me and some friends were doing legend runs last night did 5 in a row with out any challenge,it felt as easy as a walk in the park.
before it felt like you had to call out the mobs that spawn because of how quickly they could over whelm you,
from what i could tell it seems like the damage from the rats might have been nerfed but im not sure because we had a kruber knight in our group and i was running ironbraker.
i also noticed there were not vary many armoured or special spawns until the last lag of the maps then they were flying at us left and right but had no issues dealing with them all, along with the countless stormvermin, and this all depends on the map too, some were even easyer than others .
and from time to time we would get a wave but it would be real short and many in my party were left confused and wondering…was that it??.