.
For Bounty Hunter? If you want to experience his “Sigmar’s Angel of Death” power, you might try focusing on Xbow. If you put scrounger on xbow and “farm” your Blessed Shots you can be handing out a steady beatdown the whole map without any ammo worries at all. For melee I’d recommend Falchion or Rapier. They’re both fast to swing which is really useful for using your offense as defense. Two-handed sword has some upsides but it’s a much harder weapon to stay safe with.
Check out J-Sat demoing Falchion/Xbow in a true solo video. His talents/build notes are at the end. You’ll notice he can avoid reloading entirely by constantly working in quick melee kills to restore Blessed Shot.
Good luck!