I don’t believe Fatshark themselves now what is going on.
Perhaps another case of missing lines of base code.
They should just release the mod support so that other people can start fixing problems FS obviously can’t.
kinda why I’d say 2 grims equals at least 150% (1.5) orange items in your box and every tome 20-25% towards a 2nd, that way you’d get a more distributed greenblueorange scheme that could be kept entirely seperate from red and cosmetic droprates. I’m currently at a point where I’d love to get actual 300 power orange drops for playtesting new weapons but am forced to craft them because I either get <300 items or roll full blues/greens all the time.
Perhaps a poor suggestion but even the VT1 system felt more consistent in terms of getting good loot for getting good runs where it seems full-on-rngsus in VT2. And don’t get me wrong, I make do - I just see room for improvements for the director and loot system (mission board, I miss you.)
(the rarity of boxes is kinda obsolete when you can get garbage in an emperor chest that you could’ve gotten out of a recruits chest so to speak)
I’m lucky in that I’m at least close to perfect in the stats I want but I’ve been at single-digit greens for weeks now, making rolling even my reds a pain. I’m blown away that they didn’t launch VT2 with VT1’s Deeds and Contracts system already built in. Great for retention, you feel like you’re actually earning the things you want, and you’re not RNGesus’ beotch.
I wonder if the loot changes we’ve observed are directly linked. It’s a frustrating feeling not knowing what’s going on. It’s almost as though someone applied patches to an older, buggier version by accident and uploaded it instead of going off the latest stable release or something.
Another side note: The existing deed system is pointless (aside from for fun), unbalanced, and obnoxious. Especially “Back to Basics,” which results in a gruelingly long run for like… a merchant’s chest. At minimum, deeds should come with a fixed veteran item reward.
Edit: The fact you can get veteran items from 1 book one tome speed runs is kinda bs.
Speak for yourself
It was a complete disaster, having every n00b run around in all the precious hats and trinkets I had earned through sweat and tears
It is great fun though, and the deed stays there even if you fail, so you can play it again. Face it guys, this game is even less loot-centric than the last
Loot is kind of irrelevant once you hit power 300 and roll half-decent oranges for all careers
The deed system was a fun idea but poorly implemented. I expected it to be an addition to a pre-existing mission board where you could sign up for ‘‘crazy challenge runs’’ with silly fun and extra droprates.
I think a fixed veteran item reward would stink with the current implementation because of the variety of difficulties and all the ‘‘weaker’’ deeds that rarely anyone plays because the reward isnt really worth it and the fact that you can’t quickplay those. If they fixed it though, then I’d be all for trying the harder runs at a prospect of a guaranteed vet item.
I disagree. VT1’s crafting system meant it was pretty easy to make perfect or near-perfect items. Being able to improve your existing properties instead of rerolling the entire weapon and hoping for the best meant you never had to risk blowing up your gear while trying to upgrade yourself. There were very few reds that had any real value in VT1 because you could just make an equivalent exotic and only a few reds had useful “impossible” property combinations.
In VT2, because of the lack of aforementioned crafting control, reds are mandatory for all be the most extremely lucky or to those who only ever intend on playing a single character a single way. You just can’t realistically roll the stats you want/need on that many exotics… and that’s coming from someone who’s been extremely lucky and got perfect rolls of perfect properties on a few of my favourite weapons for two or three characters just in drops. Sometimes, trying to get even passable properties on something can eat up hundreds of greens.
Edit: BH is a good example of a class that needs pretty specific properties maxed out. On most classes, you can get by with a few different combinations of properties as long as you get the most important one but on other classes you really gotta get both properties and it’s a whoore.
That’s fair… iunno… VT1 Deeds and Contracts is a perfect system that encouraged me to log in every day and earn some keys. They really shoulda just started with that.
It’s like they built a mold with VT1, then instead of expanding upon and improving that mold with VT2 they just scrapped it and started from scratch.
Pro-tip: Run with 2 tanks, or tanklike characters. This is the 1.05 and 1.06 meta.
Tank must be able to fearlessly dive into hordes (be able to, not necessarily yolo)
I am seriously thinking of taking up zealot for that reason, tbh
Lol… Seriously? Bring a huntsman and/or shade, or change up your tactics. If a horde comes mid boss, have one person kite the boss while the others deal with horde. Don’t kite / run forward with the boss or you may trigger a horde upon yourself. Also a generally good idea during boss to have a designated person as lookout to take care of any specials or call things out to the team.
