Am I the only one losing Legend 99% of the times?

Man, I wish my maps were as empty as his when he’s playing true solo…

… you’re one of those guys?


You mean cracking jokes and stupid memes? Yup, that’s me :slight_smile:

It would help his case a lot more if he stopped doing things like removing patrols and multiplying boss damage. Takes considerable credibility out of his runs. By doing it in the modded realm there will always be doubt.

I find this attitude really hard to understand. I’ve known J_sat since the beginning. In VT1 he was at about level 300 while his peers with similar hours in the game were at 1000. Because he spent most of his time dying trying to True Solo. When Cata True Solo got too easy (this is something hardly anyone could do, at the time) he was doing Cata True Solo with handicaps (slow weapons, no-ranged, no-melee, etc.). Then Deathwish True Solo. Then handicapped Deathwish True Solo.

The point is that when virtually everyone else was just chilling in the game, J_Sat was constantly cranking up the challenge of the game to completely redefine what was possible.

That’s still what he’s doing. He multiplies boss damage and removes patrols because doing those things makes True Solo more interesting for him and less of a chore – not because that’s the only way he could succeed. For the people that know what he’s accomplished and what he’s actually doing, that doesn’t hurt his credibility in the least. Because he’s not posting videos to say “LOOK! I’m the best VT player alive and here’s more proooooof!”. He’s posting videos to explore every facet of the game and to share his passion for rat-geekery with the masses.

TL;DR His case doesn’t need any help. Anyone who wants to steal his crown because they’re jealous of his reputation is welcome to fire up Twitch and do it better. He wouldn’t mind. Because that’s not why he’s doing what he’s doing.


If casting shade on J_sat and his videos is a meme then it’s definitely a stupid one.

Try hunter on BH xbow, it’s extremely OP. And you can still keep your ammo up easily by farming melee kills and switching back to range. It’s a bit more of a challenge, but it really pays off. You can pretty much always keep up the hunter buff for that sweet extra damage.

I should make my sarcasm a little more obvious, then :wink:

I was in the same spot, and started using slayer and whc, now I finished the slayer all legend.
The average player (I am in this group) needs to train a lot using the squishiest and, as you wrote, avoid damage. So learn the patterns, how to move/attack/evade (when, where and the way).
I went from dying few times in a match, to once, to mostly not dying.
But I noticed I need a lot of focus, and I can’t do that every time, so if I don’t feel like at 90%, I just drop in champ for few easy runs :stuck_out_tongue: .
But sometimes the game is unforgiving, like the 90°/180° heavy attacks of sv/wc and friends and the ghost hits (the charged ones leave you open to anything if you’re trying to get the perfect timing for a quick mob clean)

Yeah, that’s absolutely true, and even more so with squishy heroes. On Legend getting assassin’d or packmaster’d without a teammate to immediately rescue you is pretty much death for anybody. But when you’re squishy a lot of things will one-shot you from full-health if you mess up your timing or miss the fact that an elite near you is about to drop an overhead strike. So it’s a game of “not messing up” from start to finish, which as you say demands a lot of focus. If I’m getting tired the game can stop being fun because of repeated FAILS on my part. In that event I just take a break :stuck_out_tongue:

You should add that if someone need a confirm about his skills, just watch when he’s playing with other guys.
Usually J_sat is managing the group and making the calls about the map progression, while talking with the chat.
Obviously there are also other really good players (in my opinion) like Cracklax and FuPlaayz (just mentioning them because i used to follow them also on twich, so I’m sure there are more).
In any case, why talking behind others like this? We are all on the same boat (enjoying/cursing) :stuck_out_tongue:

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I agree, it took time for me to learn this. When I started playing I wasn’t aware of the level of focus needed, you know, “it’s a game” :stuck_out_tongue: and playing mostly ib / pyrobeam didn’t help to improve my attention.

This was more or less precisely what I was aiming at with my snide remark. I apologize if I didn’t make that clear enough.

Ah don’t worry, when I answered I was just completing againpyromancer message and didn’t read yet your very next message about the sarcasm :stuck_out_tongue: so I also apologize if I sounded like a teacher giving a lesson about morals :stuck_out_tongue:

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i personally haven’t watched his youtube vids, but that’s a good attitude that i wish more people would adopt. instead of trying out a class/loadout and deciding instantly that it sucks instead of figuring out how to use their strengths.

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