Boss + horde + (unknown) is one of the biggest challenges in the game, but yes it’s totally doable with good teamwork.
been having good times as unchained with
- IB/merc/footknight/Handmaiden
- Shade or slayer
- WHC/BH/Waystalker/Huntsman
Been seeing a lot less Zealots so can’t speak for those but any of the above configurations mixed together have worked well for me with me playing as offtank specialkiller holding corridors with hordes or peeling for allies.
it usually quickly becomes quite trivial if you tell people to ‘‘focus horde/adds’’ as it spawns to simply warn them to keep their eyes peeled and not tunnelvision. It gets worse when you get an unobservant team that doesn’t deal with a hookrat/assassin.
Generally best to play these games as a team but each with your own agenda; survival. It’s rare that you get groups where you get to rely on someone else to cover your back, in most cases it’s best to assume something is about to stab you if you haven’t swiveled the camera in the past few seconds.
How to be good at Vermintide in a nutshell I love it
Not just legend. When I get hit with 3 blightstormers (2 of them outside of view as they were behind fences and behind rocks at the same time) 2 hookrats, a globadier, and a bloodly black rat platoon at the flipping same time in Veteran. What the fork is going on?
Well, most of my ruined games in legend isnt sick specials spawn like guys writing about 6 at time, but that sick combo of boss + 2 sided wave/ambush and bunch of elites draw in while time going specials coming in.
My thoughts for every unlucky boss spawn (in corridor)
“Well, we have to go back, but, in 15 seconds or smth wave or ambush will happen, and boss will still be at full hp. Then bunch of specials will go in. Its almost guaranteed wipe. Better fight boss in that corridor, where you can barely flank him or do side dodge, and hope kill him fast AF”
And sometimes boss spawn happens like on Festering Ground in the area of second tome. You jumping from cave to the mountain path. No way back. Hearing Rat Ogre rawr. Pressing F to pay respect.
my win rate for legend on quickplay is about maybe 20%. of course, it largely depends on the players i get, and i can immediately tell if it’s going to be an easy run or a run where i have to nanny my team really hard. here are the top indicators of a bad run in progress:
players ignore or don’t know how to listen for specials. good teams will NOT allow a gasrat or strangler to lurk behind while they push up, they’ll hunt it down asap.
speed of special kills. a good run consists of MULTIPLE players willing and able to kill a leech teleporting behind a party asap. a bad run usually has just me responding to a leech. similar if there’s a firerat in the middle of a horde, or an assassin skittering about in sight.
aiding players. when an assassin pounces me, if the team takes a few seconds to respond even if they’re right next to me, it’s a bad sign. if someone gets downed in a rescuable area but no one is really moving to help, it’s a bad sign.
positioning. when a horde call comes, good teams will STOP advancing, move back and hunker down in a defensible area. bad teams will keep trying to push FORWARD to meet the horde, and usually will trigger a boss or ambient elites.
patrols. bad teams skirt the edges of patrol aggro, as if trying to dare the director into throwing them a banana peel to slip on. why? give patrols a WIDE berth, like run far away. most of the players don’t understand that patrols come back the way they came, and end up aggroing when they get caught in a horde. also don’t even aim in their direction when shooting random mobs.
danger areas. this is the hardest thing i see people struggle with. on every map there are danger areas where large concentrations of elites and posibility of patrols and spawns are high. just sit back, pull stuff with ranged and let them come to you instead of wading in and aggroing everything including a boss. this is the main reason why people feel that “everything comes to them at once” because they’re simply going too fast.
it’s legend mode. slow down, take it easy, pace things right, more wins will come your way.
I’d like to weigh in on patrols as I see a lot of people have trouble with them in terms of how far away to stay and how to generally avoid them.
Patrols have visions cones in front of them. Meaning you can basically stay 1 or 2 metres behind them without them noticing you. There is no need to stay far back when a patrol has turned their back on you. I find following them closely to be the most effective thing you can do until you can leave the area.
Learned this from one of Jsat’s coaching sessions on twitch.
trouble is, many groups i see do this and end up getting caught fighting a horde, then the patrol comes back after a long horde/specials fight and screws them over.
it’s great of course if you’re scurrying to get out of range of the patrol, but for certain areas, following them isn’t a good idea. very situational, needs foresight.
Save your tips m8, the AI director is broken. I don’t need you to tell me what to do.